Service Ingress and Egress QoS Policy Command Reference

Command Hierarchies

Service Ingress QoS Policy Commands

— qos
sap-ingress {policy-id | policy-name} [create]
— no sap-ingress {policy-id | policy-name}
default-fc fc-name
— no default-fc
default-priority {low | high}
description description-string
— no description
dot1p dot1p-priority [fc fc-name] [priority {low | high}]
— no dot1p dot1p-priority
dscp dscp-name [dscp-name... up to 8] [fc fc-name] [priority {low | high}]
— no dscp dscp-name [dscp-name... up to 8]
cbs {size [bytes | kilobytes] | default}
— no cbs
mbs {size [bytes | kilobytes] | default}
— no mbs
packet-byte-offset {add bytes | subtract bytes}
parent arbiter-name [weight weight-within-level] [level level]
— no parent
range start-entry policer-id count count
— no range
stat-mode {no-stats | minimal | offered-profile-no-cir | offered-priority-no-cir | offered-limited-profile-cir | offered-profile-cir | offered-priority-cir | offered-total-cir | offered-profile-capped-cir | offered-limited-capped-cir}
— no stat-mode
fc fc-name [create]
— no fc fc-name
broadcast-policer policer-id [fp-redirect-group]
broadcast-queue queue-id [group queue-group-name]
egress-fc fc-name
— no egress-fc
in-remark {dscp dscp-name | prec ip-prec-value}
— no in-remark
multicast-policer policer-id [fp-redirect-group]
multicast-queue queue-id [group queue-group-name]
out-remark {dscp dscp-name | prec ip-prec-value}
— no out-remark
policer policer-id [fp-redirect-group]
— no policer
profile {in | out}
— no profile
queue queue-id [group queue-group-name]
— no queue
unknown-policer policer-id [fp-redirect-group]
unknown-queue queue-id [group queue-group-name]
[no] ip-criteria
[no] entry entry-id [create]
— no entry entry-id
action [fc fc-name] [priority {high | low}] [policer policer-id]
— no action
description description-string
match [protocol protocol-id]
— no match
dscp dscp-name
— no dscp
dst-ip {ip-address/mask | ip-address [ipv4-address-mask] | ip-prefix-list prefix-list-name}
— no dst-ip
dst-port {lt | gt | eq} dst-port-number
dst-port range start end
— no dst-port
fragment {true | false}
— no fragment
src-ip {ip-address/mask | ip-address [ipv4-address-mask] | ip-prefix-list prefix-list-name}
— no src-ip
src-port {lt | gt | eq} src-port-number
src-port range start end
— no src-port
vxlan-vni [eq vxlan-vni-id | range vxlan-vni-id vxlan-vni-id ]
— no vxlan-vni
renum old-entry-id new-entry-id
type filter-type
— no type
[no] ipv6-criteria
entry entry-id [create]
— no entry entry-id
action [fc fc-name] [priority {low| high}] [policer policer-id]
— no action
description description-string
match [next-header next-header]
— no match
dscp dscp-name
— no dscp
dst-ip {ipv6-address/prefix-length | ipv6-address ipv6-address-mask}
— no dst-ip
dst-port {lt | gt | eq} dst-port-number
dst-port range start end
— no dst-port
fragment {true | false | first-only | non-first-only}
— no fragment
src-ip {ipv6-address/prefix-length | ipv6-address ipv6-address-mask}
— no src-ip
src-port {lt | gt | eq} src-port-number
src-port range start end
— no src-port
vxlan-vni [eq vxlan-vni-id | range start end]
— no vxlan-vni
renum old-entry-id new-entry-id
type filter-type
— no type
lsp-exp lsp-exp-value [fc fc-name] [priority {low | high}]
— no lsp-exp lsp-exp-value
[no] mac-criteria
[no] entry entry-id
action [fc fc-name] [priority {low | high}] [policer policer-id]
— no action
description description-string
match [frame-type {802dot3 | 802dot2-llc | 802dot2-snap | ethernet-II | atm}]
— no match
atm-vci vci-value
— no atm-vci
dot1p dot1p-value [dot1p-mask]
— no dot1p
dsap dsap-value [dsap-mask]
— no dsap
dst-mac ieee-address [ieee-address-mask]
— no dst-mac
etype etype-value
— no etype
inner-tag value [vid-mask]
— no inner-tag
outer-tag value [vid-mask]
— no outer-tag
snap-oui [zero | non-zero]
— no snap-oui
snap-pid snap-pid
— no snap-pid
src-mac ieee-address [ieee-address-mask]
— no src-mac
ssap ssap-value [ssap-mask]
— no ssap
renum old-entry-number new-entry-number
type filter-type
— no type
policer policer-id [create]
— no policer policer-id
adaptation-rule pir {max | min | closest}] [cir {max | min | closest}]
adv-config-policy policy-name
description description-string
cbs {size [bytes | kilobytes] | default}
— no cbs
high-prio-only percent-of-mbs
mbs {size [bytes | kilobytes] | default}
— no mbs
packet-byte-offset {add bytes | subtract bytes}
parent arbiter-name [weight weight-within-level] [level level]
— no parent
percent-rate pir-percent [cir cir-percent]
rate {max | pir-rate} [cir {max | cir-rate}]
— no rate
stat-mode {no-stats | minimal | offered-profile-no-cir | offered-priority-no-cir | offered-limited-profile-cir | offered-profile-cir | offered-priority-cir | offered-total-cir | offered-profile-capped-cir | offered-limited-capped-cir}
— no stat-mode
policy-name policy-name
prec ip-prec-value [fc fc-name] [priority {low | high}]
— no prec ip-prec-value
queue queue-id [multipoint] [queue-type] [queue-mode] [create]
— no queue queue-id
adaptation-rule [pir {max | min | closest}]] [cir {max | min | closest}]]
adv-config-policy policy-name
burst-limit size [bytes | kilobytes]
cbs size-in-kbytes
— no cbs
hi-low-prio-only percent
high-prio-only percent
mbs size [bytes | kilobytes]
— no mbs
packet-byte-offset {add bytes | subtract bytes}
parent scheduler-name [weight weight] [level level] [cir-weight cir-weight] [cir-level cir-level]
— no parent
percent-rate pir-percent [cir cir-percent] [port-limit | local-limit]
percent-rate pir-percent police [port-limit | local-limit]
pool pool-name
— no pool
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate | police]
— no rate
scope {exclusive | template}
— no scope
sub-insert-shared-pccrule start-entry entry-id count count

Service Egress QoS Policy Commands

— qos
sap-egress {policy-id | policy-name} [create]
— no sap-egress {policy-id | policy-name}
description description-string
dot1p dot1p-value [fc fc-name] [profile {in | out | exceed | inplus}]
— no dot1p dot1p-value
dscp dscp-list [hsmda-counter-override counter-id] [fc fc-name] [profile {in | out | exceed | inplus}]
— no dscp dscp-list
cbs {size [bytes | kilobytes] | default}
— no cbs
mbs {size [bytes | kilobytes] | default}
— no mbs
packet-byte-offset {add bytes | subtract bytes}
parent arbiter-name [level level] [weight weight-within-level]
— no parent
range start-entry policer-id count count
— no range
stat-mode {no-stats | minimal | offered-profile-no-cir | offered-profile-cir | offered-total-cir | offered-limited-capped-cir | offered-profile-capped-cir | offered-total-cir-exceed}
— no stat-mode
[no] ethernet-ctag
fc fc-name [create]
— no fc fc-name
[no] de-mark [force de-value]
de-mark-inner [force de-value]
de-mark-outer [force de-value]
dot1p {dot1p-value | in-profile dot1p-value out-profile dot1p-value [exceed-profile dot1p-value]}
— no dot1p
dot1p-inner {dot1p-value | in-profile dot1p-value out-profile dot1p-value}
dot1p-outer {dot1p-value | in-profile dot1p-value out-profile dot1p-value [exceed-profile dot1p-value]}
dscp {dscp-name | in-profile dscp-name out-profile dscp-name [exceed-profile dscp-name]}
— no dscp
queue queue-id [port-redirect-group-queue]
[no] queue
policer policer-id [{[port-redirect-group-queue] [queue queue-id] | group queue-group-name [instance instance-id] [queue group-queue-id]}]
— no policer
prec {ip-prec-value | in-profile ip-prec-value out-profile ip-prec-value [exceed-profile ip-prec-value]}
— no prec
queue queue-id [{group queue-group-name [instance instance-id] | port-redirect-group-queue}]
— no queue
low-burst-max-class class-id
packet-byte-offset {add add-bytes | subtract sub-bytes}
[no] queue queue-id
adaptation-rule [pir adaptation-rule]
burst-limit size [bytes | kilobytes]
mbs {size [bytes | kilobytes] | default}
— no mbs
rate {pir-rate | max}
— no rate
slope-policy hsmda-slope-policy-name
wrr-weight weight
— no wrr-weight
wrr-policy wrr-policy-name
— no wrr-policy
[no] ip-criteria
entry entry-id [create]
— no entry entry-id
action [hsmda-counter-override counter-id] [fc fc-name] [profile {in | out | exceed | inplus}] [policer policer-id [port-redirect-group-queue queue queue-id  | queue queue-id | use-fc-mapped-queue]]
— no action
description description string
match [protocol protocol-id]
— no match
dscp dscp-name
— no dscp
dst-ip{ip-address/mask | ip-address [ipv4-address-mask] | ip-prefix-list prefix-list-name}
— no dst-ip
dst-port {lt | gt | cq} dst-port-number
dst-port range start end
— no dst-port
fragment {true | false}
— no fragment
src-ip {ip-address/mask | ip-address [ipv4-address-mask] | ip-prefix-list prefix-list-name}
— no src-ip
src-port {lt | gt | eq} src-port-number
src-port range start end
— no src-port
renum old-entry-id new-entry-id
[no] ipv6-criteria
entry entry-id [create]
— no entry entry-id
action [hsmda-counter-override counter-id] [fc fc-name] [profile {in | out}] [policer policer-id [{port-redirect-group-queue queue queue-id | queue queue-id | use-fc-mapped-queue}]
— no action
description description string
match [next-header next header]
— no match
dscp dscp-name
— no dscp
dst-ip {ipv6-address/prefix-length | ipv6-address ipv6-address-mask}
— no dst-ip
dst-port {lt | gt | eq} dst-port-number
dst-port range start end
— no dst-port
src-ip {ipv6-address/prefix-length | ipv6-address ipv6-address-mask}
— no src-ip
src-port {lt | gt | eq} src-port-number
src-port range start end
— no src-port
renum old-entry-number new-entry-number
parent-location {default | sla}
policer policer-id [create]
— no policer policer-id
adaptation-rule [pir {max | min | closest}] [cir {max | min | closest}]
adv-config-policy adv-config-policy-name
cbs {size [bytes | kilobytes] | default}
description description string
high-prio-only percent-of-mbs
mbs {size [bytes | kilobytes] | default}
packet-byte-offset {add bytes | subtract bytes}
parent arbiter-name [level level] [weight weight-within-level]
— no parent
percent-rate pir-percent [cir cir-percent]
port-parent [weight weight] [level level] [cir-weight cir-weight] [cir-level cir-level]
rate {max | pir-rate} [cir {max | cir-rate}]
scheduler-parent scheduler-name [weight weight] [level level] [cir-weight cir-weight] [cir-level cir-level]
stat-mode {no-stats | minimal | offered-profile-no-cir | offered-profile-cir | offered-total-cir | offered-limited-capped-cir | offered-profile-capped-cir | offered-total-cir-exceed | offered-four-profile-no-cir | offered-total-cir-four-profile}
— no stat-mode
policy-name policy-name
prec ip-prec-value [hsmda-counter-override counter-id] [fc fc-name] [profile {in | out | exceed | inplus}]
— no prec ip-prec-value
queue queue-id [queue-type] [create]
— no queue queue-id
adaptation-rule [pir {max | min | closest}] [cir {max | min | closest}]
adv-config-policy policy-name
avg-frame-overhead percent
cbs size
— no cbs
hi-low-prio-only percent
high-prio-only percent
mbs size [bytes | kilobytes]
— no mbs
packet-byte-offset {add add-bytes | subtract sub-bytes}
parent scheduler-name [weight weight] [level level] [cir-weight cir-weight] [cir-level cir-level]
— no parent
percent-rate pir-percent [cir cir-percent] [port-limit | local-limit]
pool pool-name
— no pool
port-parent [weight weight] [level level] [cir-weight cir-weight] [cir-level cir-level]
rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
— no rate
wred-queue [policy slope-policy-name] [mode {native | pool-per-queue}] [slope-usage {default | exceed-low}]
— no wred-queue
scope {exclusive | template}
— no scope
sub-insert-shared-pccrule start-entry entry-id count count
— qos
ip-prefix-list ip-prefix-list-name [create]
— no ip-prefix-list ip-prefix-list-name
description string
[no] prefix ip-prefix/prefix-length

Operational Commands

— qos
copy sap-egress src-pol dst-pol [overwrite]
copy sap-ingress src-pol dst-pol [overwrite]
copy hsmda-pool-policy src-name dst-name [overwrite]
copy hsmda-scheduler-policy src-name dst-name [overwrite]
copy hsmda-slope-policy src-name dst-name [overwrite]
copy named-pool-policy src-name dst-name [overwrite]

Show Commands

— qos
sap-ingress [policy-id] [association | match-criteria | hsmda | detail]
sap-egress [policy-id] [association | match-criteria | hsmda | detail]
sap-egress summary

Command Descriptions

Configuration Commands

Generic Commands


description description-string
no description

This command creates a text description stored in the configuration file for a configuration context.

The no form of this command removes any description string from the context.


No description is associated with the configuration context.

A text string describing the entity. Allowed values are any string up to 80 printable, 7-bit ASCII characters. If the string contains special characters (#, $, spaces, etc.), the entire string must be enclosed within double quotes.

Operational Commands


copy sap-egress src-pol dst-pol [overwrite]
copy sap-ingress src-pol dst-pol [overwrite]
copy hsmda-pool-policy src-name dst-name [overwrite]
copy hsmda-scheduler-policy src-name dst-name [overwrite]
copy hsmda-slope-policy src-name dst-name [overwrite]
copy named-pool-policy src-name dst-name [overwrite]

This command copies existing QoS policy entries for a QoS policy-id to another QoS policy-id.

The copy command is a configuration level maintenance tool used to create new policies using existing policies. It also allows bulk modifications to an existing policy with the use of the overwrite keyword.

sap-egress src-pol dst-pol
Indicates that the source policy ID and the destination policy ID are sap-egress policy IDs. Specify the source policy ID that the copy command will attempt to copy from and specify the destination policy ID to then the command will copy a duplicate of the policy.
1 to 65535
sap-ingress src-pol dst-pol
Indicates that the source policy ID and the destination policy ID are SAP ingress policy IDs. Specify the source policy ID that the copy command will attempt to copy from and specify the destination policy ID to then the command will copy a duplicate of the policy.
1 to 65535
hsmda-pool-policy src-name dst-name
Indicates that the source HSMDA pool policy ID and the destination policy ID are HSMDA pool policy IDs. Specify the source policy ID that the copy command will attempt to copy from and specify the destination policy ID to then the command will copy a duplicate of the policy. This parameter applies only to the 7450 ESS and 7750 SR.
hsmda-scheduler-policy src-name dst-name
Indicates that the source HSMDA scheduler policy ID and the destination policy ID are HSMDA scheduler policy IDs. Specify the source policy ID that the copy command will attempt to copy from and specify the destination policy ID to then the command will copy a duplicate of the policy. This parameter applies only to the 7450 ESS and 7750 SR.
hsmda-slope-policy src-name dst-name
Indicates that the source HSMDA slope policy ID and the destination policy ID are HSMDA slope policy IDs. Specify the source policy ID that the copy command will attempt to copy from and specify the destination policy ID to then the command will copy a duplicate of the policy. This parameter applies only to the 7450 ESS and 7750 SR.
Specifies to replace the existing destination policy. Everything in the existing destination policy will be overwritten with the contents of the source policy. If overwrite is not specified, an error will occur if the destination policy ID exists.
SR>config>qos# copy sap-egress 1 1010
MINOR: CLI Destination "1010" exists use {overwrite}.
SR>config>qos# copy sap-egress 1 1010 overwrite

Service Ingress QoS Policy Commands


[no] sap-ingress {policy-id | policy-name} [create]

This command is used to create or edit the ingress policy. The ingress policy defines the SLA enforcement service packets receive as they ingress a SAP. SLA enforcement is accomplished through the definition of queues that have Forwarding Class (FC), Committed Information Rate (CIR), Peak Information Rate (PIR), Committed Burst Size (CBS), and Maximum Burst Size (MBS) characteristics.

Policies in effect are templates that can be applied to multiple services as long as the scope of the policy is template. Queues defined in the policy are not instantiated until they are assigned to at least one forwarding class and a policy is applied to a service SAP.

It is possible that a SAP ingress policy will include the dscp map command, the dot1p map command and an IP or MAC match criteria. When multiple matches occur for the traffic, the order of precedence will be used to arrive at the final action. The order of precedence is as follows:

  1. 802.1p bits
  2. DSCP
  3. IP Quintuple or MAC headers

The SAP ingress policy with policy-id 1 is a system-defined policy applied to services when no other policy is explicitly specified. The system SAP ingress policy cannot be modified or deleted. The default SAP ingress policy defines one unicast and one multipoint queue associated with all forwarding classes, with a CIR of zero and a PIR of line rate.

Any changes made to the existing policy, using any of the sub-commands are applied immediately to all services where this policy is applied. For this reason, when many changes are required on a policy, it is recommended that the policy be copied to a work area policy ID. That work-in-progress policy can be modified until complete then written over the original policy-id. Use the config qos copy command to maintain policies in this manner.

The no sap-ingress policy-id command deletes the SAP ingress policy. A policy cannot be deleted until it is removed from all services where it is applied.

policy-id —
The policy-id uniquely identifies the policy.
1 to 65535
The policy-name uniquely identifies the policy.
Valid names consist of any string up to 64 characters long. Policies must first be created with a policy-id, after then a policy-name can be assigned and used as an alias to reference the policy during configuration changes. Policy names may not begin with a number (0-9) or the underscore “_” character (for example, _myPolicy). “default” can not be used as policy names. Saved configurations and display output from the info and most show commands will show the policy-id (not the policy-name) where the policies are referenced.
Required parameter when creating a SAP QoS ingress policy.


default-fc fc-name
no default-fc

This command configures the default forwarding class for the policy. In the event that an ingress packet does not match a higher priority (more explicit) classification command, the default forwarding class or subclass will be associated with the packet. Unless overridden by an explicit forwarding class classification rule, all packets received on an ingress SAP using this ingress QoS policy will be classified to the default forwarding class. Optionally, the default ingress enqueuing priority for the traffic can be overridden as well.

The default forwarding class is best effort (be). The default-fc settings are displayed in the show configuration and save output regardless of inclusion of the detail keyword.



fc-name —
Specify the forwarding class name for the queue. The value given for fc-name must be one of the predefined forwarding classes in the system.

The subclass-name parameter is optional and used with the fc-name parameter to define a preexisting subclass. The fc-name and subclass-name parameters must be separated by a period (dot). If subclass-name does not exist in the context of fc -name, an error will occur. If subclass-name is removed using the no fc fc-name.subclass-name force command, the default-fc command will automatically drop the subclass-name and only use fc-name (the parent forwarding class for the subclass) as the forwarding class.




class: be, l2, af, l1, h2, ef, h1, nc

subclass: 29 characters max


default-priority {high | low}
no default-priority

This command configures the default enqueuing priority for all packets received on an ingress SAP using this policy. To change the default priority for the policy, the fc-name must be defined whether it is being changed or not.



Setting the enqueuing parameter to high for a packet increases the likelihood of enqueuing the packet when the ingress queue is congested. Ingress enqueuing priority only affects ingress SAP queuing, once the packet is placed in a buffer on the ingress queue, the significance of the enqueuing priority is lost.
Setting the enqueuing parameter to low for a packet decreases the likelihood of enqueuing the packet when the ingress queue is congested. Ingress enqueuing priority only affects ingress SAP queuing, once the packet is placed in a buffer on the ingress queue, the significance of the enqueuing priority is lost.


dot1p dot1p-priority [fc fc-name] [priority {low | high}]
no dot1p dot1p-priority

This command explicitly sets the forwarding class or subclass or enqueuing priority when a packet is marked with a dot1p-priority specified. Adding a dot1p rule on the policy forces packets that match the dot1p-priority specified to override the forwarding class and enqueuing priority based on the parameters included in the dot1p rule. When the forwarding class is not specified in the rule, a matching packet preserves (or inherits) the existing forwarding class derived from earlier matches in the classification hierarchy. When the enqueuing priority is not specified in the rule, a matching packet preserves (or inherits) the existing enqueuing priority derived from earlier matches in the classification hierarchy.

The dot1p-priority is derived from the most significant three bits in the IEEE 802.1q or IEEE 802.1p header. The three dot1p bits define 8 Class-of-Service (CoS) values commonly used to map packets to per-hop QoS behavior.

The no form of this command removes the explicit dot1p classification rule from the SAP ingress policy. Removing the rule on the policy immediately removes the rule on all ingress SAPs using the policy.

This value is a required parameter that specifies the unique IEEE 802.1p value that will match the dot1p rule. If the command is executed multiple times with the same dot1p-value, the previous forwarding class and enqueuing priority is completely overridden by the new parameters or defined to be inherited when a forwarding class or enqueuing priority parameter is missing.

A maximum of eight dot1p rules are allowed on a single policy.

0 to 7
fc fc-name
The value given for the fc-name parameter must be one of the predefined forwarding classes in the system. Specifying the fc-name is optional. When a packet matches the rule, the forwarding class is only overridden when the fc fc-name parameter is defined on the rule. If the packet matches and the forwarding class is not explicitly defined in the rule, the forwarding class is inherited based on previous rule matches.
priority —
This parameter overrides the default enqueuing priority for all packets received on an ingress SAP using this policy that match this rule. Specifying the priority is optional. When a packet matches the rule the enqueuing priority is only overridden when the priority parameter is defined on the rule. If the packet matches and priority is not explicitly defined in the rule, the enqueuing priority is inherited based on previous rule matches.
Inherits the priority defined by the default-priority statement.
This parameter is used in conjunction with the priority parameter. Setting the enqueuing parameter to high for a packet increases the likelihood of enqueuing the packet when the ingress queue is congested. Ingress enqueuing priority only affects ingress SAP queuing. Once the packet is placed in a buffer on the ingress queue, the significance of the enqueuing priority is lost.
This parameter is used in conjunction with the priority parameter. Setting the enqueuing parameter to low for a packet decreases the likelihood of enqueuing the packet when the ingress queue is congested. Ingress enqueuing priority only affects ingress SAP queuing, once the packet is placed in a buffer on the ingress queue, the significance of the enqueuing priority is lost.


dscp dscp-name [dscp-name...(up to 8 max)] fc fc-name [priority {low | high}]
no dscp dscp-name [dscp-name...(up to 8 max)]

This command explicitly sets the forwarding class or subclass or enqueuing priority when a packet is marked with the DiffServ Code Point (DSCP) value contained in the dscp-name. A list of up to 8 dscp-names can be entered on a single command. The lists of dscp-names within the configuration are managed by the system to ensure that each list does not exceed 8 names. Entering more than 8 dscp-names with the same parameters (fc, priority) will result in multiple lists being created. Conversely, multiple lists with the same parameters (fc, priority) are merged and the lists repacked to a maximum of 8 per list if dscp-names are removed or the parameters changed so the multiple lists use the same parameters. Also, if a subset of a list is entered with different parameters then a new list will be created for the subset. When the list is stored in the configuration, the dscp-names are sorted by their DSCP value in ascending numerical order, consequently the order in the configuration may not be exactly what the user entered.

Adding a DSCP rule on the policy forces packets that match the DSCP value specified to override the forwarding class and enqueuing priority based on the parameters included in the DSCP rule. When the forwarding class is not specified in the rule, a matching packet preserves (or inherits) the existing forwarding class derived from earlier matches in the classification hierarchy. When the enqueuing priority is not specified in the rule, a matching packet preserves (or inherits) the existing enqueuing priority derived from earlier matches in the classification hierarchy.

The DSCP value (referred to here by dscp-name) is derived from the most significant six bits in the IPv4 header ToS byte field (DSCP bits) or the Traffic Class field from the IPv6 header. If the packet does not have an IP header, dscp based matching is not performed. The six DSCP bits define 64 DSCP values used to map packets to per-hop Quality-of-Service (QoS) behavior. The most significant three bits in the IP header ToS byte field are also commonly used in a more traditional manner to specify an IP precedence value, causing an overlap between the precedence space and the DSCP space. Both IP precedence and DSCP classification rules are supported.

DSCP rules have a higher match priority than IP precedence rules and where a dscp-name DSCP value overlaps an ip-prec-value, the DSCP rule takes precedence.

The no form of the command removes the specified the dscp-names from the explicit DSCP classification rule in the SAP ingress policy. As dscp-names are removed, the system repacks the lists of dscp-names with the same parameters (up to 8 per list). As the no command does not have any additional parameters, it is possible to remove multiple dscp-names from multiple DSCP statements having different parameters with one command. If a dscp-name specified in a no command does not exist in any DSCP statement, then the command is aborted at that point with an error message displayed; any dscp-names in the list before the failed entry will be processed as normal but the processing will stop at the failed entry so that the remainder of the list is not processed.

Removing the dscp-name from the policy immediately removes the dscp-name on all ingress SAPs using the policy.

This is supported on FP2- and higher-based line cards for the 7450 ESS.

The DSCP name is a required parameter that specifies the unique IP header ToS byte DSCP bits value that will match the DSCP rule. If the command is executed multiple times with the same dscp-name, the previous forwarding class and enqueuing priority is completely overridden by the new parameters or defined to be inherited when a forwarding class or enqueuing priority parameter is missing.

A maximum of 64 DSCP rules are allowed on a single policy and a maximum of 8 dscp-names can be specified in a single statement.

The specified name must exist as a dscp-name. SR OS software provides names for the well-known code points these can be shown using the command below:

A:PE# show qos dscp-table
DSCP Mapping
DSCP Name      DSCP Value     TOS (bin)      TOS (hex)
be             0              0000 0000      00
cp1            1              0000 0100      04
cp2            2              0000 1000      08
cp3            3              0000 1100      0C
cp4            4              0001 0000      10
cp5            5              0001 0100      14
cp6            6              0001 1000      18
cp7            7              0001 1100      1C
cs1            8              0010 0000      20
cp9            9              0010 0100      24
af11           10             0010 1000      28
cp11           11             0010 1100      2C
af12           12             0011 0000      30
cp13           13             0011 0100      34
af13           14             0011 1000      38
cp15           15             0011 1100      3C
cs2            16             0100 0000      40
cp17           17             0100 0100      44
af21           18             0100 1000      48
cp19           19             0100 1100      4C
af22           20             0101 0000      50
cp21           21             0101 0100      54
af23           22             0101 1000      58
cp23           23             0101 1100      5C
cs3            24             0110 0000      60
cp25           25             0110 0100      64
af31           26             0110 1000      68
cp27           27             0110 1100      6C
af32           28             0111 0000      70
cp29           29             0111 0100      74
af33           30             0111 1000      78
cp31           31             0111 1100      7C
cs4            32             1000 0000      80
cp33           33             1000 0100      84
af41           34             1000 1000      88
cp35           35             1000 1100      8C
af42           36             1001 0000      90
cp37           37             1001 0100      94
af43           38             1001 1000      98
cp39           39             1001 1100      9C
cs5            40             1010 0000      A0
cp41           41             1010 0100      A4
cp42           42             1010 1000      A8
cp43           43             1010 1100      AC
cp44           44             1011 0000      B0
cp45           45             1011 0100      B4
ef             46             1011 1000      B8
cp47           47             1011 1100      BC
nc1            48             1100 0000      C0
cp49           49             1100 0100      C4
cp50           50             1100 1000      C8
cp51           51             1100 1100      CC
cp52           52             1101 0000      D0
cp53           53             1101 0100      D4
cp54           54             1101 1000      D8
cp55           55             1101 1100      DC
nc2            56             1110 0000      E0
cp57           57             1110 0100      E4
cp58           58             1110 1000      E8
cp59           59             1110 1100      EC
cp60           60             1111 0000      F0
cp61           61             1111 0100      F4
cp62           62             1111 1000      F8
cp63           63             1111 1100      FC
fc fc-name
The value given for fc-name must be one of the predefined forwarding classes in the system. Specifying the fc-name is optional. When a packet matches the rule the forwarding class is only overridden when the fc fc-name parameter is defined on the rule. If the packet matches and the forwarding class is not explicitly defined in the rule, the forwarding class is inherited based on previous rule matches.

The subclass-name parameter is optional and used with the fc-name parameter to define a preexisting subclass. The fc-name and subclass-name parameters must be separated by a period (dot). If subclass-name does not exist in the context of fc -name, an error will occur. If subclass-name is removed using the no fc fc-name.subclass-name force command, the default-fc command will automatically drop the subclass-name and only use fc-name (the parent forwarding class for the subclass) as the forwarding class.




class: be, l2, af, l1, h2, ef, h1, nc

subclass: 29 characters max

Inherit (When fc fc-name is not defined, the rule preserves the previous forwarding class of the packet.)
priority —
This parameter overrides the default enqueuing priority for all packets received on an ingress SAP using this policy that match this rule. Specifying the priority is optional. When a packet matches the rule the enqueuing priority is only overridden when the priority parameter is defined on the rule. If the packet matches and priority is not explicitly defined in the rule, the enqueuing priority is inherited based on previous rule matches.
Inherits the priority defined by the default-priority statement.
This parameter is used in conjunction with the priority parameter. Setting the enqueuing parameter to high for a packet increases the likelihood of enqueuing the packet when the ingress queue is congested. Ingress enqueuing priority only affects ingress SAP queuing. Once the packet is placed in a buffer on the ingress queue, the significance of the enqueuing priority is lost.
This parameter is used in conjunction with the priority parameter. Setting the enqueuing parameter to low for a packet decreases the likelihood of enqueuing the packet when the ingress queue is congested. Ingress enqueuing priority only affects ingress SAP queuing, once the packet is placed in a buffer on the ingress queue, the significance of the enqueuing priority is lost.



This command enables the context in then common properties for dynamic-policers can be configured. Dynamic policers are instantiated and terminated on demand due to an action request submitted by the policy server (for example via Gx interface). The actions types behind dynamic policers are typically related to rate-limiting or volume monitoring. The dynamic-policers can be instantiated on demand at any time during the lifetime of the sla-profile instance.




range start-entry policer-id count count
no range

This command defines the range of ids for dynamic policers that are created via Gx interface. The no version of the command disables creation of dynamic policers via Gx interface, resulting in a Gx rule instantiation failure.

The no for of the command reverts to the default.


no range

start-entry policer-id
Specifies the lowest entry in the range.
1 to 63
count count
Specifies the number of entries in the range.
1 to 63


fc fc-name [create]
no fc fc-name

The fc command creates a class or subclass instance of the forwarding class fc-name. Once the fc-name is created, classification actions can be applied and the subclass can be used in match classification criteria. Attempting to use an undefined subclass in a classification command will result in an execution error and the command will fail.

The no form of the command removes all the explicit queue mappings for fc-name forwarding types. The queue mappings revert to the default queues for fc-name. To successfully remove a subclass, all associations with the subclass in the classification commands within the policy must first be removed or diverted to another forwarding class or subclass.

The parameter subclass-name is optional and must be defined using a dot separated notation with a preceding valid system-wide forwarding class name. Creating a subclass follows normal naming conventions. Up to sixteen ASCII characters may be used. If the same sub-name is used with two or more forwarding class names, each is considered a different instance of subclass. A subclass must always be specified with its preceding forwarding class name. When a forwarding class is created or specified without the optional subclass, the parent forwarding class is assumed.

Within the SAP ingress QoS policy, up to 56 sub classes may be created. Each of the 56 subclasses may be created within any of the eight parental forwarding classes. Once the limit of 56 is reached, any further subclass creations will fail and the subclass will not exist.

Successfully creating a subclass places the CLI within the context of the subclass for further subclass parameter definitions. Within the subclass context, commands may be executed that define subclass priority (within the parent forwarding class queue mapping), subclass color aware profile settings, subclass in-profile and out-of-profile precedence or DSCP markings.

The subclass-name parameter is optional and used with the fc-name parameter to define a preexisting subclass. The fc-name and subclass-name parameters must be separated by a period (dot). If subclass-name does not exist in the context of fc -name, an error will occur. If subclass-name is removed using the no fc fc-name.subclass-name force command, the default-fc command will automatically drop the subclass-name and only use fc-name (the parent forwarding class for the subclass) as the forwarding class.




class: be, l2, af, l1, h2, ef, h1, nc

subclass: 29 characters max

Required parameter when creating a SAP QoS ingress policy forwarding class.


broadcast-policer policer-id [fp-redirect-group]
no broadcast-policer

Within a sap-ingress QoS policy forwarding class context, the broadcast-policer command is used to map packets that match the forwarding class and are considered broadcast in nature to the specified policer-id. The specified policer-id must already exist within the sap-ingress QoS policy. While the system is determining the forwarding class of a packet, it is also looking up its forwarding destination based on the ingress service type and the service instance forwarding records. If the service type is VPLS and the destination MAC address is the broadcast address (ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff), the packet is classified into the broadcast forwarding type.

Broadcast forwarding type packets are mapped to either an ingress multipoint queue (using the broadcast queue-id or broadcast queue-id group ingress-queue-group commands) or an ingress policer (broadcast-policer policer-id). The broadcast and broadcast-policer commands within the forwarding class context are mutually exclusive. By default, the broadcast forwarding type is mapped to the SAP ingress default multipoint queue. If the broadcast-policer policer-id command is executed, any previous policer mapping or queue mapping for the broadcast forwarding type within the forwarding class is overridden if the policer mapping is successful.

A policer defined within the sap-ingress policy is not actually created on an ingress SAP or a subscriber using an sla-profile where the policy is applied until at least one forwarding type (unicast, broadcast, unknown or multicast) from one of the forwarding classes is mapped to the policer. If insufficient policer resources exist to create the policer for a SAP or subscriber or multiservice site or ingress policing is not supported on the port associated with the SAP or subscriber or multiservice site, the initial forwarding class forwarding type mapping will fail.

The broadcast-policer command is ignored for instances of the policer applied to SAPs or subscribers multiservice site where broadcast packets are not supported.

When the broadcast forwarding type within a forwarding class is mapped to a policer, the broadcast packets classified to the subclasses within the forwarding class are also mapped to the policer.

The no form of this command is used to restore the mapping of the broadcast forwarding type within the forwarding class to the default multipoint queue. If all forwarding class forwarding types had been removed from the default multipoint queue, the queue will not exist on the SAPs or subscribers or multiservice site associated with the QoS policy and the no broadcast-policer command will cause the system to attempt to create the default multipoint queue on each object. If the system cannot create the queue on each instance, the no broadcast-policer command will fail and the broadcast forwarding type within the forwarding class will continue its mapping to the existing policer-id. If the no broadcast-policer command results in a policer without any current mappings, the policer will be removed from the SAPs and subscribers associated with the QoS policy. All statistics associated with the policer on each SAP and subscriber will be lost.

When the forwarding class broadcast-policer command is executed, a valid policer-id must be specified. The parameter policer-id references a policer-id that has already been created within the sap-ingress QoS policy.
1 to 63
Redirects a forwarding class to a forwarding plane queue-group as specified in a SAP QoS policy.


broadcast-queue queue-id [group queue-group-name]
no broadcast queue

This command overrides the default broadcast forwarding type queue mapping for fc fc-name. The specified queue-id must exist within the policy as a multipoint queue before the mapping can be made. Once the forwarding class mapping is executed, all broadcast traffic on a SAP using this policy will be forwarded using the queue-id.

The broadcast forwarding type usually tracks the multicast forwarding type definition. This command overrides that default behavior.

The no form of the command sets the broadcast forwarding type queue-id back to the default of tracking the multicast forwarding type queue mapping.

The queue-id parameter must be an existing, multipoint queue defined in the config>qos>sap-ingress context.
Any valid multipoint queue ID in the policy including 2 through 32.
group queue-group-name
This optional parameter is used to redirect the forwarding type within the forwarding class to the specified queue-id within the queue-group-name. When the policy is applied, all packets matching the forwarding class and forwarding type will be redirected to the queue within the specified queue group. The queue-group-name are configured in the config>qos>queue-group-templates egress and ingress contexts.


[no] de-1-out-profile

This command, when enabled on a parent forwarding class, applies a color profile mode to the packets stored in the queue associated with this forwarding class. The queue associated with the parent forwarding class MUST be of type profile-mode.

When this QoS policy is applied to the ingress of a Frame Relay VLL SAP, the system will treat the received FR frames with DE bit set as out-of-profile regardless of their previous marking as the result of the default classification or on a match with an IP filter. It also adjusts the CIR of the ingress SAP queue to take into account out-of-profile frames then were sent while the SAP queue was in the “< CIR” state of the bucket. This makes sure that the CIR of the SAP is achieved in the long run.

All received DE=0 frames then are classified into this parent forwarding class or any of its subclasses have their profile unchanged by enabling this option. That is the DE=0 frame profile could be undetermined (default), in-profile, or out-of-profile as per previous classification. The DE=0 frames then have a profile of undetermined will be evaluated by the system CIR marking algorithm and will be marked appropriately.

The priority option if used has no effect. All FR VLL DE=1 frames have automatically their priority set to low while DE=0 frames have their priority set to high. Furthermore, DE=1 frames have drop-preference bit set in the internal header. The internal settings of the priority bit and of the drop-preference bit of the frame is independent of the use or not of the profile mode.

All other capabilities of the Fpipe service are maintained. This includes remarking of the DE bit on egress SAP, and FR PW control word on egress network port for the packets then were classified into “out-of-profile” at ingress SAP.

This de-1-out-profile keyword has an effect when applied to the ingress of a SAP then is part of an fpipe service. It can also be used on the ingress of an epipe or vpls SAP.

The no form of the command disables the color profile mode of operation on all SAPs this ingress QoS policy is applied.


no de-1-out-profile


egress-fc fc-name
no egress-fc

This command configures the forwarding class to be used by the egress QOS processing. It overrides the forwarding class determined by ingress classification but no0t the QOS Policy Propagation via BGP.

The forwarding class and/or forwarding subclass can be overridden.

The new egress forwarding class is applicable to both SAP egress and network egress.


no egress-fc

Specifies the forwarding class name to be used by the egress QOS processing.
be, l2, af, l1, h2, ef, h1, nc


in-remark {dscp dscp-name | prec ip-prec-value}
no in-remark

This command is used in a SAP ingress QoS policy to define an explicit in-profile remark action for a forwarding class or subclass. While the SAP ingress QoS policy may be applied to any SAP, the remarking functions are only enforced when the SAP is associated with an IP or subscriber interface (in an IES or VPRN). When the policy is applied to a Layer 2 SAP (i.e., Epipe or VPLS), the remarking definitions are silently ignored.

In the case where the policy is applied to a Layer 3 SAP, the in-profile remarking definition will be applied to packets that have been classified to the forwarding class or subclass. It is possible for a packet to match a classification command that maps the packet to a particular forwarding class or subclass only to have a more explicit (higher priority match) override the association. Only the highest priority match forwarding class or subclass association will drive the in-profile marking.

The in-remark command is only applicable to ingress IP routed packets that are considered in-profile. The profile of a SAP ingress packet is affected by either the explicit in-profile/out-of-profile definitions or the ingress policing function applied to the packet. The following table shows the effect of the in-remark command on received SAP ingress packets. Within the in-profile IP packet’s ToS field, either the six DSCP bits or the three precedence bits are remarked.

SAP Ingress Packet State

‘in-remark’ Command Effect

Non-Routed, Policed In-Profile

No Effect (non-routed packet)

Non-Routed, Policed Out-of-Profile

No Effect (non-routed packet)

Non-Routed, Explicit In-Profile

No Effect (non-routed packet)

Non-Routed, Explicit Out-of-Profile

No Effect (non-routed packet)

IP Routed, Policed In-Profile

in-remark value applied to IP header ToS field

IP Routed, Policed Out-of-Profile

No Effect (out-of-profile packet)

IP Routed, Explicit In-Profile

in-remark value applied to IP header ToS field

IP Routed, Explicit Out-of-Profile

No Effect (out-of-profile packet)

The no form of the command disables ingress remarking of in-profile packets classified to the forwarding class or subclass.

dscp dscp-name
This parameter is one of two mutually exclusive settings that are applicable to the in-remark command. The in-remark command can be configured to either remark the DiffServ Code Point (DSCP) six bit value or the three Precedence bits. The dscp parameter specifies that the matching packets DSCP bits should be overridden with the value represented by dscp-name.

32 characters, maximum, The name specified by dscp-name is used to refer to the six bit value represented by dscp-name. It must be one of the predefined DSCP names defined on the system.

be, cp1, cp2, cp3, cp4, cp5, cp6, cp7, cs1, cp9, af11, cp11, af12, cp13, af13, cp15, cs2, cp17, af21, cp19, af22, cp21, af23, cp23, cs3, cp25, af31, cp27, af32, cp29, af33, cp31, cs4, cp33, af41, c p35, af42, cp37, af43, cp39, cs5, cp41, cp42, cp43, cp44, cp45, ef, cp47, nc1, cp49, cp50, cp51, cp52, cp53, cp54, cp55, nc2, cp57, cp58, cp59, cp60, cp61, cp62, cp63
prec ip-prec-value
This parameter is one of two mutually exclusive settings that are applicable to the in-remark command. The in-remark command can be configured to either remark the DiffServ Code Point (DSCP) six bit value or the three Precedence bits. The prec parameter specifies that the matching packets Precedence bits should be overridden with the value represented by prec-value.
0 to 7


multicast-policer policer-id [fp-redirect-group]
no multicast-policer

Within a sap-ingress QoS policy forwarding class context, the multicast-policer command is used to map packets that match the forwarding class and are considered multicast in nature to the specified policer-id. The specified policer-id must already exist within the sap-ingress QoS policy. While the system is determining the forwarding class of a packet, it is also looking up its forwarding destination based on the ingress service type and the service instance forwarding records. Two basic types of services support multicast packets; routed services (IES and VPRN) and L2 multipoint services (VPLS, I-VPLS and B-VPLS). For the routed service types, a multicast packet is destined to an IPv4 or IPv6 multicast address. For the L2 multipoint services, a multicast packet is a packet destined to a multicast MAC address (multicast bit set in the destination MAC address but not the ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff broadcast address). The VPLS services also support two other multipoint forwarding types (broadcast and unknown) then are considered separate from the multicast forwarding type.

If ingress forwarding logic has resolved a packet to the multicast forwarding type within the forwarding class, it will be mapped to either an ingress multipoint queue (using the multicast queue-id or multicast queue-id group ingress-queue-group commands) or an ingress policer (multicast-policer policer-id). The multicast and multicast-policer commands within the forwarding class context are mutually exclusive. By default, the multicast forwarding type is mapped to the SAP ingress default multipoint queue. If the multicast-policer policer-id command is executed, any previous policer mapping or queue mapping for the multicast forwarding type within the forwarding class is overridden if the policer mapping is successful.

A policer defined within the sap-ingress policy is not actually created on an ingress SAP or a subscriber using an sla-profile where the policy is applied until at least one forwarding type (unicast, broadcast, unknown or multicast) from one of the forwarding classes is mapped to the policer. If insufficient policer resources exist to create the policer for a SAP or subscriber or multiservice site or ingress policing is not supported on the port associated with the SAP or subscriber or multiservice site, the initial forwarding class forwarding type mapping will fail.

The multicast-policer command is ignored for instances of the policer applied to SAPs subscribers or multiservice site where broadcast packets are not supported.

When the multicast forwarding type within a forwarding class is mapped to a policer, the multicast packets classified to the subclasses within the forwarding class are also mapped to the policer.

The no form of this command is used to restore the mapping of the multicast forwarding type within the forwarding class to the default multipoint queue. If all forwarding class forwarding types had been removed from the default multipoint queue, the queue will not exist on the SAPs subscribers or multiservice site associated with the QoS policy and the no multicast-policer command will cause the system to attempt to create the default multipoint queue on each object. If the system cannot create the queue on each instance, the no multicast-policer command will fail and the multicast forwarding type within the forwarding class will continue its mapping to the existing policer-id. If the no multicast-policer command results in a policer without any current mappings, the policer will be removed from the SAPs and subscribers associated with the QoS policy. All statistics associated with the policer on each SAP and subscriber will be lost.

When the forwarding class multicast-policer command is executed, a valid policer-id must be specified. The parameter policer-id references a policer-id that has already been created within the sap-ingress QoS policy.
1 to 63
Redirects a forwarding class to a forwarding plane queue-group as specified in a SAP QoS policy.


multicast-queue queue-id [group queue-group-name]
no multicast-queue

This command overrides the default multicast forwarding type queue mapping for fc fc-name. The specified queue-id must exist within the policy as a multipoint queue before the mapping can be made. Once the forwarding class mapping is executed, all multicast traffic on a SAP using this policy is forwarded using the queue-id.

The multicast forwarding type includes the unknown unicast forwarding type and the broadcast forwarding type unless each is explicitly defined to a different multipoint queue. When the unknown and broadcast forwarding types are left as default, they will track the defined queue for the multicast forwarding type.

The no form of the command sets the multicast forwarding type queue-id back to the default queue for the forwarding class. If the broadcast and unknown forwarding types were not explicitly defined to a multipoint queue, they will also be set back to the default multipoint queue (queue 11).

The queue-id parameter specified must be an existing, multipoint queue defined in the config>qos>sap-ingress context.
Any valid multipoint queue-ID in the policy including 2 through 32.
group queue-group-name
This optional parameter is used to redirect the forwarding type within the forwarding class to the specified queue-id within the queue-group-name. When the policy is applied, all packets matching the forwarding class and forwarding type will be redirected to the queue within the specified queue group. The queue-group-name are configured in the config>qos>queue-group-templates egress and ingress contexts.


out-remark {dscp dscp-name | prec ip-prec-value}
no out-remark

This command is used in a SAP ingress QoS policy to define an explicit out-of-profile remark action for a forwarding class or subclass. While the SAP ingress QoS policy may be applied to any SAP, the remarking functions are only enforced when the SAP is associated with an IP or subscriber interface (in an IES or VPRN). When the policy is applied to a Layer 2 SAP (for example, Epipe or VPLS), the remarking definitions are silently ignored.

In the case where the policy is applied to a Layer 3 SAP, the out-of-profile remarking definition will be applied to packets that have been classified to the forwarding class or subclass. It is possible for a packet to match a classification command that maps the packet to a particular forwarding class or subclass only to have a more explicit (higher priority match) override the association. Only the highest priority match forwarding class or subclass association will drive the out-of-profile marking.

The out-remark command is only applicable to ingress IP routed packets that are considered out-of-profile. The profile of a SAP ingress packet is affected by either the explicit in-profile/out-of-profile definitions or the ingress policing function applied to the packet. The following table shows the effect of the out-remark command on received SAP ingress packets. Within the out-of-profile IP packet’s ToS field, either the six DSCP bits or the three precedence bits are remarked.

Table 29:  Out-remark command effect 

SAP Ingress Packet State

’out-remark’ Command Effect

Non-Routed, Policed In-Profile

No Effect (non-routed packet)

Non-Routed, Policed Out-of-Profile

No Effect (non-routed packet)

Non-Routed, Explicit In-Profile

No Effect (non-routed packet)

Non-Routed, Explicit Out-of-Profile

No Effect (non-routed packet)

IP Routed, Policed In-Profile

No Effect (in-profile packet)

IP Routed, Policed Out-of-Profile

out-remark value applied to IP header ToS field

IP Routed, Explicit In-Profile

No Effect (in-of-profile packet)

IP Routed, Explicit Out-of-Profile

out-remark value applied to IP header ToS field

A packet that is explicitly remarked at ingress will not be affected by any egress remarking decision. Explicit ingress remarking has highest priority.

The no form of the command disables ingress remarking of out-of-profile packets classified to the forwarding class or subclass.


no out-remark

dscp dscp-name
This parameter is one of two mutually exclusive settings that are applicable to the out-remark command. The out-remark command can be configured to either remark the DiffServ Code Point (DSCP) six bit value or the three Precedence bits. The dscp parameter specifies that the matching packets DSCP bits should be overridden with the value represented by dscp-name.

32 characters, maximum. The name specified by dscp-name is used to refer to the six bit value represented by dscp-name. It must be one of the predefined DSCP names defined on the system.

be, cp1, cp2, cp3, cp4, cp5, cp6, cp7, cs1, cp9, af11, cp11, af12, cp13, af13, cp15, cs2, cp17, af21, cp19, af22, cp21, af23, cp23, cs3, cp25, af31, cp27, af32, cp29, af33, cp31, cs4, cp33, af41, c p35, af42, cp37, af43, cp39, cs5, cp41, cp42, cp43, cp44, cp45, e f, cp47, nc1, cp49, cp50, cp51, cp52, cp53, cp54, cp55, nc2, cp57, cp58, cp59, cp60, cp61, cp62, cp63
prec ip-prec-value
This parameter is one of two mutually exclusive settings that are applicable to the out-remark command. The out-remark command can be configured to either remark the DiffServ Code Point (DSCP) six bit value or the three Precedence bits. The prec parameter specifies that the matching packets Precedence bits should be overridden with the value represented by prec-value.

The value specified by prec-value is used to overwrite the Precedence bits within a matching routed packets IP header ToS field.

0 to 7
An explicit dscp name or prec value must be specified for out-of-profile remarking to be applied.


policer policer-id [fp-redirect-group]
no policer

Within a sap-ingress QoS policy forwarding class context, the policer command is used to map packets that match the forwarding class and are considered unicast in nature to the specified policer-id. The specified policer-id must already exist within the sap-ingress QoS policy. While the system is determining the forwarding class of a packet, it is also looking up its forwarding destination. If ingress forwarding logic has resolved a unicast destination (the packet does not need to be sent to multiple destinations), it is considered to be a unicast packet and will be mapped to either an ingress queue (using the queue queue-id or queue queue-id group ingress-queue-group commands) or an ingress policer (policer policer-id). The queue and policer commands within the forwarding class context are mutually exclusive. By default, the unicast forwarding type is mapped to the SAP ingress default queue (queue 1). If the policer policer-id command is executed, any previous policer mapping or queue mapping for the unicast forwarding type within the forwarding class is overridden if the policer mapping is successful.

A policer defined within the sap-ingress policy is not actually created on an ingress SAP or a subscriber using an sla-profile where the policy is applied until at least one forwarding type (unicast, broadcast, unknown or multicast) from one of the forwarding classes is mapped to the policer. If insufficient policer resources exist to create the policer for a SAP or subscriber or multiservice site or ingress policing is not supported on the port associated with the SAP or subscriber or multiservice site, the initial forwarding class forwarding type mapping will fail.

When the unicast forwarding type within a forwarding class is mapped to a policer, the unicast packets classified to the subclasses within the forwarding class are also mapped to the policer.

The no form of this command is used to restore the mapping of the unicast forwarding type within the forwarding class to the default queue. If all forwarding class forwarding types had been removed from the default queue, the queue will not exist on the SAPs or subscriber or multiservice sites associated with the QoS policy and the no policer command will cause the system to attempt to create the default queue on each object. If the system cannot create the default queue in each instance, the no policer command will fail and the unicast forwarding type within the forwarding class will continue its mapping to the existing policer-id. If the no policer command results in a policer without any current mappings, the policer will be removed from the SAPs and subscribers associated with the QoS policy. All statistics associated with the policer on each SAP and subscriber will be lost.

When the forwarding class policer command is executed, a valid policer-id must be specified. The parameter policer-id references a policer-id that has already been created within the sap-ingress QoS policy.
1 to 63
Redirects a forwarding class to a forwarding plane queue-group as specified in a SAP QoS policy.


profile {in | out}
no profile

This command places a forwarding class or subclass into a color aware profile mode. Normally, packets associated with a class are considered in-profile or out-of-profile solely based on the dynamic rate of the ingress queue relative to its CIR. Explicitly defining a class as in-profile or out-of-profile overrides this function by handling each packet with the defined profile state.

The profile command may only be executed when the forwarding class or the parent forwarding class (for a subclass) is mapped to a queue that has been enabled to support color aware profile packets. The queue may only be configured for profile-mode at the time the queue is created in the SAP ingress QoS policy.

A queue operating in-profile-mode may support in-profile, out-of-profile and non-profiled packets simultaneously. However, the high and low priority classification actions are ignored when the queue is in-profile-mode.

The no form of the command removes an explicit in-profile or out-of-profile configuration on a forwarding class or subclass.


no profile — The default profile state of a forwarding class or subclass is not to treat ingress packets as color aware. An explicit definition for in-profile or out-of-profile must be specified on the forwarding class or subclass.

The in keyword is mutually exclusive to the out keyword. When the profile in command is executed, all packets associated with the class will be handled as in-profile. Packets explicitly handled as in-profile or out-of-profile still flow through the ingress service queue associated with the class to preserve order within flows. In-profile packets will count against the CIR of the queue, diminishing the amount of CIR available to other classes using the queue that are not configured with an explicit profile.
The out keyword is mutually exclusive to the in keyword. When the profile out command is executed, all packets associated with the class will be handled as out-of-profile. Packets explicitly handled as in-profile or out-of-profile still flow through the ingress service queue associated with the class to preserve order within flows. Out-of-profile packets will not count against the CIR of the queue, allowing other classes using the queue that are not configured with an explicit profile to be measured against the full CIR.


queue queue-id [group queue-group-name]
no queue

This command overrides the default queue mapping for fc fc-name. The specified queue-id must exist within the policy before the mapping can be made. Once the forwarding class mapping is executed, all traffic classified to fc-name on a SAP using this policy.

The no form of this command sets the queue-id back to the default queue for the forwarding class (queue 1).


no queue

Specifies the SAP egress queue-id to be associated with the forwarding class. The queue-id must be an existing queue defined in sap-egress policy-id.
1 — 8
group queue-group-name
This optional parameter is used to redirect the forwarding type within the forwarding class to the specified queue-id within the queue-group-name. When the policy is applied, all packets matching the forwarding class and forwarding type will be redirected to the queue within the specified queue group. The queue-group-name are configured in the config>qos>queue-group-templates egress and ingress contexts. This parameter is used when policy based queue group redirection is desired. That is, the specific queue group to redirect to is named in the QoS policy.


unknown-policer policer-id [fp-redirect-group]
no unknown-policer

Within a sap-ingress QoS policy forwarding class context, the unknown-policer command is used to map packets that match the forwarding class and are considered unknown in nature to the specified policer-id. The specified policer-id must already exist within the sap-ingress QoS policy. While the system is determining the forwarding class of a packet, it is also looking up its forwarding destination based on the ingress service type and the service instance forwarding records. If the service type is VPLS and the destination MAC address is unicast but the MAC has not been learned and populated within the VPLS services FDB, the packet is classified into the unknown forwarding type.

Unknown forwarding type packets are mapped to either an ingress multipoint queue (using the unknown queue-id or unknown queue-id group ingress-queue-group commands) or an ingress policer (unknown-policer policer-id). The unknown and unknown-policer commands within the forwarding class context are mutually exclusive. By default, the unknown forwarding type is mapped to the SAP ingress default multipoint queue. If the unknown-policer policer-id command is executed, any previous policer mapping or queue mapping for the unknown forwarding type within the forwarding class is overridden if the policer mapping is successful.

A policer defined within the sap-ingress policy is not actually created on an ingress SAP or a subscriber using an sla-profile where the policy is applied until at least one forwarding type (unicast, broadcast, unknown or multicast) from one of the forwarding classes is mapped to the policer. If insufficient policer resources exist to create the policer for a SAP or subscriber or multiservice site or ingress policing is not supported on the port associated with the SAP or subscriber or multiservice site, the initial forwarding class forwarding type mapping will fail.

The unknown-policer command is ignored for instances of the policer applied to SAPs or subscribers multiservice site where unknown packets are not supported.

When the unknown forwarding type within a forwarding class is mapped to a policer, the unknown packets classified to the subclasses within the forwarding class are also mapped to the policer.

The no form of this command is used to restore the mapping of the unknown forwarding type within the forwarding class to the default multipoint queue. If all forwarding class forwarding types had been removed from the default multipoint queue, the queue will not exist on the SAPs or subscriber or multiservice site associated with the QoS policy and the no broadcast-policer command will cause the system to attempt to create the default multipoint queue on each object. If the system cannot create the queue on each instance, the no unknown-policer command will fail and the unknown forwarding type within the forwarding class will continue its mapping to the existing policer-id. If the no unknown-policer command results in a policer without any current mappings, the policer will be removed from the SAPs and subscribers associated with the QoS policy. All statistics associated with the policer on each SAP and subscriber will be lost.

When the forwarding class unknown-policer command is executed, a valid policer-id must be specified. The parameter policer-id references a policer-id that has already been created within the sap-ingress QoS policy.
1 to 63
Redirects a forwarding class to a forwarding plane queue-group as specified in a SAP QoS policy.


unknown-queue queue-id [group queue-group-name]
no unknown-queue

This command overrides the default unknown unicast forwarding type queue mapping for fc fc-name. The specified queue-id must exist within the policy as a multipoint queue before the mapping can be made. Once the forwarding class mapping is executed, all unknown traffic on a SAP using this policy is forwarded using the queue-id.

The unknown forwarding type usually tracks the multicast forwarding type definition. This command overrides that default behavior.

The no form of this command sets the unknown forwarding type queue-id back to the default of tracking the multicast forwarding type queue mapping.

Specifies an existing multipoint queue defined in the config>qos>sap-ingress context.
Any valid multipoint queue-id in the policy including 2 through 32.
group queue-group-name
This optional parameter is used to redirect the forwarding type within the forwarding class to the specified queue-id within the queue-group-name. When the policy is applied, all packets matching the forwarding class and forwarding type will be redirected to the queue within the specified queue group. The queue-group-name are configured in the config>qos>queue-group-templates egress and ingress contexts.


[no] ip-criteria

IP criteria-based SAP ingress or egress policies are used to select the appropriate ingress or egress queue and corresponding forwarding class for matched traffic.

This command is used to enter the context to create or edit policy entries that specify IP criteria such as IP quintuple lookup or DiffServ code point.

The software implementation will exit on the first match found and execute the actions in accordance with the accompanying action command. For this reason entries must be sequenced correctly from most to least explicit.

The no form of this command deletes all the entries specified under this node. Once IP criteria entries are removed from a SAP ingress policy, the IP criteria is removed from all services where that policy is applied.


entry entry-id [create]
no entry entry-id

This command is used to create or edit an IP, IPv6, or MAC criteria entry for the policy. Multiple entries can be created using unique entry-id numbers.

The list of flow criteria is evaluated in a top down fashion with the lowest entry ID at the top and the highest entry ID at the bottom. If the defined match criteria for an entry within the list matches the information in the egress packet, the system stops matching the packet against the list and performs the matching entries reclassification actions. If none of the entries match the packet, the IP flow reclassification list has no effect on the packet.

An entry is not populated in the list unless the action command is executed for the entry. An entry that is not populated in the list has no effect on egress packets. If the action command is executed without any explicit reclassification actions specified, the entry is populated in the list allowing packets matching the entry to exit the list, preventing them from matching entries lower in the list. Since this is the only flow reclassification entry that the packet matched and this entry explicitly states that no reclassification action is to be performed, the matching packet will not be reclassified.

The no form of this command removes the specified entry from the policy. Entries removed from the policy are immediately removed from all services where that policy is applied.



The entry-id, expressed as an integer, uniquely identifies a match criterion and the corresponding action. It is recommended that multiple entries be given entry-ids in staggered increments. This allows users to insert a new entry in an existing policy without requiring renumbering of all the existing entries.

An entry cannot have any match criteria defined (in then case, everything matches) but must have at least the keyword action fc fc-name for it to be considered complete. Entries without the action keyword will be considered incomplete and hence will be rendered inactive.

1 to 65535
Required parameter when creating a flow entry when the system is configured to require the explicit use of the keyword to prevent accidental object creation. Objects may be accidentally created when this protection is disabled and an object name is mistyped when attempting to edit the object. This keyword is not required when the protection is disabled. The keyword is ignored when the flow entry already exists.


action [fc fc-name] [priority {high | low}] [policer policer-id]
no action

This mandatory command associates the forwarding class or enqueuing priority with specific IP, IPv6 or MAC criteria entry ID. The action command supports setting the forwarding class parameter to a subclass. Packets that meet all match criteria within the entry have their forwarding class and enqueuing priority overridden based on the parameters included in the action parameters. When the forwarding class is not specified in the action command syntax, a matching packet preserves (or inherits) the existing forwarding class derived from earlier matches in the classification hierarchy. When the enqueuing priority is not specified in the action, a matching packet preserves (or inherits) the existing enqueuing priority derived from earlier matches in the classification hierarchy.

When a policer is specified in the action, a matching packet is directed to the configured policer instead of the policer/queue assigned to the forwarding class of the packet.

The action command must be executed for the match criteria to be added to the active list of entries. If the entry is designed to prevent more explicit (higher entry ID) entries from matching certain packets, the fc fc-name and match protocol fields should not be defined when executing action. This allows packets matching the entry to preserve the forwarding class and enqueuing priority derived from previous classification rules.

Each time action is executed on a specific entry ID, the previous entered values for fc fc-name and priority are overridden with the newly defined parameters or inherits previous matches when a parameter is omitted.

The no form of the command removes the entry from the active entry list. Removing an entry on a policy immediately removes the entry from all SAPs using the policy. All previous parameters for the action is lost.


Action specified by the default-fc.

fc fc-name
The value given for fc fc-name must be one of the predefined forwarding classes in the system. Specifying the fc fc-name is required. When a packet matches the rule, the forwarding class is only overridden when the fc fc-name parameter is defined on the rule. If the packet matches and the forwarding class is not explicitly defined in the rule, the forwarding class is inherited based on previous rule matches.

The subclass-name parameter is optional and used with the fc-name parameter to define a preexisting subclass. The fc-name and subclass-name parameters must be separated by a period (dot). If subclass-name does not exist in the context of fc -name, an error will occur. If subclass-name is removed using the no fc fc-name.subclass-name force command, the default-fc command will automatically drop the subclass-name and only use fc-name (the parent forwarding class for the subclass) as the forwarding class.




class: be, l2, af, l1, h2, ef, h1, nc

subclass: 29 characters max

Inherit (When fc fc-name is not defined, the rule preserves the previous forwarding class of the packet.)
The priority parameter overrides the default enqueuing priority for all packets received on a SAP using this policy that match this rule. Specifying the priority (high or low) is optional. When a packet matches the rule, the enqueuing priority is only overridden when the priority parameter is defined on the rule. If the packet matches and priority is not explicitly defined in the rule, the enqueuing priority is inherited based on previous rule matches.
Inherit (When the priority (high or low) is not defined, the rule preserves the previous enqueuing priority of the packet)
The high parameter is used in conjunction with the priority parameter. Setting the priority enqueuing parameter to high for a packet increases the likelihood to enqueue the packet when the queue is congested. The enqueuing priority only affects ingress SAP queuing. When the packet is placed in a buffer on the queue, the significance of the enqueuing priority is lost.
The low parameter is used in conjunction with the priority parameter. Setting the priority enqueuing parameter to low for a packet decreases the likelihood to enqueue the packet when the queue is congested. The enqueuing priority only affects ingress SAP queuing. When the packet is placed in a buffer on the ingress queue, the significance of the enqueuing priority is lost.
policer-id —
A valid policer-id must be specified. The parameter policer-id references a policer-id that has already been created within the sap-ingress QoS policy.
1 to 63


match [protocol protocol-id]
no match

This command creates a context to configure match criteria for SAP QoS policy match criteria. When the match criteria have been satisfied the action associated with the match criteria is executed.

If more than one match criteria (within one match statement) are configured, then all criteria must be satisfied (AND function) before the action associated with the match is executed.

A match context can consist of multiple match criteria, but multiple match statements cannot be entered per entry.

It is possible that a SAP policy includes the dscp map command, the dot1p map command, and an IP match criteria. When multiple matches occur for the traffic, the order of precedence is used to arrive at the final action. The order of precedence is as follows:

  1. 802.1p bits
  2. DSCP
  3. IP Quintuple or MAC headers

The no form of this command removes the match criteria for the entry-id.

protocol protocol-id
Specifies an IP protocol to be used as a SAP QoS policy match criterion.

The protocol type such as TCP / UDP / OSPF is identified by its respective protocol number. Well-known protocol numbers include ICMP(1), TCP(6), UDP(17).

The following values apply to the 7750 SR and 7950 XRS:
protocol-id: 0 to 255 protocol numbers accepted in DHB
keywords: none, crtp, crudp, egp, eigrp, encap, ether-ip, gre, icmp, idrp, igmp, igp, ip, ipv6, ipv6-frag, ipv6-icmp, ipv6-no-nxt, ipv6-opts, ipv6-route, isis, iso-ip, l2tp, ospf-igp, pim, pnni, ptp, rdp, rsvp, stp, tcp, udp, vrrp
The following values apply to the 7450 ESS:
keywords: none, crtp, crudp, egp, eigrp, encap, ether-ip, gre, icmp, idrp, igmp, igp, ip, ipv6, ipv6-frag, ipv6-icmp, ipv6-no-nxt, ipv6-opts, ipv6-route, isis, iso-ip, l2tp, ospf-igp, pim, pnni, ptp, rdp, rsvp, stp, tcp, udp, vrrp
* — udp/tcp wildcard
Table 30:  IP Protocol Names  


Protocol ID




Internet Control Message



Internet Group Management



IP in IP (encapsulation)



Transmission Control



Exterior Gateway Protocol



any private interior gateway (used by Cisco for their IGRP)



User Datagram



Reliable Data Protocol






Routing Header for IPv6



Fragment Header for IPv6



Inter-Domain Routing Protocol



Reservation Protocol



General Routing Encapsulation



ICMP for IPv6



No Next Header for IPv6



Destination Options for IPv6



ISO Internet Protocol









Ethernet-within-IP Encapsulation



Encapsulation Header



PNNI over IP



Protocol Independent Multicast



Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol



Layer Two Tunneling Protocol



Schedule Transfer Protocol



Performance Transparency Protocol



ISIS over IPv4



Combat Radio Transport Protocol



Combat Radio User Datagram


no dscp

This command configures a DiffServ Code Point (DSCP) code point to be used as a SAP QOS policy match criterion.

The no form of this command removes the DSCP match criterion.


no dscp

Specifies a dscp name that has been previously mapped to a value using the dscp-name command. The DiffServ code point can only be specified by its name.
be, cp1, cp2, cp3, cp4, cp5, cp6, cp7, cs1, cp9, af11, cp11, af12, cp13, af13, cp15, cs2, cp17, af21, cp19, af22, cp21, af23, cp23, cs3, cp25, af31, cp27, af32, cp29, af33, cp31, cs4, cp33, af41, c p35, af42, cp37, af43, cp39, cs5, cp41, cp42, cp43, cp44, cp45, ef, cp47, nc1, cp49, cp50, cp51, cp52, cp53, cp54, cp55, nc2, cp57, cp58, cp59, cp60, cp61, cp62, cp63


dst-ip {ip-address/mask | ip-address [ipv4-address-mask] | ip-prefix-list prefix-list-name}
no dst-ip

This command configures a destination address range to be used as a SAP QoS policy match criterion.

To match on the IPv4 destination address, specify the address and its associated mask, e.g., The conventional notation of can also be used for IPv4.

The no form of this command removes the destination IPv4 address match criterion.


no destination IP match criteria

Specifies the destination IPv4 address specified in dotted decimal notation.
ip-address: a.b.c.d
Specify the length in bits of the subnet mask.
1 to 32
Specify the subnet mask in dotted decimal notation.
a.b.c.d (dotted quad equivalent of mask length)
creates a list of IPv4 prefixes for match criteria in QoS policies. An ip-prefix-list must contain only IPv4 address prefixes.
prefix-list-name —
A string of up to 32 characters of printable ASCII characters. If special characters are used, the string must be enclosed within double quotes.


dst-port {lt | gt | eq} dst-port-number
dst-port range start end
no dst-port

This command configures a destination TCP or UDP port number or port range for a SAP QoS policy match criterion.

The no form of this command removes the destination port match criterion.


no dst-port

lt | gt | eq dst-port-number
The TCP or UDP port numbers to match specified as less than (lt), greater than (gt) or equal to (eq) to the destination port value specified as a decimal integer.
1 to 65535 (decimal)
range start end
The range of TCP or UDP port values to match specified as between the start and end destination port values inclusive.
1 to 65535 (decimal)


fragment {true | false}
no fragment

This command configures fragmented or non-fragmented IP packets as a SAP QoS policy match criterion.

The no form of this command removes the match criterion and matches all packets regardless of whether they are fragmented or not.


no fragment

Configures a match on all fragmented IP packets. A match will occur for all packets that have either the MF (more fragment) bit set OR have the Fragment Offset field of the IP header set to a non-zero value.
Configures a match on all non-fragmented IP packets. Non-fragmented IP packets are packets that have the MF bit set to zero and have the Fragment Offset field also set to zero.


src-ip {ip-address/mask | ip-address [ipv4-address-mask] | ip-prefix-list prefix-list-name}
no src-ip

This command configures a source IPv4 address range to be used as an SAP QoS policy match criterion.

To match on the source IPv4 or IPv6 address, specify the address and its associated mask, e.g. The conventional notation of can also be used for IPv4.

The no form of the command removes the source IPv4 or IPv6 address match criterion.


no src-ip

Specifies the source IPv4 address specified in dotted decimal notation.
ip-address: a.b.c.d
Specifies the length in bits of the subnet mask.
1 to 32
Specifies the subnet mask in dotted decimal notation.
a.b.c.d (dotted quad equivalent of mask length)
creates a list of IPv4 prefixes for match criteria in QoS policies. An ip-prefix-list must contain only IPv4 address prefixes.
A string of up to 32 characters of printable ASCII characters. If special characters are used, the string must be enclosed within double quotes.


src-port {lt | gt | eq} src-port-number
src-port range start end
no src-port

This command configures a source TCP or UDP port number or port range for a SAP QoS policy match criterion.

The no form of this command removes the source port match criterion.


no src-port

lt | gt | eq src-port-number
The TCP or UDP port numbers to match specified as less than (lt), greater than (gt) or equal to (eq) to the source port value specified as a decimal integer.
1 to 65535 (decimal)
range start end
The range of TCP or UDP port values to match specified as between the start and end source port values inclusive.
1 to 65535 (decimal)


vxlan-vni [eq vxlan-vni-id | range start end]
no vxlan-vni

This command configures a VXLAN or VXLAN GPE VNI to be used as a SAP QoS policy match criterion. A range of VNIs to be matched can be specified by including the keyword range with a start and end VNI. This command requires the type to be set to vxlan-vni in the related ip-criteria or ipv6-criteria context.

See Virtual Network Identifier (VNI) Classification for the list of restrictions for this command.



eq vxlan-vni-id
Specifies the VXLAN or VXLAN GPE VNI to be matched in the SAP ingress QoS classification. The VNI can be specified in any of the available formats but is always shown in decimal.
1 to 16777215 (Decimal)
0x1 to 0xFFFFFF (Hexadecimal)
[0b1 to 0b111111111111111111111111] (Binary)
range start end
Identifies a range of VNIs to be used as matching criteria. The start value must be lower than the end value. The VNI can be specified in any of the available formats but is always shown in decimal.
1 to 16777215 (Decimal)
0x1 to 0xFFFFFF (Hexadecimal)
[0b1 to 0b111111111111111111111111] (Binary)


renum old-entry-number new-entry-number

This command renumbers existing QoS policy criteria entries to properly sequence policy entries.

This can be required in some cases since the router exits when the first match is found and executes the actions in accordance with the accompanying action command. This requires that entries be sequenced correctly from most to least explicit.

Enter the entry number of an existing entry.
1 to 65535
Enter the new entry-number to be assigned to the old entry.
1 to 65535


type filter-type
no type

This command sets the ip-criteria and ipv6-criteria type to control the type of match entries configurable in this context.



Specifies then type of entries that the ip-criteria and ipv6-criteria statements can contain.
normal — Regular match criteria are allowed; VXLAN VNI matching is not allowed.
vxlan-vni — Matching is allowed on a VXLAN VNI for VXLAN and VXLAN GPE frames.
The type cannot be changed when ip-criteria or ipv6-criteria entries are configured. If there are no ip-criteria or ipv6-criteria entries configured, the type can be changed from vxlan-vni to normal. The type can only be changed from normal to vxlan-vni if there are no ip-criteria or ipv6-criteria entries configured and if the SAP ingress QoS policy has not been applied to any object
A SAP ingress QoS policy configured with type vxlan-vni can be applied to any Ethernet SAPs, except for a PW-SAP, B-VPLS SAP, or CCAG SAP, in any applicable service. This feature is supported on FP2- and higher-based hardware.


[no] ipv6-criteria

IPv6 criteria-based SAP egress/ingress policies are used to select the appropriate ingress queue and corresponding forwarding class for matched traffic.

This command is used to enter the node to create or edit policy entries that specify IPv6 criteria such as IP quintuple lookup or DiffServ code point.

The OS implementation will exit on the first match found and execute the actions in accordance with the accompanying action command. For this reason entries must be sequenced correctly from most to least explicit.

This is supported on FP2- and higher-based line cards and requires mixed-mode for the 7450 ESS.

The no form of this command deletes all the entries specified under this node. Once ipv6-criteria entries are removed from a SAP ingress policy, the ipv6-criteria is removed from all services where that policy is applied.


match [next-header next-header]
no match

This command creates a context to configure match criteria for ingress SAP QoS policy match IPv6 criteria. When the match criteria have been satisfied the action associated with the match criteria is executed.

If more than one match criteria (within one match statement) are configured, then all criteria must be satisfied (AND function) before the action associated with the match is executed.

A match context can consist of multiple match criteria, but multiple match statements cannot be entered per entry.

It is possible that a SAP ingress policy includes the dscp map command, the dot1p map command, and an IPv6 match criteria. When multiple matches occur for the traffic, the order of precedence is used to arrive at the final action. The order of precedence is as follows:

  1. 802.1p bits
  2. DSCP
  3. IP Quintuple or MAC headers

The no form of this command removes the match criteria for the entry-id.

next-header next-header
Specifies the next header to match.

On the 7750 SR and 7950 XRS, the protocol type such as TCP / UDP / OSPF is identified by its respective protocol number. Well-known protocol numbers include ICMP(1), TCP(6), UDP(17).

protocol numbers accepted in DHB: 0 to 42, 45 to 49, 52 to 59, 61 to 255
keywords: none, crtp, crudp, egp, eigrp, encap, ether-ip, gre, icmp, idrp, igmp, igp, ip, ipv6, ipv6-icmp, ipv6-no-nxt, isis, iso-ip, l2tp, ospf-igp, pim, pnni, ptp, rdp, rsvp, stp, tcp, udp, vrrp
* — udp/tcp wildcard


dst-ip {ipv6-address/prefix-length | ipv6-address ipv6-address-mask}
no dst-ip

This command configures a destination address range to be used as a SAP QoS policy match criterion.

To match on theIPv6 destination address, specify the address and its associated mask, e.g.,

The no form of this command removes the destination IPv6 address match criterion.


no dst-ip

The IPv6 prefix for the IP match criterion in hex digits (applies to the 7750 SR and 7950 XRS).
ipv6-address x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x (eight 16-bit pieces)
x: [0 to FFFF]H
d: [0 to 255]D
The IPv6 prefix length for the ipv6-address expressed as a decimal integer (applies to the 7750 SR and 7950 XRS).
1 to 128
mask —
Eight 16-bit hexadecimal pieces representing bit match criteria.
x:x:x:x:x:x:x (eight 16-bit pieces)


fragment {true | false | first-only | non-first-only}
no fragment

This command configures fragmented or non-fragmented IPv6 packets as a SAP ingress QoS policy match criterion.

The no form of this command removes the match criterion and matches all packets regardless of whether they are fragmented or not.


no fragment

Specifies to match on all fragmented IPv6 packets. A match will occur for all packets that contain an IPv6 Fragmentation Extension Header.
Specifies to match on all non-fragmented IP packets. Non-fragmented IPv6 packets are packets that do not contain an IPv6 Fragmentation Extension Header.
Matches if a packet is an initial fragment of the fragmented IPv6 packet.
Matches if a packet is a non-initial fragment of the fragmented IPv6 packet.


src-ip {ipv6-address/prefix-length | ipv6-address ipv6-address-mask}
no src-ip

This command configures a source IPv6 address range to be used as an SAP QoS policy match criterion.

To match on the source IPv6 address, specify the address and its associated mask, e.g.

The no form of the command removes the source IPv6 address match criterion.


no src-ip

Specifies the IPv6 prefix for the IP match criterion in hex digits.
ipv6-address: x:x:x:x:x:x:x:x (eight 16-bit pieces) x:x:x:x:x:x:d.d.d.d x: [0 to FFFF]H d: [0 to 255]D
Specifies the IPv6 prefix length for the ipv6-address expressed as a decimal integer.
1 to 128
mask —
Specifies the eight 16-bit hexadecimal pieces representing bit match criteria.
x:x:x:x:x:x:x (eight 16-bit pieces)


lsp-exp lsp-exp-value [fc fc-name] [priority {low | high}]
no lsp-exp lsp-exp-value

This command explicitly sets the forwarding class or subclass enqueuing priority when a packet is marked with a MPLS EXP bits specified. Adding a lsp-exp rule on the policy forces packets that match the MPLS LSP EXP specified to override the forwarding class and enqueuing priority based on the parameters included in the lsp-exp rule. When the forwarding class is not specified in the rule, a matching packet preserves (or inherits) the existing forwarding class derived from earlier matches in the classification hierarchy. When the enqueuing priority is not specified in the rule, a matching packet preserves (or inherits) the existing enqueuing priority derived from earlier matches in the classification hierarchy.

The lsp-exp-value is derived from the MPLS LSP EXP bits of the top label.

Multiple commands can be entered to define the association of some or all eight LSP EX bit values to the forwarding class.

The no form of this command removes the explicit lsp-exp classification rule from the SAP ingress policy. Removing the rule on the policy immediately removes the rule on all ingress SAPs using the policy.

This command applies to Ethernet Layer 2 SAPs only.



lsp-exp-value —
This value is a required parameter that specifies the unique MPLS LSP EXP value that will match the lsp-exp rule. If the command is executed multiple times with the same lsp-exp-value, the previous forwarding class and enqueuing priority is completely overridden by the new parameters or defined to be inherited when a forwarding class or enqueuing priority parameter is missing.

A maximum of eight lsp-exp rules are allowed on a single policy.

0 to 7
fc fc-name
The value given for the fc-name parameter must be one of the predefined forwarding classes in the system. Specifying the fc-name is optional. When a packet matches the rule the forwarding class is only overridden when the fc fc-name parameter is defined on the rule. If the packet matches and the forwarding class is not explicitly defined in the rule, the forwarding class is inherited based on previous rule matches.

The subclass-name parameter is optional and used with the fc-name parameter to define a preexisting subclass. The fc-name and subclass-name parameters must be separated by a period (dot). If subclass-name does not exist in the context of fc -name, an error will occur.




class: be, l2, af, l1, h2, ef, h1, nc

subclass: 29 characters max

priority —
The priority parameter is used to override the default enqueuing priority for all packets received on an ingress SAP using this policy that match this rule. Specifying the priority is optional. When a packet matches the rule, the enqueuing priority is only overridden when the priority parameter is defined on the rule. If the packet matches and priority is not explicitly defined in the rule, the enqueuing priority is inherited based on previous rule matches.
high —
The high parameter is used in conjunction with the priority parameter. Setting the enqueuing parameter to high for a packet increases the likelihood of enqueuing the packet when the ingress queue is congested. Ingress enqueuing priority only affects ingress SAP queuing, once the packet is placed in a buffer on the ingress queue, the significance of the enqueuing priority is lost.
low —
The low parameter is used in conjunction with the priority parameter. Setting the enqueuing parameter to low for a packet decreases the likelihood of enqueuing the packet when the ingress queue is congested. Ingress enqueuing priority only affects ingress SAP queuing, once the packet is placed in a buffer on the ingress queue, the significance of the enqueuing priority is lost.
no override
hsmda-counter-override counter-id
The hsmda-counter-override reclassification action is optional and only has significance on SAPs then are created on an HSMDA. When specified, packets matching the MPLS EXP value will be mapped to the defined HSMDA exception counter-id for the packets queue group. The default behavior is to use the default counter on the queue group for the queue to then the packet is mapped. The specified counter-id must be specified as an integer between 1 and 8. To remove the HSMDA exception counter reclassification action for the specified lsp-exp-value, the lsp-exp command must be re-executed without the hsmda-counter-override reclassification action defined. This parameter only applies to the 7450 ESS and 7750 SR.
1 to 8


[no] mac-criteria

The mac-criteria based SAP ingress policies are used to select the appropriate ingress queue and corresponding forwarding class for matched traffic.

This command is used to enter the node to create or edit policy entries that specify MAC criteria.

Router implementation will exit on the first match found and execute the actions in accordance with the accompanying action command. For this reason entries must be sequenced correctly from most to least explicit.

The no form of this command deletes all the entries specified under this node. Once mac-criteria entries are removed from a SAP ingress policy, the mac-criteria is removed from all services where that policy is applied.


match [frame-type {802dot3 | 802dot2-llc | 802dot2-snap | ethernet-II | atm}]
no match

This command creates a context for entering/editing match MAC criteria for ingress SAP QoS policy match criteria. When the match criteria have been satisfied the action associated with the match criteria is executed.

If more than one match criteria (within one match statement) are configured then all criteria must be satisfied (AND function) before the action associated with the match will be executed.

A match context can consist of multiple match criteria, but multiple match statements cannot be entered per entry.

The no form of the command removes the match criteria for the entry-id.

frame-type keyword
The frame-type keyword configures an Ethernet frame type or an ATM frame type to be used for the MAC filter match criteria.
802dot3, 802dot2-llc, 802dot2-snap, ethernet_II, atm
Specifies the frame type is Ethernet IEEE 802.3.
Specifies the frame type is Ethernet IEEE 802.2 LLC.
Specifies the frame type is Ethernet IEEE 802.2 SNAP.
Specifies the frame type is Ethernet Type II.
Specifies the frame type as ATM cell. The user is not allowed to configure entries with frame type of atm and a frame type of other supported values in the same QoS policy. This parameter applies only to the 7750 SR ad 7950 XRS.


atm-vci vci-value
no atm-vci

This command configures a VCI based filter entry in the SAP ingress QoS policy.

This new criterion has only take affect when applied to a VPI SAP of an apipe VLL service of type atm-vpc. The application of this criterion to the ATM SAP of any other ATM VLL service, any other VLL service, VPLS service, or IES/VPRN service has no effect.

The user is not allowed to configure a MAC matching criterion other than atm-vci once a MAC criteria filter entry that includes the frame type of atm has been configured.

When the policy is applied to the ingress ATM VPI SAP of an atm-vpc VLL service and a received packet matches the VCI value configured in the atm-vci parameter, it is assigned the FC in the fc option of the action part of the filter. This determines then forwarding class queue this packet will be stored. If the user entered a priority value in the priority option, it is ignored as the priority and profile of ATM VLL service packets is solely determined based on the ATM conformance definition configured in the ATM QoS traffic descriptor profile applied to this ATM SAP.

On egress ATM SAP, the Q-chip will queue the packet on the egress SAP queue corresponding to the packet’s FC and forwards the packet to the ATM MDA (CMA). The ATM MDA (CMA) stores the individual cells it in the VP queue corresponding to the SAP.

It is strongly recommended that the user does not enable cell-concatenation on the spoke-SDP when a VCI QoS filter is applied to the SAP. The filter will match against the VCI in the header of the first cell in the concatenated packet. Cell concatenation is disabled by default on a spoke-sdp of all ATM VLL service types.

The no form of this command removes the VCI value as the match criterion.

The value of the VCI field in the received ATM cell header.
1, 2, 5 to 65535


dot1p dot1p-value [dot1p-mask]
no dot1p

The IEEE 802.1p value to be used as the match criterion.

Use the no form of this command to remove the dot1p value as the match criterion.


no dot1p

Enter the IEEE 802.1p value in decimal.
0 to 7
This 3-bit mask can be configured using the following formats:

Format Style

Format Syntax











To select a range from 4 up to 7 specify p-value of 4 and a mask of 0b100 for value and mask.

1 to 7 (decimal)
7 (decimal) (exact match)


dsap dsap-value [dsap-mask]
no dsap

Configures an Ethernet 802.2 LLC DSAP value or range for an ingress SAP QoS policy match criterion.

This is a one-byte field that is part of the 802.2 LLC header of the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Frame.

The snap-pid field, etype field, ssap and dsap fields are mutually exclusive and cannot be part of the same match criteria.

Use the no form of this command to remove the dsap value as the match criterion.


no dsap

The 8-bit dsap match criteria value in hexadecimal.
0x00 to 0xFF (hex)
This is optional and can be used when specifying a range of dsap values to use as the match criteria.

This 8 bit mask can be configured using the following formats:

Format Style

Format Syntax











0x00 to 0xFF (hex)
FF (hex) (exact match)


dst-mac ieee-address [ieee-address-mask]
no dst-mac

Configures a destination MAC address or range to be used as a Service Ingress QoS policy match criterion.

The no form of this command removes the destination mac address as the match criterion.


no dst-mac

The MAC address to be used as a match criterion.
HH:HH:HH:HH:HH:HH or HH-HH-HH-HH-HH-HH where H is a hexadecimal digit
A 48-bit mask to match a range of MAC address values.

This 48-bit mask can be configured using the following formats:

Format Style

Format Syntax











All packets with a source MAC OUI value of 00-03-FA subject to a match condition should be specified as: 0003FA000000 0x0FFFFF000000

0x00000000000000 to 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF (hex)
0xFFFFFFFFFFFF (hex) (exact match)


etype etype-value
no etype

Configures an Ethernet type II value to be used as a service ingress QoS policy match criterion.

The Ethernet type field is a two-byte field used to identify the protocol carried by the Ethernet frame. For e.g. 0800 is used to identify the IP v4 packets.

The Ethernet type field is used by the Ethernet version-II frames. IEEE 802.3 Ethernet frames do not use the type field. For IEEE 802.3 frames use the dsap, ssap or snap-pid fields as match criteria.

The snap-pid field, etype field, ssap and dsap fields are mutually exclusive and cannot be part of the same match criteria.

The no form of this command removes the previously entered etype field as the match criteria.


no etype

The Ethernet type II frame Ethertype value to be used as a match criterion expressed in hexadecimal.
0x0600 to 0xFFFF


inner-tag value [vid-mask]
no inner-tag

This command configures the matching of the second tag that is carried transparently through the service. The inner-tag on ingress is the second tag on the frame if there are no service delimiting tags. Inner tag is the second tag before any service delimiting tags on egress but is dependent in the ingress configuration and may be set to 0 even in cases where additional tags are on the frame. This allows matching VLAN tags for explicit filtering or QoS setting when using default or null encapsulations.

The inner-tag is not applicable in ingress on dot1Q SAPs. The inner-tag may be populated on egress depending on the ingress SAP type.

On QinQ SAPs of null and default that do not strip tags inner-tag will contain the second tag (then is still the second tag carried transparently through the service.) On ingress SAPs that strip any tags, inner-tag will contain 0 even if there are more than 2 tags on the frame.

The optional vid_mask is defaulted to 4095 (exact match) but may be specified to allow pattern matching. The masking operation is ((value and vid-mask) = = (tag and vid-mask)). A value of 6 and a mask of 7 would match all VIDs with the lower 3 bits set to 6.

For QoS, the VID type cannot be specified on the default QoS policy.

The default vid-mask is set to 4095 for exact match.


outer-tag value [vid-mask]
no outer-tag

This command configures the matching of the first tag that is carried transparently through the service. Service delimiting tags are stripped from the frame and outer tag on ingress is the first tag after any service delimiting tags. Outer tag is the first tag before any service delimiting tags on egress. This allows matching VLAN tags for explicit filtering or QoS setting when using default or null encapsulations.

On dot1Q SAPs outer-tag is the only tag that can be matched. On dot1Q SAPs with exact match (sap 2/1/1:50) the outer-tag will be populated with the next tag that is carried transparently through the service or 0 if there is no additional VLAN tags on the frame.

On QinQ SAPs that strip a single service delimiting tag outer-tag will contain the next tag (then is still the first tag carried transparently through the service.) On SAPs with two service delimiting tags (two tags stripped) outer-tag will contain 0 even if there are more than 2 tags on the frame.

The optional vid_mask is defaulted to 4095 (exact match) but may be specified to allow pattern matching. The masking operation is ((value & vid-mask) = = (tag & vid-mask)). A value of 6 and a mask of 7 would match all VIDs with the lower 3 bits set to 6.

For QoS, the VID type cannot be specified on the default QoS policy.

The default vid-mask is set to 4095 for exact match.


snap-oui [zero | non-zero]
no snap-oui

Configures an IEEE 802.3 LLC SNAP Ethernet frame OUI zero or non-zero value to be used as a service ingress QoS policy match criterion.

The no form of this command removes the criterion from the match criteria.


no snap-oui

Specifies to match packets with the three-byte OUI field in the SNAP-ID set to zero.
Specifies to match packets with the three-byte OUI field in the SNAP-ID not set to zero.


snap-pid snap-pid
no snap-pid

Configures an IEEE 802.3 LLC SNAP Ethernet frame PID value to be used as a service ingress QoS policy match criterion.

This is a two-byte protocol id that is part of the IEEE 802.3 LLC SNAP Ethernet Frame that follows the three-byte OUI field.

The snap-pid field, etype field, ssap and dsap fields are mutually exclusive and cannot be part of the same match criteria.

The snap-pid match criteria is independent of the OUI field within the SNAP header. Two packets with different three-byte OUI fields but the same PID field will both match the same policy entry based on a snap-pid match criteria.

The no form of this command removes the snap-pid value as the match criteria.


no snap-pid

The two-byte snap-pid value to be used as a match criterion in hexadecimal.
0x0000 to 0xFFFF


src-mac ieee-address [ieee-address-mask]
no src-mac

This command configures a source MAC address or range to be used as a service ingress QoS policy match criterion.

The no form of this command removes the source mac as the match criteria.


no src-mac

Enter the 48-bit IEEE mac address to be used as a match criterion.
HH:HH:HH:HH:HH:HH or HH-HH-HH-HH-HH-HH where H is a hexadecimal digit
This 48-bit mask can be configured using:

This 48 bit mask can be configured using the following formats

Format Style

Format Syntax











To configure all packets with a source MAC OUI value of 00-03-FA are subject to a match condition, then the entry should be specified as: 003FA000000 0xFFFFFF000000

0x00000000000000 to 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF (hex)
0xFFFFFFFFFFFF (hex) (exact match)


ssap ssap-value [ssap-mask]
no ssap

This command configures an Ethernet 802.2 LLC SSAP value or range for an ingress SAP QoS policy match criterion.

This is a one-byte field that is part of the 802.2 LLC header of the IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Frame.

The snap-pid field, etype field, ssap and dsap fields are mutually exclusive and cannot be part of the same match criteria.

The no form of this command removes the ssap match criterion.


no ssap

The 8-bit ssap match criteria value in hex.
0x00 to 0xFF (hex)
This is optional and can be used when specifying a range of ssap values to use as the match criteria.

This 8 bit mask can be configured using the following formats:

Format Style

Format Syntax











0x00 to 0xFF


type filter-type
no type

This command sets the mac-criteria type.



Specifies then type of entries this MAC filter can contain.
normal — Regular match criteria are allowed; ISID match not allowed.
vid — Configures the VID filter type used to match on ethernet_II frame types. This allows matching VLAN tags for explicit filtering.


policer policer-id [create]
no policer policer-id

This command is used in the sap-ingress and sap-egress QoS policies to create, modify or delete a policer. Policers are created and used in a similar manner to queues. The policer ID space is separate from the queue ID space, allowing both a queue and a policer to share the same ID. The sap-ingress policy may have up to 63 policers (numbered 1 through 63) may be defined while the sap-egress QoS policy supports a maximum of 8 (numbered 1 through 8). While a policer may be defined within a QoS policy, it is not actually created on SAPs or subscribers or multiservice site associated with the policy until a forwarding class is mapped to the policer’s ID.

All policers must be created within the QoS policies. A default policer is not created when a sap-ingress or sap-egress QoS policy is created.

Once a policer is created, the policer's metering rate and profiling rates may be defined as well as the policer's maximum and committed burst sizes (MBS and CBS respectively). Unlike queues then have dedicated counters, policers allow various stat-mode settings that define the counters that will be associated with the policer. Another supported feature—packet-byte-offset—provides a policer with the ability to modify the size of each packet-based on a defined number of bytes.

Once a policer is created, it cannot be deleted from the QoS policy unless any forwarding classes that are mapped to the policer are first moved to other policers or queues.

The system will allow a policer to be created on a SAP QoS policy regardless of the ability to support policers on objects where the policy is currently applied. The system only scans the current objects for policer support and sufficient resources to create the policer when a forwarding class is first mapped to the policer ID. If the policer cannot be created due to one or more instances of the policy not supporting policing or having insufficient resources to create the policer, the forwarding class mapping will fail.

The no form of this command is used to delete a policer from a sap-ingress or sap-egress QoS policy. The specified policer cannot currently have any forwarding class mappings for the removal of the policer to succeed. It is not necessary to actually delete the policer ID for the policer instances to be removed from SAPs or subscriber or multiservice site associated with the QoS policy once all forwarding classes have been moved away from the policer. It is automatically deleted from each policing instance although it still appears in the QoS policy.

The policer-id must be specified when executing the policer command. If the specified ID already exists, the system enters that policer's context to allow the policer’s parameters to be modified. If the ID does not exist and is within the allowed range for the QoS policy type, a context for the policer ID will be created (depending on the system's current create keyword requirements then may require the create keyword to actually add the new policer ID to the QoS policy) and the system will enter that new policer’s context for possible parameter modification.
1 to 63


adaptation-rule [pir {max | min | closest}] [cir {max | min | closest}]
no adaptation-rule

This command is used to define how the policer’s configuration parameters are translated into the underlying hardware capabilities used to implement each policer instance. For instance, the configured rates for the policer need to be mapped to the timers and decrement granularity used by the hardware's leaky bucket functions that actually perform the traffic metering. If a rate is defined that cannot be exactly matched by the hardware, the adaptation-rule setting provides guidance for then hardware rate should be used.

The max keyword tells the system that the defined rate is the maximum rate that should be given to the policer. If the hardware cannot exactly match the given rate, the next lowest hardware supported rate is used.

The min keyword tells the system that the defined rate is the minimum rate that should be given to the policer. If the hardware cannot exactly match the given rate, the next highest hardware supported rate is used.

The closest keyword tells the system that the defined rate is the target rate for the policer. If the hardware cannot exactly match the given rate, the system will use the closest hardware supported rate compared to the target rate.

The hardware also needs to adapt the given mbs and cbs values into the PIR bucket violate threshold (discard) and the CIR bucket exceed threshold (out-of-profile). The hardware may not have an exact threshold match then it can use. The system treats the mbs and cbs values as minimum threshold values.

The no form of this command is used to return the policer’s metering and profiling hardware adaptation rules to closest.

pir {max | min | closest}—
When the optional pir parameter is specified, the max, min or closest keyword qualifier must follow.
The max keyword is used to inform the system that the metering rate defined for the policer is the maximum allowed rate. The system will choose a hardware supported rate that is closest but not exceeding the specified rate.
The min keyword is used to inform the system that the metering rate defined for the policer is the minimum allowed rate. The system will choose a hardware supported rate that is closest but not lower than the specified rate.
The closest keyword is used to inform the system that the metering rate defined for the policer is the target rate. The system will choose a hardware supported rate that is closest to the specified rate.
cir {max | min | closest}—
When the optional cir parameter is specified, the max, min or closest keyword qualifier must follow.
The max keyword is used to inform the system that the profiling rate defined for the policer is the maximum allowed rate. The system will choose a hardware supported rate that is closest but not exceeding the specified rate.
The min keyword is used to inform the system that the profiling rate defined for the policer is the minimum allowed rate. The system will choose a hardware supported rate that is closest but not lower than the specified rate.
The closest keyword is used to inform the system that the profiling rate defined for the policer is the target rate. The system will choose a hardware supported rate that is closest to the specified rate.


adv-config-policy policy-name
no adv-config-policy

This command specifies the advanced QoS policy. The advanced QoS policy contains only queue and policer child control parameters within a child-control node.

Once a policy is created, it may be applied to a queue or policer defined within a sap-egress or sap-ingress QoS policy. It may also be applied to a queue or policer defined within an ingress or egress queue-group template. When a policy is currently associated with a QoS policy or template, the policy may be modified but not deleted (even in the event that the QoS policy or template is not in use).

The no form of this command removes the specified advanced policy.


no adv-config-policy

The name of the advanced QoS policy.
Valid names consist of any string up to 63 characters long composed of printable, 7-bit ASCII characters. If the string contains special characters (#, $, spaces, etc.), the entire string must be enclosed within double quotes.


cbs {size [bytes | kilobytes] | default}
no cbs

This command is used to configure the policer’s CIR leaky bucket’s exceed threshold. The CIR bucket’s exceed threshold represents the committed burst tolerance allowed by the policer. If the policer’s forwarding rate is equal to or less than the policer's defined CIR, the CIR bucket depth hovers around the 0 depth with spikes up to the maximum packet size in the offered load. If the forwarding rate increases beyond the profiling rate, the amount of data allowed to be in-profile above the rate is capped by the threshold.

The policer’s cbs size defined in the QoS policy may be overridden on an sla-profile or SAP where the policy is applied.

The no form of this command returns the policer to its default CBS size.


64 kilobytes when CIR = max, otherwise 10ms volume of traffic for a configured non zero/non max CIR.

size [bytes | kilobytes]
The size parameter is required when specifying cbs and is expressed as an integer representing the required size in either bytes or kilobytes. The default is kilobytes. The optional byte and kilobyte keywords are mutually exclusive and are used to explicitly define whether size represents bytes or kilobytes.
When byte is defined, the value given for size is interpreted as the queue’s MBS value given in bytes.
When kilobytes is defined, the value is interpreted as the queue’s MBS value given in kilobytes.
0 – 16777216 or default


high-prio-only percent-of-mbs
no high-prio-only

This command is used to configure the percentage of the policer’s PIR leaky bucket's MBS (maximum burst size) that is reserved for high priority traffic. While the mbs value defines the policer’s high priority violate threshold, the percentage value defined is applied to the mbs value to derive the bucket’s low priority violate threshold. See the mbs command details for information on then types of traffic is associated with each violate threshold.

The percent-of-mbs parameter is required when specifying high-prio-only and is expressed as a percentage.
0 to 100


mbs {size [bytes | kilobytes] | default}
no mbs

This command is used to configure the policer’s PIR leaky bucket’s high priority violate threshold. The high-prio-only command is applied to the MBS value to derive the bucket’s low priority violate threshold. For ingress, trusted in-profile packets and untrusted high priority packets use the policer’s high priority violate threshold while trusted out-of-profile and untrusted low priority packets use the policer's low priority violate threshold. At egress, inplus-profile, and in-profile packets use the policer’s high priority violate threshold and out-of-profile packets use the policer's low priority violate threshold. exceed-profile packets are discarded unless enable-exceed-pir is configured, in then case they are forwarded.

The PIR bucket’s violate threshold represent the maximum burst tolerance allowed by the policer. If the policer's offered rate is equal to or less than the policer's defined rate, the PIR bucket depth hovers around the 0 depth with spikes up to the maximum packet size in the offered load. If the offered rate increases beyond the metering rate, the amount of data allowed above the rate is capped by the threshold. The low priority violate threshold provides a smaller burst size for the lower priority traffic associated with the policer. Since all lower priority traffic is discarded at the lower burst tolerance size, the remaining burst tolerance defined by high-prio-only is available for the higher priority traffic.

The policer’s mbs size defined in the QoS policy may be overridden on an sla-profile or SAP where the policy is applied.

The no form of this command returns the policer to its default MBS size.


64 kilobytes when PIR = max, otherwise, 10ms volume of traffic for a configured non zero/non max PIR.

size [bytes | kilobytes]
The size parameter is required when specifying mbs and is expressed as an integer representing the required size in either bytes or kilobytes. The default is kilobytes. The optional byte and kilobyte keywords are mutually exclusive and are used to explicitly define whether size represents bytes or kilobytes.
When byte is defined, the value given for size is interpreted as the queue’s MBS value given in bytes.
When kilobytes is defined, the value is interpreted as the queue’s MBS value given in kilobytes.
0 – 16777216 or default


packet-byte-offset {add bytes | subtract bytes}
no packet-byte-offset

This command is used to modify the size of each packet handled by the policer by adding or subtracting a number of bytes. The actual packet size is not modified; only the size used to determine the bucket depth impact is changed. The packet-byte-offset command is meant to be an arbitrary mechanism the can be used to either add downstream frame encapsulation or remove portions of packet headers. Both the policing metering and profiling throughput is affected by the offset as well as the stats associated with the policer.

When child policers are adding to or subtracting from the size of each packet, the parent policer’s min-thresh-separation value should also need to be modified by the same amount.

The policer’s packet-byte-offset defined in the QoS policy may be overridden on an sla-profile or SAP where the policy is applied. Packet byte offset settings are not included in the applied rate when (queue) frame-based accounting is configured and the policer is managed by HQoS, however the offsets are applied to the statistics.

The no version of this command is used to remove per packet size modifications from the policer.

add bytes
The add keyword is mutually exclusive to the subtract keyword. Either add or subtract must be specified. When add is defined the corresponding bytes parameter specifies the number of bytes that is added to the size each packet associated with the policer for rate metering, profiling and accounting purposes. From the policer’s perspective, the maximum packet size is increased by the amount being added to the size of each packet.
0 to 31
subtract bytes
The subtract keyword is mutually exclusive to the add keyword. Either add or subtract must be specified. When b is defined the corresponding bytes parameter specifies the number of bytes that is subtracted from the size of each packet associated with the policer for rate metering, profiling and accounting purposes. From the policer’s perspective, the maximum packet size is reduced by the amount being subtracted from the size of each packet. The minimum resulting packet size used by the system is 1 byte.
1 to 64


parent {root | arbiter-name} [weight weight-within-level] [level level]
no parent

This command is used to create a child to parent mapping between each instance of the policer and either the root arbiter or a specific tiered arbiter on the object where the policy is applied. Defining a parent association for the policer causes the policer to compete for the parent policer’s available bandwidth with other child policers mapped to the policer control hierarchy.

Policer control hierarchies may be created on SAPs or on a subscriber or multiservice site context. To create a policer control hierarchy on an ingress or egress SAP context, a policer-control-policy must be applied to the SAP. Once applied, the system will create a parent policer that is bandwidth limited by the policy’s max-rate value under the root arbiter. The root arbiter in the policy also provides the information used to determine the various priority level discard-unfair and discard-all thresholds. Besides the root arbiter, the policy may also contain user defined tiered arbiters that provide arbitrary bandwidth control for subsets of child policers that are either directly or indirectly parented by the arbiter.

When the QoS policy containing the policer with a parent mapping to an arbiter name exists on the SAP, the system will scan the available arbiters on the SAP. If an arbiter exists with the appropriate name, the policer to arbiter association is created. If the specified arbiter does not exist either because a policer-control-policy is not currently applied to the SAP or the arbiter name does not exist within the applied policy, the policer is placed in an orphan state. Orphan policers operate as if they are not parented and are not subject to any bandwidth constraints other than their own PIR. When a policer enters the orphan state, it is flagged as operationally degraded due to the fact that it is not operating as intended and a trap is generated. Whenever a policer-control-policy is added to the SAP or the existing policy is modified, the SAP's policer's parenting configurations must be reevaluated. If an orphan policer becomes parented, the degraded flag should be cleared and a resulting trap should be generated.

For subscribers, the policer control hierarchy is created through the policer-control-policy applied to the sub-profile used by the subscriber. A unique policer control hierarchy is created for each subscriber associated with the sub-profile. The QoS policy containing the policer with the parenting command comes into play through the subscriber sla-profile then references the QoS policy. The combining of the sub-profile and the sla-profile at the subscriber level provides the system with the proper information to create the policer control hierarchy instance for the subscriber. This functionality is available only for the 7450 ESS and 7750 SR.

Executing the parent command will fail if:

  1. The policer’s stat-mode in the QoS policy is set to no-stats
  2. A stat-mode no-stats override exists on an instance of the policer on a SAP or subscriber or multiservice site context

A policer with a parent command applied cannot be configured with stat-mode no-stats in either the QoS policy or as an override on an instance of the policer

Once a policer is successfully parented to an arbiter, the parent commands level and weight parameters are used to determine at what priority level and at then weight in the priority level that the child policer competes with other children (policers or other arbiters) for bandwidth.

The no form of this command is used to remove the parent association from all instances of the policer.

{root | arbiter-name}—
When the parent command is executed, either the keyword root or an arbiter-name must be specified.
The root keyword specifies that the policer is intended to become a child to the root arbiter where an instance of the policer is created. If the root arbiter does not exist, the policer will be placed in the orphan state.
The arbiter-name parameter specifies that the policer is intended to become a child to one of the tiered arbiters with the given arbiter-name where an instance of the policer is created. If the specified arbiter-name does not exist, the policer will be placed in the orphan state.
weight weight-within-level
The weight weight-within-level keyword and parameter are optional when executing the parent command. When weight is not specified, a default level of 1 is used in the parent arbiters priority level. When weight is specified, the weight-within-level parameter must be specified as an integer value from 1 through 100.


percent-rate pir-percent [cir cir-percent]
no percent-rate

The percent-rate command within the SAP ingress and egress QOS policy enables supports for a policer’s PIR and CIR rate to be configured as a percentage of the immediate parent root policer/arbiter rate or the FP capacity.

This enables the same QOS policy to be used on SAPs on different FPs without needing to use SAP based policer overrides to modify a policer’s rate to get the same relative performance from the policer.

If the parent arbiter rate changes after the policer is created, the policer’s PIR and CIR rates will be recalculated based on the defined percentage value.

The rate and percent-rate commands override one another. If the current rate for a policer is defined using the percent-rate command and the rate command is executed, the percent-rate values are deleted. In a similar fashion, the percent-rate command causes any rate command values to be deleted. A policer’s rate may dynamically be changed back and forth from a percentage to an explicit rate at anytime.

The no form of this command returns the queue to its default shaping rate and cir rate.

pir-percent —
Specifies the policer’s PIR as a percentage of the immediate parent root policer/arbiter rate or the FP capacity.
Percentage ranging from 0.01 to 100.00
cir cir-percent
The cir keyword is optional and when defined the required cir-percent CIR parameter expresses the policer’s CIR as a percentage of the immediate parent root policer/arbiter rate or the FP capacity.
Percentage ranging from 0.00 to 100.00


[no] profile-capped

Profile-capped mode enforces an overall in-profile burst limit to the CIR bucket for ingress undefined, ingress explicit in-profile, egress soft-in-profile, and egress explicit in-profile packets. The default behavior when profile-capped mode is not enabled is to ignore the CIR output state when an explicit in-profile packet is handled by an ingress or egress policer.

The profile-capped mode makes two changes:

  1. At egress, soft-in-profile packets (packets received from ingress as in-profile) are treated the same as explicit in-profile (unless explicitly reclassified as out-of-profile) and have an initial policer state of in-profile.
  2. At both ingress and egress, any packet output from the policer with a non-conforming CIR state are treated as out-of-profile (out-of-profile state is ignored for initial in-profile packets when profile-capped mode is not enabled)

no profile-capped


rate {max | pir-rate} [cir {max | cir-rate}]
no rate

This command is used to configure the policer’s metering and optional profiling rates. The metering rate is used by the system to configure the policer’s PIR leaky bucket’s decrement rate while the profiling rate configures the policer’s CIR leaky bucket’s decrement rate. The decrement function empties the bucket while packets applied to the bucket attempt to fill it based on the each packets size. If the bucket fills faster than how much is decremented per packet, the bucket’s depth eventually reaches it's exceed (CIR) or violate (PIR) threshold. The cbs, mbs, and high-prio-only commands are used to configure the policer’s PIR and CIR thresholds.

If a packet arrives at the policer while the bucket’s depth is less than the threshold associated with the packet, the packet is considered to be conforming to the bucket’s rate. If the bucket depth is equal to or greater than the threshold, the packet is considered to be in the exception state. For the CIR bucket, the exception state is exceeding the CIR rate while the PIR bucket's exception state is violating the PIR bucket rate. If the packet is violating the PIR, the packet is marked red and will be discarded. If the packet is not red, it may be green or yellow based on the conforming or exceeding state from the CIR bucket.

When a packet is red neither the PIR or CIR bucket depths are incremented by the packets size. When the packet is yellow the PIR bucket is incremented by the packet size, but the CIR bucket is not. When the packet is green, both the PIR and CIR buckets are incremented by the packet size. This ensures that conforming packets impact the bucket depth while exceeding or violating packets do not.

The policer’s adaptation-rule command settings are used by the system to convert the specified rates into hardware timers and decrement values for the policer’s buckets.

By default, the policer’s metering rate is max and the profiling rate is 0 Kbps (all packets out-of-profile).

The rate settings defined for the policer in the QoS policy may be overridden on an sla-profile or SAP where the policy is applied.

The no form of this command is used to restore the default metering and profiling rate to a policer.

{max | pir-rate}—
Specifying the keyword max or an explicit pir-rate parameter directly following the rate command is required and identifies the policer’s metering rate for the PIR leaky bucket. When the policer is first created, the metering rate defaults to max. The pir-rate value must be expressed as an integer and defines the rate in kilobits-per-second. The integer value is multiplied by 1,000 to derive the actual rate in bits-per-second. When max is specified, the maximum policer rate used will be equal to the maximum capacity of the card on then the policer is configured. If the policer rate is set to a value larger than the maximum rate possible for the card, then the PIR used is equivalent to max.
max or 1 to 2000000000
cir {max | cir-rate}—
The optional cir keyword is used to override the default CIR rate of the policer. Specifying the keyword max or an explicit cir-rate parameter directly following the cir keyword is required and identifies the policer’s profiling rate for the CIR leaky bucket. When the policer is first created, the profiling rate defaults to 0 Kbps. The cir-rate value must be expressed as an integer and defines the rate in kilobits-per-second. The integer value is multiplied by 1,000 to derive the actual rate in bits-per-second. When max is specified, the maximum policer rate used will be equal to the maximum capacity of the card on then the policer is configured. If the policer rate is set to a value larger than the maximum rate possible for the card, then the CPIR used is equivalent to max.
max or 0 to 2000000000


stat-mode {no-stats | minimal | offered-profile-no-cir | offered-priority-no-cir | offered-profile-cir | offered-priority-cir | offered-total-cir | offered-limited-profile-cir | offered-profile-capped-cir | offered-limited-capped-cir}
no stat mode

This command is used to configure the forwarding plane counters that allow offered, forwarded and dropped accounting to occur for the policer. An ingress policer has multiple types of offered packets (explicit in-profile, explicit out-of-profile, uncolored, high priority or low priority) and each of these offered types is interacting with the policer’s metering and profiling functions resulting in colored output packets (green, yellow and red). Due to the large number of policers, it is not economical to allocate counters in the forwarding plane for all possible offered packet types and output conditions. Many policers, for example, will not be configured with a CIR profiling rate and not all policers will receive explicitly profiled offered packets. The stat-mode command allows provisioning of the number of counters each policer requires and how the offered packet types and output conditions should be mapped to the counters.

While a no-stats mode is supported then prevents any packet accounting, the use of the policer’s parent command requires that the policer's stat-mode to be set at least to the minimal setting so that offered stats are available for the policer's Fair Information Rate (FIR) to be calculated. Once a policer has been made a child to a parent policer, the stat-mode cannot be changed to no-stats unless the policer parenting is first removed.

Each time the policer’s stat-mode is changed, any previous counter values are lost and any new counters are set to zero.

Each mode uses a certain number of counters per policer instance that are allocated from the forwarding plane’s policer counter resources. The total/allocated/free stats can be viewed by using the tools dump resource-usage card fp command. If insufficient counters exist to implement a mode on any policer instance, the stat-mode change will fail and the previous mode will continue unaffected for all instances of the policer.

The ingress policer stat-modes are summarized in Table 31.

Table 31:    Ingress Policer Stat-mode Summary 

Stat Mode

Stat Resources

Traffic Counters (Packet/Octets)










Single counter entering policer

Single counter for dropped/forwarded exiting policer



In/out entering policer

In/out entering policer

Intended for when the policer does not change the profile of packets. Includes only in-profile and out-of-profile.



High/low entering policer

High/low entering policer

Intended for when only packet priority stats are required.



In/out/uncolored entering policer

In/out exiting policer

Intended for when the policer can change the profile of packets to in-profile and out-of-profile.



High/low entering policer

In/out exiting policer

Intended for when packet priority entering the policer and profile exiting the policer is required.



Single counter entering policer

In/out exiting policer



Out/uncolored entering policer

In/out exiting policer

Intended for when the policer can change the profile of packet to in-profile and out-of-profile. The information is limited compared to offered-profile-capped-cir with the benefit on using one less stat resource.



In/out/uncolored entering policer

In/out exiting policer

Intended for when the policer has profile-capped configured.



In/uncolored entering policer

In/out exiting policer

Intended for when the policer has profile-capped configured. The information is limited compared to offered-profile-capped-cir with the benefit on using one less stat resource.

The default stat-mode when a policer is created within the policy is minimal.

The stat-mode setting defined for the policer in the QoS policy may be overridden on an sla-profile or SAP where the policy is applied. If insufficient policer counter resources exist to implement the override, the stat-mode override command will fail. The previous stat-mode setting active for the policer will continue to be used by the policer.

The no form of this command attempts to return the policer’s stat-mode setting to minimal. The command will fail if insufficient policer counter resources exist to implement minimal where the QoS policer is currently applied and has a forwarding class mapping.

Counter resource allocation: 0

The policer does not have any forwarding plane counters allocated and cannot provide offered, dropped and forwarded statistics. A policer using no-stats cannot be a child to a parent policer and the policer’s parent command will fail.

When collect-stats is enabled, no statistics are generated.

Counter resource allocation: 1

This stat-mode provides the minimal accounting resource usage and counter information, and includes the total offered, dropped and forwarded packet and octet counters for traffic entering (offered) and exiting (dropped/forwarded) the policer.

The default stat-mode for a policer is minimal. The minimal mode allocates 1 forwarding plane offered counter and one traffic manager discard counter. The forwarding counter is derived by subtracting the discard counter from the offered counter. The counters do not differentiate possible offered types (profile or priority) and do not count in-profile or out-of-profile output. This does not prevent the policer from supporting different offered packet types and does not prevent the policer from supporting a CIR rate.

This counter mode is useful when only the most basic accounting information is required.

The counters displayed in the show output and those collected when collect-stats is enabled (the actual fields collected depends on the record configured in the applied accounting policy) are described in Table 32.

Table 32:  Ingress Accounting Statistics Collected in minimal stat-mode  

Show Output

Accounting Stats Collected


Field Description

Off. All





Dro. All





For. All





offered-profile-no-cir —
Counter resource allocation: 2

This stat-mode provides offered, dropped and forwarded packet and octet counters corresponding to the profile of traffic entering the policer.

The offered-profile-no-cir mode allocates two forwarding plane offered counters and two traffic manager discard counters.

The offered-profile-no-cir mode is most useful when the policer is receiving only in-profile and out-of-profile premarked (and trusted) packets. It is expected that in this instance a CIR rate will not be defined since all packet are already premarked. This mode does not prevent the policer from receiving untrusted (color undefined) nor does it prevent the policer from being configured with a CIR rate.

This mode is intended to be used without profile-capped configured within the policer as it could cause the traffic profile to be modified by the policer.

The counters displayed in the show output and those collected when collect-stats is enabled (the actual fields collected depends on the record configured in the applied accounting policy) are described in Table 33.

Table 33:  Ingress Accounting Statistics Collected in offered-profile-no-cir stat-mode  

Show Output

Accounting Stats Collected


Field Description

Off. InProf





Off. OutProf





Dro. InProf





Dro. OutProf





For. InProf





For. OutProf





offered-priority-no-cir —
Counter resource allocation: 2

This stat-mode provides offered, dropped and forwarded packet and octet counters corresponding to the packet priority of traffic entering the policer.

The offered-priority-no-cir mode allocates two forwarding plane offered counters and two traffic manager discard counters.

The offered-priority-no-cir mode is most useful when the policer is receiving only untrusted packets and the ingress priority high and priority low classification options are being used without a CIR profiling rate defined. This mode does not prevent the policer from receiving trusted packets that are premarked in-profile or out-of-profile nor does it prevent the policer from being configured with a CIR rate.

This mode is intended to be used without profile-capped configured within the policer as it could cause the traffic profile to be modified by the policer.

The counters displayed in the show output and those collected when collect-stats is enabled (the actual fields collected depends on the record configured in the applied accounting policy) are described in Table 34.

Table 34:  Ingress Accounting Statistics Collected in offered-priority-no-cir stat-mode  

Show Output

Accounting Stats Collected


Field Description

Off. HiPrio





Off. LowPrio





Dro. HiPrio





Dro. LowPrio





For. HiPrio





For. LowPrio





offered-profile-cir —
Counter resource allocation: 4

This stat-mode provides offered, dropped and forwarded packet and octet counters corresponding to the profile of traffic entering (offered) and exiting (dropped/forwarded) the policer when ingress reclassification is performed so that the traffic entering the policer comprises of hard in/out and uncolored. The offered counters cover traffic explicitly profiled to in-profile, traffic explicitly profiled to out-of-profile and traffic then has not been explicitly profiled at ingress (uncolored).

The offered-profile-cir mode allocates four forwarding plane offered counters and four traffic manager discard counters.

The offered-profile-cir mode is most useful when the policer is receiving trusted out-of-profile and in-profile traffic and is also receiving untrusted packets that are being applied to a defined CIR profiling rate. This mode differs from offered-limited-profile-cir mode in that it expects both trusted in-profile and out-of-profile packets while still performing CIR profiling on packets with untrusted markings.If trusted in-profile packets are not being received, the offered-limited-profile-cir stat-mode could be used instead, then has the benefit of using a reduced number of stat resources.

This mode is intended to be used without profile-capped configured within the policer as this could cause the traffic profile to be modified by the policer in a way that is not accounted for in the statistics.

The counters displayed in the show output and those collected when collect-stats is enabled (the actual fields collected depends on the record configured in the applied accounting policy) are described in Table 35.

Table 35:  Ingress Accounting Statistics Collected in offered-profile-cir stat-mode  

Show Output

Accounting Stats Collected


Field Description

Off. InProf





Off. OutProf





Off. Uncolor





Dro. InProf





Dro. OutProf





For. InProf





For. OutProf





offered-priority-cir —
Counter resource allocation: 4

This stat-mode provides offered, dropped and forwarded packet and octet counters corresponding to the priority of traffic entering the policer and the profile exiting the policer.

The offered-priority-cir mode allocates four forwarding plane offered counters and four traffic manager discard counters.

The offered-priority-cir mode is most useful when the policer is receiving only untrusted packets that are being classified as high priority or low priority and are being applied to a defined CIR profiling rate. This mode differs from offered-profile-cir mode in that it does not expect trusted in-profile and out-of-profile packets but does not exclude the ability of the policer to receive them.

This mode is intended to be used without profile-capped configured within the policer as it could cause the traffic profile to be modified by the policer in a way that is not accounted for in the statistics.

The counters displayed in the show output and those collected when collect-stats is enabled (the actual fields collected depends on the record configured in the applied accounting policy) are described in Table 36.

Table 36:  Ingress Accounting Statistics Collected in offered-priority-cir stat-mode  

Show Output

Accounting Stats Collected


Field Description

Off. HiPrio





Off. LowPrio





Dro. InProf





Dro. OutProf





For. InProf





For. OutProf





Counter resource allocation: 2

This stat-mode provides offered, dropped and forwarded packet and octet counters corresponding to the profile of traffic entering (offered) and exiting (dropped/forwarded) the policer. All offered traffic is provided in a single counter.

The offered-total-cir mode allocates two forwarding plane offered counters and two traffic manager discard counters.

The offered-total-cir mode is most useful when the policer is not receiving trusted in-profile or out-of-profile traffic and both high and low priority classifications are not being used on the untrusted packets and the offered packets are being applied to a defined CIR profiling rate. This mode does not prevent the policer from receiving trusted in-profile or out-of-profile packets and does not prevent the use of priority high or low classifications on the untrusted packets.

This mode is intended to be used without profile-capped configured within the policer as it could cause the traffic profile to be modified by the policer in a way that is not accounted for in the statistics.

The counters displayed in the show output and those collected when collect-stats is enabled (the actual fields collected depends on the record configured in the applied accounting policy) are described in Table 37.

Table 37:  Ingress Accounting Statistics Collected in offered-total-cir stat-mode  

Show Output

Accounting Stats Collected


Field Description

Off. All





Dro. InProf





Dro. OutProf





For. InProf





For. OutProf





offered-limited-profile-cir —
Counter resource allocation: 3

This stat-mode provides offered, dropped and forwarded packet and octet counters corresponding to the profile of traffic entering (offered) and exiting (dropped/forwarded) the policer when ingress reclassification is performed so that the traffic entering the policer comprises of hard out and uncolored. The offered counters cover traffic explicitly profiled to out-of-profile and traffic then has not been explicitly profiled at ingress (Uncolor). The traffic explicitly profiled to in-profile is counted with the uncolored traffic.

The offered-limited-profile-cir mode allocates three forwarding plane offered counters and three traffic manager discard counters.

The offered-limited-profile-cir mode is most useful when the policer is receiving trusted out-of-profile (profile out but no profile in) traffic and untrusted packets are being applied to a defined CIR profiling rate. This mode does not prevent the policer from receiving trusted in-profile packets. If trusted in-profile packets are not being received, the offered-limited-profile-cir is preferred over offered-profile-cir because it uses a reduced number of stat resources.

This mode is intended to be used without profile-capped configured within the policer as it could cause the traffic profile to be modified by the policer in a way that is not accounted for in the statistics.

The counters displayed in the show output and those collected when collect-stats is enabled (the actual fields collected depends on the record configured in the applied accounting policy) are described in Table 38.

Table 38:  Ingress Accounting Statistics Collected in offered-limited-profile-cir stat-mode  

Show Output

Accounting Stats Collected


Field Description

Off. OutProf





Off. Uncolor





Dro. InProf





Dro. OutProf





For. InProf





For. OutProf





offered-profile-cir —
Counter resource allocation: 4
offered-profile-capped-cir —
Counter resource allocation: 5

This stat-mode provides offered, dropped and forwarded packet and octet counters corresponding to the profile of traffic entering (offered) and exiting (dropped/forwarded) the policer when ingress reclassification is performed so that the traffic entering the policer comprises of hard in/out and uncolored. The offered counters cover traffic explicitly profiled to in-profile, traffic explicitly profiled to out-of-profile and traffic then has not been explicitly profiled at ingress (Uncolor).

When offered-profile-capped-cir is defined, the system creates five offered-output counters in the forwarding plane and five discard counters in the traffic manager.

The offered-profile-capped-cir mode is similar to the offered-profile-cir mode except that it includes support for profile in and soft-in-profile that may be output as ‘out-of-profile’ due to enabling profile-capped mode on the ingress policer.

The impact of using offered-profile-capped-cir stat-mode while profile-capped mode is disabled is that one of the counting resources in the forwarding plane and traffic manager will not be used.

The counters displayed in the show output and those collected when collect-stats is enabled (the actual fields collected depends on the record configured in the applied accounting policy) are described in Table 39.

Table 39:  Ingress Accounting Statistics Collected in offered-profile-capped-cir stat-mode  

Show Output

Accounting Stats Collected


Field Description

Off. InProf





Off. OutProf





Off. Uncolor





Dro. InProf





Dro. OutProf





For. InProf





For. OutProf





offered-limited-capped-cir —
Counter resource allocation: 4

This stat-mode provides offered, dropped and forwarded packet and octet counters corresponding to the profile of traffic entering (offered) and exiting (dropped/forwarded) the policer when ingress reclassification is performed resulting in the traffic entering the policer comprising of hard in/out and uncolored. The offered counters cover in-profile traffic and traffic then has not been explicitly profiled at ingress (Uncolor). The traffic explicitly profiled to out-of-profile is counted with the uncolored traffic.

offered-limited-capped-cir is defined, the system creates four forwarding plane offered-output counters in the network processor and four discard counters in the traffic manager.

The offered-limited-capped-cir mode is similar to the offered-profile-capped-cir mode except that it combines soft in-profile with profile in (InProf) and profile out (OutProf) with soft-out-of-profile (Uncolor) and eliminates the 'offered undefined' statistic. If trusted out-of-profile packets are not being received the offered-limited-capped-cir is preferred over offered-profile-capped-cir because it uses a reduced number of stat resources.

This mode is intended to be used with profile-capped configured within the policer.

The impact of using offered-limited-capped-cir stat-mode while profile-capped mode is disabled are that one of the counting resources in the forwarding plane and traffic manager will not be used.

The counters displayed in the show output and those collected when collect-stats is enabled (the actual fields collected depends on the record configured in the applied accounting policy) are described in Table 40.

Table 40:  Ingress Accounting Statistics Collected in offered-limited-capped-cir stat-mode  

Show Output

Accounting Stats Collected


Field Description

Off. InProf





Off. Uncolor





Dro. InProf





Dro. OutProf





For. InProf





For. OutProf






policy-name policy-name
no policy-name

Policies must first be created with a policy-id, after then a policy-name can be assigned and used as an alias to reference the policy during configuration changes. Saved configurations and display output from the info and most show commands will show the policy-id (not the policy-name) where the policies are referenced.


no policy-name

Policy names may not begin with a number (0-9) or the underscore “_” character (e.g. _myPolicy). “default” cannot be used as policy names. Specify a character string 64 characters or less.


prec ip-prec-value [fc fc-name] [priority {high | low}]
no prec ip-prec-value

This command explicitly sets the forwarding class or enqueuing priority when a packet is marked with an IP precedence value (ip-prec-value). Adding an IP precedence rule on the policy forces packets that match the specified ip-prec-value to override the forwarding class and enqueuing priority based on the parameters included in the IP precedence rule.

When the forwarding class is not specified in the rule, a matching packet preserves (or inherits) the existing forwarding class derived from earlier matches in the classification hierarchy.

When the enqueuing priority is not specified in the rule, a matching packet preserves (or inherits) the existing enqueuing priority derived from earlier matches in the classification hierarchy.

The ip-prec-value is derived from the most significant three bits in the IP header ToS byte field (precedence bits). The three precedence bits define 8 Class-of-Service (CoS) values commonly used to map packets to per-hop Quality-of-Service (QoS) behavior. The precedence bits are also part of the newer DiffServ Code Point (DSCP) method of mapping packets to QoS behavior. The DSCP uses the most significant six bits in the IP header ToS byte and so overlaps with the precedence bits. Both IP precedence and DSCP classification rules are supported. DSCP rules have a higher match priority than IP precedence rules and where a dscp-name DSCP value overlaps an ip-prec-value, the DSCP rule takes precedence.

The HSMDA queue offered stats represent all packets sent to a specific ingress or egress queue regardless of the HSMDA counter override. This results in accurate queue offered stats, while the discard and forwarding stats per queue only represent packets that have not been associated with an exception counter. If the queue discard and forwarding stats are subtracted from the queue offered stats, an approximation of the number of packets handled by the queue that have been associated with an exception counter may be calculated. This is an approximation due to the possible presence of packets currently in the queue that are not represented by the discard or forwarding stats at the time the stats are collected but had been included in the queue offered stats. This discrepancy is minimized when the stats are collected over time and disappears completely once the queue drains.

The no form of the command removes the explicit IP precedence classification rule from the SAP ingress policy. Removing the rule on the policy immediately removes the rule on all ingress SAPs using the policy.

The ip-prec-value is a required parameter that specifies the unique IP header ToS byte precedence bits value that will match the IP precedence rule. If the command is executed more than once with the same ip-prec-value, the previous forwarding class and enqueuing priority is completely overridden by the new parameters or defined to be inherited when a forwarding class or enqueuing priority parameter is missing.

A maximum of eight IP precedence rules are allowed on a single policy.

The precedence is evaluated from the lowest to highest value.

0 to 7
fc fc-name
The value given for the fc-name parameter must be one of the predefined forwarding classes in the system. Specifying the fc-name is optional. When a packet matches the rule the forwarding class is only overridden when the fc fc-name parameter is defined on the rule. If the packet matches and the forwarding class is not explicitly defined in the rule, the forwarding class is inherited based on previous rule matches.

The subclass-name parameter is optional and used with the fc-name parameter to define a preexisting subclass. The fc-name and subclass-name parameters must be separated by a period (dot). If subclass-name does not exist in the context of fc -name, an error will occur. If subclass-name is removed using the no fc fc-name.subclass-name force command, the default-fc command will automatically drop the subclass-name and only use fc-name (the parent forwarding class for the subclass) as the forwarding class.




class: be, l2, af, l1, h2, ef, h1, nc

subclass: 29 characters max

Inherit (When fc is not defined, the rule preserves the previous forwarding class of the packet.)
priority —
The priority parameter overrides the default enqueuing priority for all packets received on an ingress SAP using this policy that match this rule. Specifying the priority is optional. When a packet matches the rule the enqueuing priority is only overridden when the priority parameter is defined on the rule. If the packet matches and priority is not explicitly defined in the rule, the enqueuing priority is inherited based on previous rule matches.
high, low
Inherits the priority defined by the default-priority statement.
This parameter is used in conjunction with the priority parameter. Setting the enqueuing parameter to high for a packet increases the likelihood of enqueuing the packet when the ingress queue is congested. Ingress enqueuing priority only affects ingress SAP queuing. When the packet is placed in a buffer on the ingress queue, the significance of the enqueuing priority is lost.
This parameter is used in conjunction with the priority parameter. Setting the enqueuing parameter to low for a packet decreases the likelihood of enqueuing the packet when the ingress queue is congested. Ingress enqueuing priority only affects ingress SAP queuing. When the packet is placed in a buffer on the ingress queue, the significance of the enqueuing priority is lost.


queue queue-id [multipoint] [queue-type] [queue-mode] [create]
no queue queue-id

This command creates the context to configure an ingress SAP QoS policy queue.

Explicit definition of an ingress queue’s hardware scheduler status is supported. A single ingress queue allows support for multiple forwarding classes. The default behavior automatically chooses the expedited or non-expedited nature of the queue based on the forwarding classes mapped to it. As long as all forwarding classes mapped to the queue are expedited (nc, ef, h1 or h2), the queue is treated as an expedited queue by the hardware schedulers. When any non-expedited forwarding classes are mapped to the queue (be, af, l1 or l2), the queue is treated as best effort (be) by the hardware schedulers. The expedited hardware schedulers are used to enforce expedited access to internal switch fabric destinations. The hardware status of the queue must be defined at the time of queue creation within the policy.

The queue command allows the creation of multipoint queues. Only multipoint queues can receive ingress packets that need flooding to multiple destinations. By separating the unicast for multipoint traffic at service ingress and handling the traffic on separate multipoint queues special handling of the multipoint traffic is possible. Each queue acts as an accounting and (optionally) shaping device offering precise control over potentially expensive multicast, broadcast and unknown unicast traffic. Only the back-end support of multipoint traffic (between the forwarding class and the queue based on forwarding type) needs to be defined. The individual classification rules used to place traffic into forwarding classes are not affected. Queues must be defined as multipoint at the time of creation within the policy.

The multipoint queues are for multipoint-destined service traffic. Within non-multipoint services, such as Epipe services, all traffic is considered unicast due to the nature of the service type. Multicast and broadcast-destined traffic in an Epipe service will not be mapped to a multipoint service queue.

When an ingress SAP QoS policy with multipoint queues is applied to an Epipe SAP, the multipoint queues are not created. When an ingress SAP QoS policy with multipoint queues is applied to an IES SAP, a multipoint queue will be created when PIM is enabled on the IES interface.

Any billing or statistical queries about a multipoint queue on a non-multipoint service returns zero values. Any queue parameter information requested about a multipoint queue on a non-multipoint service returns the queue parameters in the policy. Buffers will not be allocated for multipoint queues on non-multipoint services. Buffer pool queries return zero values for actual buffers allocated and current buffer utilization.

The no form of this command removes the queue-id from the SAP ingress QoS policy and from any existing SAPs using the policy. If any forwarding class forwarding types are mapped to the queue, they revert to their default queues. When a queue is removed, any pending accounting information for each SAP queue created due to the definition of the queue in the policy is discarded.

The queue-id for the queue, expressed as an integer. The queue-id uniquely identifies the queue within the policy. This is a required parameter each time the queue command is executed.
1 to 32
The expedite, best-effort and auto-expedite queue types are mutually exclusive to each other. Each defines the method that the system uses to service the queue from a hardware perspective. A keyword can be specified at the time the queue is created. If an attempt to change the keyword after the queue is initially defined, an error is generated.
expedite, best-effort, auto-expedite
expedite — This keyword ensures that the queue is treated in an expedited manner independent of the forwarding classes mapped to the queue.
best-effort — This keyword ensures that the queue is treated in a non-expedited manner independent of the forwarding classes mapped to the queue.
auto-expedite — This keyword allows the system to auto-define the way the queue is serviced by the hardware. When auto-expedite is defined on the queue, the queue is treated in an expedited manner when all forwarding classes mapped to the queue are configured as expedited types nc, ef, h1 or h2. When a single non-expedited forwarding class is mapped to the queue (be, af, l1 and l2) the queue automatically falls back to non-expedited status.
This optional keyword specifies that this queue-id is for multipoint forwarded traffic only. This queue-id can only be explicitly mapped to the forwarding class multicast, broadcast, or unknown unicast ingress traffic. If you attempt to map forwarding class unicast traffic to a multipoint queue, an error is generated and no changes are made to the current unicast traffic queue mapping.

A queue must be created as multipoint. The multipoint designator cannot be defined after the queue is created. If an attempt is made to modify the command to include the multipoint keyword, an error is generated and the command will not execute.

The multipoint keyword can be entered in the command line on a preexisting multipoint queue to edit queue-id parameters.

non-multipoint (unicast queue)
Specifies the mode in then the queue is operating. This attribute is associated with the queue at the time of creation and cannot be modified thereafter.
profile-mode: When the queue is operating in the profile mode (or, the color aware mode), the queue tries to provide the appropriate bandwidth to the packets with different profiles. The profiles are assigned according to the configuration of the forwarding class or the sub-forwarding class.
priority-mode: The queue is capable of handling traffic differently with two distinct priorities. These priorities are assigned by the stages preceding the queueing framework in the system. In priority mode, the queue does not have the functionality to support the profiled traffic and in such cases the queue will have a degraded performance. However, the converse is not valid and a queue in-profile mode should be capable of supporting the different priorities of traffic.
Keyword creates an ingress SAP QoS policy queue.


adaptation-rule [pir {max | min | closest}] [cir {max | min | closest}]
no adaptation-rule

This command defines the method used by the system to derive the operational CIR and PIR settings when the queue is provisioned in hardware. For the CIR and PIR parameters individually, the system attempts to find the best operational rate depending on the defined constraint.

The no form of the command removes any explicitly defined constraints used to derive the operational CIR and PIR created by the application of the policy. When a specific adaptation-rule is removed, the default constraints for rate and cir apply.

pir {max | min | closest}—
When the optional pir parameter is specified, the max, min or closest keyword qualifier must follow.
The max keyword is used to inform the system that the metering rate defined for the policer is the maximum allowed rate. The system will choose a hardware supported rate that is closest but not exceeding the specified rate.
The min keyword is used to inform the system that the metering rate defined for the policer is the minimum allowed rate. The system will choose a hardware supported rate that is closest but not lower than the specified rate.
The closest keyword is used to inform the system that the metering rate defined for the policer is the target rate. The system will choose a hardware supported rate that is closest to the specified rate.
cir {max | min | closest}—
When the optional cir parameter is specified, the max, min or closest keyword qualifier must follow.
The max keyword is used to inform the system that the profiling rate defined for the policer is the maximum allowed rate. The system will choose a hardware supported rate that is closest but not exceeding the specified rate.
The min keyword is used to inform the system that the profiling rate defined for the policer is the minimum allowed rate. The system will choose a hardware supported rate that is closest but not lower than the specified rate.
The closest keyword is used to inform the system that the profiling rate defined for the policer is the target rate. The system will choose a hardware supported rate that is closest to the specified rate.


burst-limit size [bytes | kilobytes]
no burst-limit

The queue burst-limit command is used to define an explicit shaping burst size for a queue. The configured size defines the shaping leaky bucket threshold level that indicates the maximum burst over the queue’s shaping rate.

The burst-limit command is supported under the sap-ingress and sap-egress QoS policy queues. The command is also supported under the ingress and egress queue-group-templates queues.

The no form of this command is used to restore the default burst limit to the specified queue. This is equivalent to specifying burst-limit default within the QoS policies or queue group templates. When specified within a queue-override queue context, any current burst limit override for the queue will be removed and the queue’s burst limit will be controlled by its defining policy or template.

When a numeric value is specified (size), the system interprets the value as an explicit burst limit size. The value is expressed as an integer and by default is interpreted as the burst limit in Kilobytes. If the value is intended to be interpreted in bytes, the byte qualifier must be added following size.
1 to 13,671 kilobites or 14,000,000 bytes
No default for size, use the default keyword to specify default burst limit
The bytes qualifier is used to specify that the value given for size must be interpreted as the burst limit in bytes. The byte qualifier is optional and mutually exclusive with the kilobytes qualifier.
The kilobyte qualifier is used to specify that the value given for size must be interpreted as the burst limit in Kilobytes. The kilobyte qualifier is optional and mutually exclusive with the bytes qualifier. If neither bytes nor kilobytes is specified, the default qualifier is kilobytes.


cbs size-in-kbytes
no cbs

This command provides a mechanism to override the default reserved buffers for the queue. It is permissible, and possibly desirable, to oversubscribe the total CBS reserved buffers for a given access port egress buffer pool. Oversubscription may be desirable due to the potentially large number of service queues and the economy of statistical multiplexing the individual queue’s CBS settings into the defined reserved total.

When oversubscribing the reserved total, it is possible for a queue depth to be lower than its CBS setting and still not receive a buffer from the buffer pool for an ingress frame. As more queues are using their CBS buffers and the total in use exceeds the defined reserved total, essentially the buffers are being removed from the shared portion of the pool without the shared in use average and total counts being decremented. This can affect the operation of the high and low priority RED slopes on the pool, causing them to miscalculate when to start randomly dropping packets.

If the CBS value is larger than the MBS value, the CBS is capped to the value of the MBS or the minimum CBS value. If the MBS and CBS values are configured to be equal (or nearly equal) this will result in the CBS being slightly higher than the value configured.

The no form of this command returns the CBS size to the default value.



The size parameter is an integer expression of the number of kilobytes reserved for the queue. If a value of 10KBytes is desired, enter the value 10. A value of 0 specifies that no reserved buffers are required by the queue (a minimal reserved size can still be applied for scheduling purposes) The CBS maximum value used is constrained by the pool size in then the queue exists.
0 to 104857 or default
Minimum configurable non-zero value: 6Kbytes on an FP2 and 7680 bytes on an FP3
Minimum non-zero default value: maximum of 10ms of CIR or 6Kbytes on an FP2 and 7680 bytes on an FP3


hi-low-prio-only percent
no hi-low-prio-only

The hi-low-prio-only command configures the percentage of buffer space for the queue, used exclusively by higher priority (in-profile and out-of-profile) packets. The specified value overrides the default value for the context. It is applicable to SAP egress QoS policy queues and egress queue group template queues.

The priority of a packet can only be set in the SAP ingress QoS policy and is only applicable on the ingress queues for a SAP. At SAP egress, the priority of a packet is based on its profile state. The no form of this command restores the default higher priority reserved size.

The hi-low-prio-only drop tail exists also for egress network queues in a network queue policy, however, in these policies it is not configurable and has a default of an additional 10% of the MBS value on top of the high priority only.



The percentage reserved for higher priority (in-profile and out-of-profile) traffic on the queue.
0 to 100, default


high-prio-only percent
no high-prio-only

The high-prio-only command configures the percentage of buffer space for the queue, used exclusively by high priority packets. The specified value overrides the default value for the context.

The priority of a packet can only be set in the SAP ingress QoS policy and is only applicable on the ingress queues for a SAP. At SAP egress, the priority of a packet is based on its profile state.

The no form of this command restores the default high priority reserved size.

The percentage reserved for high priority traffic on the queue.
0 to 100, default


mbs size [bytes | kilobytes]
no mbs

The Maximum Burst Size (MBS) command provides the explicit definition of the maximum amount of buffers allowed for a specific queue. The value is given in bytes or kilobytes and overrides the default value for the context.

The MBS value is used by a queue to determine whether it has exhausted all of its buffers while enqueuing packets. Once the queue has exceeded the amount of buffers allowed by MBS, all packets are discarded until packets have been drained from the queue.

The sap-ingress context for mbs provides a mechanism for overriding the default maximum size for the queue.

The sum of the MBS for all queues on an ingress access port can oversubscribe the total amount of buffering available. When congestion occurs and buffers become scarce, access to buffers is controlled by the RED slope a packet is associated with. A queue that has not exceeded its MBS size is not guaranteed that a buffer will be available when needed or that the packets RED slope will not force the discard of the packet. Setting proper CBS parameters and controlling CBS oversubscription is one major safeguard to queue starvation (when a queue does not receive its fair share of buffers). Another is properly setting the RED slope parameters for the needs of services on this port or channel.

The no form of this command returns the MBS size assigned to the queue to the value.



size [bytes | kilobytes]—
The size parameter is an integer expression of the maximum number of bytes or kilobytes of buffering allowed for the queue. The default unit is kilobytes; to configure the MBS in bytes specify the bytes parameter. A value of 0 causes the queue to discard all packets. The queue MBS maximum value used is constrained by the pool size in then the queue exists and by the shared pool space in the corresponding megapool.
0 to 131072 or default
Minimum configurable non-zero value: 1 byte
Minimum default value: maximum of 10ms of PIR or 64Kbytes


packet-byte-offset {add bytes | subtract bytes}
no packet-byte-offset

This command is used to modify the size of each packet handled by the queue by adding or subtracting a number of bytes. The actual packet size is not modified; only the size used to determine the ingress scheduling and profiling is changed. The packet-byte-offset command is meant to be an arbitrary mechanism that can be used to either add downstream frame encapsulation or remove portions of packet headers. Both the scheduling and profiling throughput is affected by the offset as well as the stats (accounting) associated with the queue. The packet-byte-offset does not apply to drop statistics, received valid statistics, or the offered managed and unmanaged statistics used by Ingress Multicast Path Management.

The no version of this command is used to remove per packet size modifications from the queue.

add bytes
The add keyword is mutually exclusive to the subtract keyword. Either add or subtract must be specified. When add is defined the corresponding bytes parameter specifies the number of bytes that is added to the size each packet associated with the queue for scheduling, profiling and accounting purposes. From the queue’s perspective, the packet size is increased by the amount being added to the size of each packet.
0 to 30, in steps of 2
subtract bytes
The subtract keyword is mutually exclusive to the add keyword. Either add or subtract must be specified. When subtract is defined the corresponding bytes parameter specifies the number of bytes that is subtracted from the size of each packet associated with the queue for scheduling, profiling and accounting purposes. From the queue’s perspective, the packet size is reduced by the amount being subtracted from the size of each packet. The minimum resulting packet size used by the system is 1 byte.
Values 0 to 64, in steps of 2


parent scheduler-name [weight weight] [level level] [cir-weight cir-weight] [cir-level cir-level]
no parent

This command defines an optional parent scheduler that further governs the available bandwidth given the queue aside from the queue’s PIR setting. When multiple schedulers, policers (at egress only), and/or queues share a child status with the parent scheduler, the weight or level parameters define how this queue contends with the other children for the parent’s bandwidth.

Checks are not performed to see if a scheduler-name exists when the parent command is defined on the queue. Scheduler names are configured in the config>qos>scheduler-policy>tier level context. Multiple schedulers can exist with the scheduler-name and the association pertains to a scheduler that should exist on the egress SAP as the policy is applied and the queue created. When the queue is created on the egress SAP, the existence of the scheduler-name is dependent on a scheduler policy containing the scheduler-name being directly or indirectly applied (through a multiservice customer site) to the egress SAP. If the scheduler-name does not exist, the queue is placed in the orphaned operational state. The queue will accept packets but will not be bandwidth limited by a virtual scheduler or the scheduler hierarchy applied to the SAP. The SAP then the queue belongs to also depicts an orphan queue status. The orphaned state of the queue is automatically cleared when the scheduler-name becomes available on the egress SAP.

The parent scheduler can be made unavailable due to the removal of a scheduler policy or scheduler. When an existing parent scheduler is removed or inoperative, the queue enters the orphaned state mentioned above and automatically return to normal operation when the parent scheduler is available again.

When a parent scheduler is defined without specifying the weight parameter, the default is a weight of 1.

The no form of the command removes a child association with a parent scheduler. If a parent association does not currently exist, the command has no effect and returns without an error. Once a parent association has been removed, the former child queue attempts to operate based on its configured rate parameter. Removing the parent association on the queue within the policy takes effect immediately on all queues using the SAP egress QoS policy.

The defined scheduler-name conforms to the same input criteria as the schedulers defined within a scheduler policy. Scheduler names are configured in the config>qos>scheduler-policy>tier level context. There are no checks performed at the time of definition to ensure that the scheduler-name exists within an existing scheduler policy. For the queue to use the defined scheduler-name, the scheduler exists on each egress SAP the queue is eventually created on. For the duration where scheduler-name does not exist on the egress SAP, the queue operates in an orphaned state.
Any string up to 32 characters long composed of printable, 7-bit ASCII characters. If the string contains special characters (#, $, spaces, etc.), the entire string must be enclosed within double quotes.
weight weight
weight defines the relative weight of this queue in comparison to other child schedulers, policers, and queues while vying for bandwidth on the parent scheduler-name. Any queues, policers, or schedulers defined as weighted receive no parental bandwidth until all policers, queues, and schedulers with a higher (numerically larger) priority on the parent have reached their maximum bandwidth or are idle.

All weight values from all weighted active queues, policers, and schedulers with a common parent scheduler are added together. Then, each individual active weight is divided by the total, deriving the percentage of remaining bandwidth provided to the queue, policer, or scheduler. A weight is considered to be active when the pertaining queue, policer, or scheduler has not reached its maximum rate and still has packets to transmit. All child queues, policers, and schedulers with a weight of 0 are considered to have the lowest priority level and are not serviced until all non-zero weighted queues, policers, and schedulers at that level are operating at the maximum bandwidth or are idle.

0 to 100
level level
The optional level parameter defines the level of hierarchy when compared to other schedulers and queues when vying for bandwidth on the parent scheduler-name. Queues or schedulers will not receive parental bandwidth until all queues, policers, and schedulers with a higher (numerically larger) priority on the parent have reached their maximum bandwidth or are idle.

Children of the parent scheduler with a lower strict priority will not receive bandwidth until all children with a higher strict priority have either reached their maximum bandwidth or are idle. Children with the same strict level are serviced in relation to their relative weights.

1 to 8
cir-weight cir-weight
Defines the weight the queue or scheduler will use at the within-cir port priority level (defined by the cir-level parameter). The weight is specified as an integer value from 0 to 100 with 100 being the highest weight. When the cir-weight parameter is set to a value of 0 (the default value), the queue or scheduler does not receive bandwidth during the port schedulers within-cir pass and the cir-level parameter is ignored. If the cir-weight parameter is 1 or greater, the cir-level parameter comes into play.
0 to 100
cir-level cir-level
Defines the port priority the queue or scheduler will use to receive bandwidth for its within-cir offered-load. If the cir-weight parameter is set to a value of 0 (the default value), the queue or scheduler does not receive bandwidth during the port schedulers within-cir pass and the cir-level parameter is ignored. If the cir-weight parameter is 1 or greater, the cir-level parameter comes into play.
0 to 8 (8 is the highest priority)


percent-rate pir-percent [cir cir-percent] [port-limit | local-limit]
percent-rate pir-percent police [port-limit | local-limit]
no percent-rate

The percent-rate command within the SAP ingress and egress QOS policy enables supports for a queue’s PIR and CIR rate to be configured as a percentage of the egress port’s line rate or of its parent scheduler’s rate. When the rates are expressed as a port-limit, the actual rates used per instance of the queue will vary based on the port speed. For example, when the same QOS policy is used on a 1-Gigabit and a 10-Gigabit Ethernet port, the queue’s rates will be 10 times greater on the 10 Gigabit port due to the difference in port speeds. This enables the same QOS policy to be used on SAPs on different ports without needing to use SAP based queue overrides to modify a queue’s rate to get the same relative performance from the queue.

If the port’s speed changes after the queue is created, the queue’s PIR and CIR rates will be recalculated based on the defined percentage value.

When the rates are expressed as a local-limit, the actual rates used per instance of the queue are relative to the queue’s parent scheduler rate. This enables the same QOS policy to be used on SAPs with different parent scheduler rates without needing to use SAP based queue overrides to modify a queue’s rate to get the same relative performance from the queue. If the parent scheduler rate changes after the queue is created, the queue’s PIR and CIR rates will be recalculated based on the defined percentage value.

The rate and percent-rate commands override one another. If the current rate for a queue is defined using the percent-rate command and the rate command is executed, the percent-rate values are deleted. In a similar fashion, the percent-rate command causes any rate command values to be deleted. A queue’s rate may dynamically be changed back and forth from a percentage to an explicit rate at anytime.

Queue rate overrides can only be specified in the form as configured in the QoS policy (a SAP override can only be specified as a percent-rate if the associated QoS policy was also defined as percent-rate). Likewise, a SAP override can only be specified as a rate (kbps) if the associated QoS policy was also defined as a rate. Queue-overrides are relative to the limit type specified in the QOS policy.

The no form of this command returns the queue to its default shaping rate and cir rate. When no percent-rate is defined within a SAP ingress or egress queue-override, the queue reverts to the defined shaping and CIR rates within the SAP ingress and egress QOS policy associated with the queue.

pir-percent —
The pir-percent parameter is used to express the queue’s PIR as a percentage dependent on the use of the port-limit or local-limit.
Percentage ranging from 0.01 to 100.00. The default is 100.00.
cir cir-percent
The cir keyword is optional and when defined the required cir-percent CIR parameter expresses the queue’s CIR as a percentage dependent on the use of the port-limit or local-limit.
Percentage ranging from 0.00 to 100.00. The default is 100.00
port-limit —
The port-limit keyword specifies that the configure PIR and CIR percentages are relative to the rate of the port (including the ingress-rate/egress-rate setting) to then this queue connects.
local-limit —
The local-limit keyword specifies that the configure PIR and CIR percentages are relative to the rate of the queue’s parent scheduler rate or agg-rate rate at egress.


[no] pool pool-name

This command allows the queue to receive buffers from an explicit buffer pool instead of the default buffer pool. The specified pool-name must have been explicitly created in a named pool policy and the policy must have been applied to the MDA or port on then the queue resides. Note that named pools are not supported on the 7950 XSR, 7750 SRc4/12, 7750 SR-a4/a8 or 7750 SR-1e/2e/3e.

When the policy is applied and the queue is created, the system will scan the named pools associated with the port to find the specified pool name. If the pool is not found on the port, the system will then look at named pools defined at the ports MDA level. If the specified pool-name does not exist on the XMA or MDA, the queue will be treated as pool orphaned and will be mapped to the appropriate default pool. Once the pool comes into existence on the MDA or port, the queue will be mapped to the new pool.

Once the queue is created within the policy, the pool command may be used to either remove the queue from the pool, or specify a new pool name association for the queue. The pool command does not appear in save or show command output. Instead, the current pool name for the queue will appear on the queue command output using the pool keyword, if it exists.

The no form of this command is used to remove a named pool association for the queue. When the pool name is removed, the queue will be placed on the appropriate default pool.


no pool

Specifies a named pool where the policy will be applied. Each queue created within the system is tied to a physical port. The specified name must be an ASCII name string up to 16 characters long.


rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate | police]
no rate

This command defines the administrative Peak Information Rate (PIR) and the administrative Committed Information Rate (CIR) parameters for the queue. The PIR defines the maximum rate that the queue can transmit packets through the switch fabric (for SAP ingress queues). Defining a PIR does not necessarily guarantee that the queue can transmit at the intended rate. The actual rate sustained by the queue can be limited by oversubscription factors or available egress bandwidth.

The CIR defines the rate at then the system prioritizes the queue over other queues competing for the same bandwidth. For SAP ingress, the CIR also defines the rate that packets are considered in-profile by the system. In-profile then out-of-profile packets are preferentially queued by the system at egress and at subsequent next hop nodes where the packet can traverse. To be properly handled throughout the network, the packets must be marked accordingly for profiling at each hop.

The CIR can be used by the queue’s parent commands cir-level and cir-weight parameters to define the amount of bandwidth considered to be committed for the child queue during bandwidth allocation by the parent scheduler.

The rate command can be executed at anytime, altering the PIR and CIR rates for all queues created through the association of the SAP ingress or SAP egress QoS policy with the queue-id.

The no form of the command returns all queues created with the queue-id by association with the QoS policy to the default PIR and CIR parameters (max, 0).

rate max cir 0—
The max default specifies the amount of bandwidth in kilobits per second (thousand bits per second). The max value is mutually exclusive to the pir-rate value.
Defines the administrative PIR rate, in kilobits, for the queue. When the rate command is executed, a valid PIR setting must be explicitly defined. When the rate command has not been executed, the default PIR of max is assumed.

Fractional values are not allowed and must be given as a positive integer.

The actual PIR rate is dependent on the queue’s adaptation-rule parameters and the actual hardware where the queue is provisioned.

[1 to 200000000 | max] kbps
The cir parameter overrides the default administrative CIR used by the queue. When the rate command is executed, a CIR setting is optional. When the rate command has not been executed or the cir parameter is not explicitly specified, the default CIR (0) is assumed. Fractional values are not allowed and must be given as a positive integer.
[0 to 200000000 | max] kbps
Specifies that traffic feeding into the physical queue instance above the specified rate will be dropped.


scope {exclusive | template}
no scope

This command configures the Service Ingress QoS policy scope as exclusive or template.

The policy’s scope cannot be changed if the policy is applied to a service.

The no form of this command sets the scope of the policy to the default of template.



When the scope of a policy is defined as exclusive, the policy can only be applied to one SAP. If a policy with an exclusive scope is assigned to a second SAP an error message is generated. If the policy is removed from the exclusive SAP, it will become available for assignment to another exclusive SAP.

The system default policies cannot be put into the exclusive scope. An error will be generated if scope exclusive is executed in any policies with a policy-id equal to 1.

When the scope of a policy is defined as template, the policy can be applied to multiple SAPs on the router.

Default QoS policies are configured with template scopes. An error is generated when the template scope parameter to exclusive scope on default policies is modified.


sub-insert-shared-pccrule start-entry entry-id count count
no sub-insert-shared-pccrule

This command defines the range of filter and QoS policy entries that are reserved for shared entries received in Flow-Information AVP via Gx interface (PCC rules – Policy and Charging Control). The no version of this command disables the insertion, then will result in a failure of PCC rule installation.


no sub-insert-shared-pccrule

start-entry entry-id—
Specifies the lowest entry in the range.
1 to 65535
count count—
Specifies the number of entries in the range.
1 to 65535

Service Egress QoS Policy Forwarding Class Commands


[no] sap-egress {policy-id} [create]

This command is used to create or edit a Service Egress QoS policy. The egress policy defines the SLA for service packets as they egress on the SAP.

Policies are templates that can be applied to multiple services as long as the scope of the policy is template. The queues defined in the policy are not instantiated until a policy is applied to a service.

Sap-egress policies determine queue mappings based on ingress DSCP, IP precedence, dot1p, and IPv4 or IPv6 match criteria. Multiple queues can be created per forwarding class and each queue can have different CIR or PIR parameters.

Egress SAP QoS policies allow the definition of queues and the mapping of forwarding classes to those queues. Each queue needs to have a relative CIR for determining its allocation of QoS resources during periods of congestion. A PIR can also be defined that forces a hard limit on the packets transmitted through the queue. When the forwarding class is mapped to the queue, a DSCP, IP precedence, or dot1p value can optionally be specified.

The sap-egress policy with policy-id 1 is the default sap-egress QoS policy and is applied to service egress SAPs when an explicit policy is not specified or removed. The default sap-egress policy cannot be modified or deleted.

By default all forwarding classes will map to queue 1.

Any changes made to an existing policy, using any of the sub-commands, will be applied immediately to all egress SAPs where this policy is applied. For this reason, when many changes are required on a policy, it is highly recommended that the policy be copied to a work area policy-id. That work-in-progress policy can be modified until complete then written over the original policy-id. Use the config qos copy command to maintain policies in this manner.

The no form of this command to deletes the sap-egress policy. A policy cannot be deleted until it is removed from all service SAPs where it is applied. When a sap-egress policy is removed from a SAP, the SAP will revert to the default sap-egress policy-id 1.

The policy-id uniquely identifies the policy on the router.
1 to 65535
The policy-name uniquely identifies the policy.
Valid names consist of any string up to 64 characters long. Policies must first be created with a policy-id, after then a policy-name can be assigned and used as an alias to reference the policy during configuration changes. Policy names may not begin with a number (0-9) or the underscore “_” character (e.g. _myPolicy). “default” can not be used as policy names. Saved configurations and display output from the info and most show commands will show the policy-id (not the policy-name) where the policies are referenced.
Required parameter when creating a SAP QoS egress policy.


dot1p dot1p-value [fc fc-name] [profile {in |out | exceed | inplus}]
no dot1p dot1p-value

This command defines a specific dot1p value that must be matched to perform the associated reclassification actions. If an egress packet on the SAP matches the specified dot1p value, the forwarding class or profile may be overridden. By default, the forwarding class and profile of the packet is derived from ingress classification and profiling functions.

The dot1p priority is derived from the most significant three bits in the IEEE 802.1q or IEEE 802.1p header. The three dot1p bits define 8 Class-of-Service (CoS) values commonly used to map packets to per-hop QoS behavior.

The reclassification actions from a dot1p reclassification rule may be overridden by a DSCP, prec, or IP flow matching event.

The fc keyword is optional. When specified, the egress classification rule will overwrite the forwarding class derived from ingress. The new forwarding class is used for egress remarking and queue mapping decisions. If a DSCP, prec, IPv6 criteria, or IP criteria match occurs after the dot1p match, the new forwarding class may be overridden by the higher priority match actions. If the higher priority match actions do not specify a new FC, the FC from the dot1p match will be used.

The profile keyword is optional. When specified, the egress classification rule will overwrite the profile of the packet derived from ingress. The new profile value is used for egress remarking and queue congestion behavior. If a DSCP, prec, IPv6 criteria, or IP criteria match occurs after the dot1p match, the new profile may be overridden by the higher priority match actions. If the higher priority match actions do not specify a new profile, the profile from the dot1p match will be used.

The no form of the command removes the reclassification rule from the SAP egress QoS policy.

This value is a required parameter that specifies the unique IEEE 802.1p value that will match the dot1p rule. If the command is executed multiple times with the same dot1p-value, the previous forwarding class and enqueuing priority is completely overridden by the new parameters or defined to be inherited when a forwarding class or enqueuing priority parameter is missing.

A maximum of eight dot1p rules are allowed on a single policy.

0 to 7
fc fc-name
The value given for the fc-name parameter must be one of the predefined forwarding classes in the system. Specifying the FC name is optional. When a packet matches the rule, the forwarding class is only overridden when the fc fc-name parameter is defined on the rule. If the packet matches and the forwarding class is not explicitly defined in the rule, the forwarding class is inherited based on previous rule matches.
profile {in | out | exceed | inplus}—
The profile reclassification action is optional. When specified, packets matching the dot1p value will be explicitly reclassified to the profile specified regardless of the ingress profiling decision. The explicit profile reclassification may be overwritten by a DSCP, IP precedence, IPv6 criteria, or IP criteria reclassification match. To remove the profile reclassification action for the specified Dotp1 value, the dot1p command must be re-executed without the profile reclassification action defined.
in — Specifies that any packets matching the reclassification rule will be treated as in-profile by the egress forwarding plane.
out — Specifies that any packets matching the reclassification rule will be treated as out-of-profile by the egress forwarding plane.
exceed — Specifies that any packets matching the reclassification rule will be treated as exceed-profile by the egress forwarding plane.
inplus — Specifies that any packets matching the reclassification rule will be treated as inplus-profile by the egress forwarding plane.


dscp dscp-name [dscp-name...(up to 8 max)] [fc fc-name] [hsmda-counter-override counter-id] [profile {in | out | exceed | inplus}]
no dscp dscp-name [dscp-name...(up to 8 max)]

This command defines IP Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) names that must be matched to perform the associated reclassification actions. The specified name must exist as a DSCP name. SR OS software provides names for the well-known code points. A list of up to eight DSCP names can be entered on a single command. The lists of DSCP names within the configuration are managed by the system to ensure that each list does not exceed eight names. Entering more than eight DSCP names with the same parameters (fc, hsmda-counter-override, profile) will result in multiple lists being created. Conversely, multiple lists with the same parameters (fc, hsmda-counter-override, profile) are merged and the lists repacked to a maximum of eight per list if DSCP names are removed or the parameters changed so the multiple lists use the same parameters. Also, if a subset of a list is entered with different parameters, then a new list will be created for the subset. When the list is stored in the configuration, the DSCP names are sorted by their DSCP value in ascending numerical order, consequently the order in the configuration may not be exactly what the user entered.

If an egress packet on the SAP matches an IP DSCP value corresponding to a specified DSCP name, the forwarding class, profile, or HSMDA egress queue accounting behavior may be overridden. By default, the forwarding class and profile of the packet is derived from ingress classification and profiling functions. The default behavior for HSMDA queue accounting is to use the counters associated with the queue to then the packet is mapped. Matching a DSCP-based reclassification rule will override all IP precedence based reclassification rule actions.

The IP DSCP bits used to match against DSCP reclassification rules come from the Type of Service (ToS) field within the IPv4 header or the traffic class field from the IPv6 header. If the packet does not have an IP header, DSCP-based matching is not performed.

The reclassification actions from a DSCP reclassification rule may be overridden by an IP flow match event.

The fc keyword is optional. When specified, the egress classification rule will overwrite the forwarding class derived from ingress. The new forwarding class is used for egress remarking and queue mapping decisions. If an IP criteria match occurs after the DSCP match, the new forwarding class may be overridden by the higher priority match actions. If the higher priority match actions do not specify a new fc, the fc from the dscp match will be used.

The profile keyword is optional. When specified, the egress classification rule will overwrite the profile of the packet derived from ingress. The new profile value is used for egress remarking and queue congestion behavior. If an IP criteria match occurs after the DSCP match, the new profile may be overridden by the higher priority match actions. If the higher priority match actions do not specify a new profile, the profile from the DSCP match will be used.

The hsmda-counter-override keyword is optional. When specified, and the egress SAP is created on an HSMDA, the egress classification rule will override the default queue accounting function for the packet. By default, the HSMDA uses each queues default queue counters for packets mapped to the queue. The hsmda-counter-override keyword is used to map the packet to an explicit exception counter. One of eight counters may be used. When the packet is mapped to an exception counter, the packet will not increment the queues discard or forwarding counters, instead the exception discard and forwarding counters will be used.

The DSCP-based counter override decision may be overwritten by an IP criteria reclassification rule match if the higher priority classification rule has an hsmda-counter-override action defined.

The no form of the command removes the specified the dscp-names from the reclassification rule in the SAP egress QoS policy. As dscp-names are removed, the system repacks the lists of dscp-names with the same parameters (up to 8 per list). As the no command does not have any additional parameters, it is possible to remove multiple dscp-names from multiple DSCP statements having different parameters with one command. If a dscp-name specified in a no command does not exist in any DSCP statement then the command is aborted at that point with an error message displayed. Any dscp-names in the list before the failed entry will be processed as normal but the processing will stop at the failed entry so that the remainder of the list is not processed.

The dscp-name parameter is required when defining a DSCP reclassification rule. The specified name must exist as a DSCP name. A maximum of eight DSCP names can be specified in a single statement. SR OS software provides names for the well-known code points, these can be shown using the command below:
A:PE# show qos dscp-table
DSCP Mapping
DSCP Name      DSCP Value     TOS (bin)      TOS (hex)
be             0              0000 0000      00
cp1            1              0000 0100      04
cp2            2              0000 1000      08
cp3            3              0000 1100      0C
cp4            4              0001 0000      10
cp5            5              0001 0100      14
cp6            6              0001 1000      18
cp7            7              0001 1100      1C
cs1            8              0010 0000      20
cp9            9              0010 0100      24
af11           10             0010 1000      28
cp11           11             0010 1100      2C
af12           12             0011 0000      30
cp13           13             0011 0100      34
af13           14             0011 1000      38
cp15           15             0011 1100      3C
cs2            16             0100 0000      40
cp17           17             0100 0100      44
af21           18             0100 1000      48
cp19           19             0100 1100      4C
af22           20             0101 0000      50
cp21           21             0101 0100      54
af23           22             0101 1000      58
cp23           23             0101 1100      5C
cs3            24             0110 0000      60
cp25           25             0110 0100      64
af31           26             0110 1000      68
cp27           27             0110 1100      6C
af32           28             0111 0000      70
cp29           29             0111 0100      74
af33           30             0111 1000      78
cp31           31             0111 1100      7C
cs4            32             1000 0000      80
cp33           33             1000 0100      84
af41           34             1000 1000      88
cp35           35             1000 1100      8C
af42           36             1001 0000      90
cp37           37             1001 0100      94
af43           38             1001 1000      98
cp39           39             1001 1100      9C
cs5            40             1010 0000      A0
cp41           41             1010 0100      A4
cp42           42             1010 1000      A8
cp43           43             1010 1100      AC
cp44           44             1011 0000      B0
cp45           45             1011 0100      B4
ef             46             1011 1000      B8
cp47           47             1011 1100      BC
nc1            48             1100 0000      C0
cp49           49             1100 0100      C4
cp50           50             1100 1000      C8
cp51           51             1100 1100      CC
cp52           52             1101 0000      D0
cp53           53             1101 0100      D4
cp54           54             1101 1000      D8
cp55           55             1101 1100      DC
nc2            56             1110 0000      E0
cp57           57             1110 0100      E4
cp58           58             1110 1000      E8
cp59           59             1110 1100      EC
cp60           60             1111 0000      F0
cp61           61             1111 0100      F4
cp62           62             1111 1000      F8
cp63           63             1111 1100      FC
fc fc-name:—
The fc reclassification action is optional. When specified, packets matching the IP DSCP value corresponding to a specified dscp-name will be explicitly reclassified to the forwarding class specified as fc-name regardless of the ingress classification decision. The explicit forwarding class reclassification may be overwritten by an IP criteria reclassification match. The fc name defined must be one of the eight forwarding classes supported by the system. To remove the forwarding class reclassification action for the specified DSCP value, the dscp command must be re-executed without the fc reclassification action defined.
be, l1, af, l2, h1, ef, h2 or nc
profile {in | out | exceed | inplus}—
The profile reclassification action is optional. When specified, packets matching the IP DSCP value corresponding to a specified dscp-name will be explicitly reclassified to the specified profile regardless of the ingress profiling decision. The explicit profile reclassification may be overwritten by an IPv6 criteria or IP criteria reclassification match. To remove the profile reclassification action for the specified dscp-name, the dscp command must be re-executed without the profile reclassification action defined.
Specifies that any packets matching the reclassification rule will be treated as in-profile by the egress forwarding plane.
Specifies that any packets matching the reclassification rule will be treated as out-of-profile by the egress forwarding plane.
Specifies that When exceed is specified, any packets matching the reclassification rule will be treated as exceed-profile by the egress forwarding plane.
Specifies that any packets matching the reclassification rule will be treated as inplus-profile by the egress forwarding plane.
hsmda-counter-override counter-id
The hsmda-counter-override reclassification parameter is optional and only has significance on SAPs then are created on an HSMDA. When specified, packets matching the IP precedence value will be mapped to the defined HSMDA exception counter-id for the packets queue group. The default behavior is to use the default counter on the queue group for the queue to then the packet is mapped. The hsmda-counter-override parameter may be overwritten by an IP criteria reclassification rule match. The counter-id must be specified as an integer from one to eight. To remove the HSMDA exception counter reclassification action for the specified DSCP value, the dscp command must be re-executed without the hsmda-counter-override reclassification parameter defined. This parameter applies only to the 7450 ESS and 7750 SR.
1 to 8


[no] ethernet-ctag

This command specifies that the top customer tag should be used for egress reclassification based on dot1p criteria. This command applies to all dot1p criteria configured in a given SAP egress QoS policy.

The no form of this command means that a service delimiting tag will be used for egress reclassification based on dot1p criteria.


no ethernet-ctag


fc fc-name [create]
no fc fc-name

The fc fc-name node within the SAP egress QoS policy is used to contain the explicitly defined queue mapping and dot1p marking commands for fc-name. When the mapping for fc-name points to the default queue and the dot1p marking is not defined, the node for fc-name is not displayed in the show configuration or save configuration output unless the detail option is specified.

The no form of the command removes the explicit queue mapping and dot1p marking commands for fc-name. The queue mapping reverts to the default queue for fc-name and the dot1p marking (if appropriate) uses the default of 0.


no fc

This parameter specifies the forwarding class queue mapping or dot1p marking is to be edited. The value given for fc-name must be one of the predefined forwarding classes in the system.
be, l2, af, l1, h2, ef, h1, nc


[no] de-mark [force de-value]

This command is used to explicitly define the marking of the DE bit for fc fc-name according to the inplus-profile/in-profile or out-of-profile/exceed-profile status of the packet (fc-name may be used to identify the dot1p-value).

If no DE value is present, the default values are used for the marking of the DE bit; for example, 0 for inplus-profile or in-profile packets, 1 for out-of-profile or exceed-profile packets. For more information, see the IEEE 802.1ad-2005 standard.

In the PBB case, for a Backbone SAP (B-SAP) and for packets originated from a local I-VPLS/PBB-Epipe, the command dictates the marking of the DE bit for both the BVID and ITAG.

If this command is not used, the DE bit should be preserved if an ingress TAG exist or set to zero otherwise.

If the DE value is specifically mentioned in the command line it means this value is to be used for all the packets of this forwarding class regardless of their profile status.

The commands de-mark-inner and de-mark-outer take precedence over the de-mark command if both are specified in the same policy.

Specifies the DE marking value.
0 or 1


de-mark-inner [force de-value]
no de-mark-inner

This command is used to explicitly define the marking of the DE bit in the inner VLAN tag for fc fc-name on a qinq SAP according to the in- and out-of-profile status of the packet.

If no DE value is present, the default values are used for the marking of the DE bit; for example, 0 for inplus-profile or in-profile packets, 1 for out-of-profile or exceed-profile packets. For more information, see the IEEE 802.1ad-2005 standard.

If the DE value is included in the command line then this value is used for all the inner tags of packets of this forwarding class regardless of their profile status.

This command takes precedence over the de-mark command if both are specified in the same policy and over the default action.

The configuration of qinq-mark-top-only under the SAP egress takes precedence over the use of the de-mark-inner in the policy, that is, the inner VLAN tag is not remarked when qinq-mark-top-only is configured (the marking used for the inner VLAN tag is based on the current default then is governed by the marking of the packet received at the ingress to the system).

If no de-mark commands are used, the DE bit is preserved if an ingress inner tag exists, or set to 0 otherwise.

This command is only supported on FP2 and higher based hardware, and is otherwise ignored.

Remarking the inner DE bit is not supported based on the profile result of egress policing.

Specifies the DE marking value.
0 or 1


de-mark-outer [force de-value]
no de-mark-outer

This command is used to explicitly define the marking of the DE bit in the outer or single VLAN tag on a qinq or dot1q SAP, respectively, according to the in, out, or exceed-profile status of the packet.

If no DE value is present, the default values are used for the marking of the DE bit; for example, 0 for inplus-profile/in-profile packets, 1 for out-of-profile/exceed-profile packets. For more information, see the IEEE 802.1ad-2005 standard.

If the DE value is included in the command line then this value is used for all the outer or single tags of packets of this forwarding class regardless of their profile status.

In the PBB case, for a Backbone SAP (B-SAP) and for packets originated from a local I-VPLS/PBB-Epipe, the command dictates the marking of the DE bit for both the BVID and ITAG.

This command takes precedence over the de-mark command if both are specified in the same policy and over the default action.

If no de-mark commands are used, the DE bit is preserved if an ingress outer or single tag exists, or set to 0 otherwise.

This command is supported on FP2 and higher based hardware, and is otherwise ignored.

Specifies the DE marking value.
0 or 1


dot1p {dot1p-value | in-profile dot1p-value out-profile dot1p-value [exceed-profile dot1p-value]}
no dot1p

This command explicitly defines the egress IEEE 802.1p (dot1p) bits marking for fc-name. When the marking is set, all packets of fc-name that have either an IEEE 802.1q or IEEE 802.1p encapsulation use the explicitly defined dot1p-value. If the egress packets for fc-name are not IEEE 802.1q or IEEE 802.1p encapsulated, the dot1p command has no effect.

The optional in-profile dot1p-value out-profile dot1p-value [exceed-profile dot1p-value] structure added to the existing dot1p command will add the capability to mark on an egress SAP the in, out, and exceed-profile status via a certain dot1p combination, similarly with the DE options. All inplus-profile traffic is marked with the same value as in-profile traffic.

Once the in-profile keyword is added, then the out-profile keyword must be specified, however, exceed-profile is optional. If the optional exceed-profile dot1p-value is not included, any exceed-profile traffic will be marked with the same dot1p value as configured for the out-of-profile traffic.

The command with the additional structure may be used on the SAP when the internal in, out, and exceed-profile status needs to be communicated to an access network/customer device that does not support the DE bit.

When these commands are used the DE Bit or the equivalent field is left unchanged by the egress processing if a tag exists. If a new tag is added, the related DE bit is set to 0.

When the previous command (dot1p dot1p-value) is used without the new structure, it means that the dot1p value is used for the entire forwarding class, as it did before. The two versions of the command are mutually exclusive.

The in-profile or out-of-profile/exceed-profile status may be indicated via the setting of the DE bit setting if the de-mark command is used. The DE value used for exceed-profile is the same as that used for out-of-profile.

In the PBB case, for a Backbone SAP (B-SAP) and for packets originated from a local I-VPLS/PBB-Epipe, the command dictates the marking of the dot1p bits for both the BVID and ITAG.

The commands dot1p-inner and dot1p-outer take precedence over the dot1p command if both are specified in the same policy.

The no form of the command sets the IEEE 802.1p or IEEE 802.1q priority bits to 0.



in-profile dot1p-value
Specifies the 802.1p value to set for in-profile frames in this forwarding class.
0 to 7
out-profile dot1p-value
specifies the 802.1p value to set for out-profile frames in this forwarding class.
0 to 7
exceed-profile dot1p-value
specifies the 802.1p value to set for exceed-profile frames in this forwarding class.
0 to 7


dot1p-inner {dot1p-value | in-profile dot1p-value out-profile dot1p-value}
no dot1p-inner

This command explicitly defines the egress inner VLAN tag IEEE 802.1p (dot1p) bits marking for fc-name. When the marking is set, all packets of fc-name that have either an inner IEEE 802.1q or IEEE 802.1p encapsulation on a qinq SAP will use the explicitly defined dot1p-value. If the egress packets for fc-name are not IEEE 802.1q or IEEE 802.1p qinq encapsulated, this command has no effect.

The optional in-profile | dot1p-value out-profile dot1p-value parameters on the dot1p-inner command adds the capability to mark the in-profile and out-of-profile status on an egress qinq SAP. The command with the additional parameters may be used on the SAP when the internal in-profile and out-of-profile status needs to be communicated to an access network/customer device that does not support the DE bit. Once the in-profile keyword is added, then the rest of the structure must be specified. All inplus-profile traffic is marked with the same value as in-profile traffic and all exceed-profile traffic is marked with the same value as out-of-profile traffic.

When these commands are used, the DE Bit or the equivalent field is left unchanged by the egress processing if an inner tag exists. If a new inner tag is added, the related DE bit is set to 0. The inplus/in or out/exceed-profile status may be indicated via the setting of the DE bit setting if the de-mark(-inner) command is used.

The two versions of the command (with and without parameters) are mutually exclusive.

This command takes precedence over the dot1p command if both are specified in the same policy and over the default action where the marking is taken from packet received at ingress.

The configuration of qinq-mark-top-only under the SAP egress takes precedence over the use of the dot1p-inner in the policy, that is, the inner VLAN tag is not remarked when qinq-mark-top-only is configured (the marking used for the inner VLAN tag is based on the current default then is governed by the marking of the packet received at the ingress to the system).

The no form of the command sets the inner IEEE 802.1p or IEEE 802.1q priority bits to 0.

This command is supported on FP2 and higher based hardware, and is otherwise ignored.

Remarking the inner dot1p is not supported based on the profile result of egress policing.



Specifies the 802.1p value to set for in-profile frames in this forwarding class.
0 to 7
in-profile dot1p-value
Specifies the 802.1p value to set for in-profile frames in this forwarding class.
0 to 7
out-profile dot1p-value
specifies the 802.1p value to set for out-of-profile frames in this forwarding class.
0 to 7


dot1p-outer {dot1p-value | in-profile dot1p-value out-profile dot1p-value [exceed-profile dot1p-value]}
no dot1p-outer

This command explicitly defines the egress outer or single VLAN tag IEEE 802.1p (dot1p) bits marking for fc-name. When the marking is set, all packets of fc-name that have either an outer or single IEEE 802.1q or IEEE 802.1p encapsulation on a qinq or a dot1p SAP, respectively, will use the explicitly defined dot1p-value. If the egress packets for fc-name are not IEEE 802.1q or IEEE 802.1p encapsulated, this command has no effect.

The optional in-profile dot1p-value out-profile dot1p-value [exceed-profile dot1p-value] parameters on the dot1p-outer command adds the capability to mark the in, out, and exceed-profile status on an egress qinq or dot1p SAP. The command with the additional parameters may be used on the SAP when the internal in, out, and exceed-profile status needs to be communicated to an access network or customer device that does not support the DE bit.

Once the in-profile keyword is added, then the out-profile keyword must be specified, however, exceed-profile is optional. If the optional exceed-profile dot1p-value is not included, any exceed-profile traffic will be marked with the same dot1p value as configured for the out-of-profile traffic. All inplus-profile traffic is marked with the same value as in-profile traffic.

When these commands are used, the DE Bit or the equivalent field is left unchanged by the egress processing if a single or outer tag exists. If a new tag is added, the related DE bit is set to 0. The in, out, or exceed-profile status may be indicated via the setting of the DE bit setting if the de-mark(-outer) command is used. The DE value used for inplus is the same as that used for in-profile and the one used for exceed-profile is the same as that used for out of profile.

In the PBB case, for a Backbone SAP (B-SAP) and for packets originated from a local I-VPLS/PBB-Epipe, the command dictates the marking of the dot1p bits for both the BVID and ITAG.

The two versions of the command (with and without parameters) are mutually exclusive.

This command takes precedence over the dot1p command if both are specified in the same policy and over the default action where the marking is taken from packet received at ingress.

The no form of the command sets the IEEE 802.1p or IEEE 802.1q priority bits to 0.

This command is supported on FP2 and higher based hardware, and is otherwise ignored.



dot1p-value —
Specifies the 802.1p value to set for in-profile frames in this forwarding class.
0 to 7
in-profile dot1p-value
Specifies the 802.1p value to set for in-profile frames in this forwarding class.
0 to 7
out-profile dot1p-value
specifies the 802.1p value to set for out-of-profile frames in this forwarding class.
0 to 7
exceed-profile dot1p-value
specifies the 802.1p value to set for exceed-profile frames in this forwarding class.
0 to 7


dscp {dscp-name | in-profile dscp-name out-profile dscp-name [exceed-profile dscp-name]}
no dscp

This command configures a DiffServ Code Point (DSCP) to be used for remarking packets from the specified FC. If the optional exceed-profile, in-profile, or out-profile keyword is specified, the command will remark different DSCP code points depending on whether the packet was classified to be exceed, in, or out-of-profile ingress to the node. All inplus-profile traffic is marked with the same value as in-profile traffic.

This is supported on FP2- and higher-based line cards for the 7450 ESS.


not enabled

Specifies a DSCP name that has been previously mapped to a value using the dscp-name command. The DSCP can only be specified by its name.
be, cp1, cp2, cp3, cp4, cp5, cp6, cp7, cs1, cp9, af11, cp11, af12, cp13, af13, cp15, cs2, cp17, af21, cp19, af22, cp21, af23, cp23, cs3, cp25, af31, cp27, af32, cp29, af33, cp31, cs4, cp33, af41, c p35, af42, cp37, af43, cp39, cs5, cp41, cp42, cp43, cp44, cp45, ef, cp47, nc1, cp49, cp50, cp51, cp52, cp53, cp54, cp55, nc2, cp57, cp58, cp59, cp60, cp61, cp62, cp63
exceed-profile dscp-name
This optional parameter specifies the DSCP name to be used to remark the traffic then is exceed-profile. If not specified, this defaults to the same value configured for out-profile parameter.
in-profile dscp-name
Specifies the DSCP name to be used to remark the traffic that is in-profile.
out-profile dscp-name
Specifies the DSCP name to be used to remark the traffic that is out-of-profile.



This command defines how packets matching the forwarding class will be mapped to an HSMDA queue ID. The SAP QoS policies simultaneously support both standard service queue mappings and ESDMA queue mappings for the same forwarding class and the HSMDA node is used to separate the HSMDA mappings from the standard mappings This allows the same QoS policy to be used on a standard MDA attached SAP and an HSMDA attached SAP.


queue queue-id [port-redirect-group-queue]
no queue

This command specifies the HSMDA queue mapping for all packets in point-to-point services and unicast destined packets in multipoint services. Point-to-point services include epipe and other VLL type services. Multipoint services include IES, VPLS and VPRN services. The queue command does not apply to multicast, broadcast or unknown unicast packets within multipoint services (the multicast, broadcast and unknown commands must be used to define the queue mapping for non-unicast packets within a forwarding class). For Epipe, the queue queue-id mapping applies to all packets, regardless of the packets destination MAC address.

Each forwarding class has a default queue ID based on the intrinsic hierarchy between the forwarding classes as represented in Table 41. Executing the queue command within the HSMDA context of a forwarding class with a different queue ID than the default overrides the default mapping. Multiple forwarding classes may be mapped to the same HSMDA queue ID.

Table 41:  Default FC HSMDA Queue ID Mappings 

Forwarding Class

Default HSMDA Queue ID


queue 8


queue 7


queue 6


queue 5


queue 4


queue 3


queue 2


queue 1

Table 42 presents the way that packets are mapped to queues based on the type of service and the various forwarding types.

Table 42:  Ingress HSMDA Queue Mapping Behavior Based on Forwarding Type 

Queue Mappings For Each Forwarding Type

Service Type






All packets matching the FC





All packets matching the FC

Packets with Broadcast DA

IP Multicast Packets



All packets matching the FC

Packets with Broadcast DA

Packets with Multicast DA

Packets with Unicast DA but Unknown in FIB


All packets matching the FC

Packets with Broadcast DA

IP Multicast Packets


The forwarding class queue mappings may be modified at anytime. The sub-forwarding classes inherit the parent forwarding classes queue mappings.

The no form of the command returns the HSMDA queue mapping for queue to the default mapping for the forwarding class.

Configures a specific HSMDA queue.

1 to 8

BE Default:


L2 Default:


AF Default:


L1 Default:


H2 Default:


EF Default:


H1 Default:


NC Default:


This parameter is used to mark a given forwarding class queue for redirection to an egress port queue group. This is only used when the specific queue group instance is assigned at the time the qos policy is applied to the SAP. This redirection model is known as SAP based redirection.


policer policer-id [{[port-redirect-group-queue] [queue queue-id] | group queue-group-name [instance instance-id] [queue group-queue-id]}]
no policer

Within a sap-egress QoS policy forwarding class context, the policer command is used to map packets that match the forwarding class to the specified policer-id. The specified policer-id must already exist within the sap-egress QoS policy. The forwarding class of the packet is first discovered at ingress based on the ingress classification rules. When the packet arrives at egress, the sap-egress QoS policy may match a forwarding class reclassification rule then overrides the ingress derived forwarding class. The forwarding class context within the sap-egress QoS policy is then used to map the packet to an egress queue (using the queue queue-id, or port-redirect-group queue queue-id, or group queue-group-name instance instance-id queue queue-id commands) or an egress policer (policer policer-id). The queue and policer commands within the forwarding class context are mutually exclusive. By default, the forwarding class is mapped to the SAP egress default queue (queue 1). If the policer policer- id command is executed, any previous policer mapping or queue mapping for the forwarding class is overridden if the policer mapping is successful.

A policer defined within the sap-egress policy is not actually created on an egress SAP or a subscriber using an sla-profile where the policy is applied until at least one forwarding class is mapped to the policer. If insufficient policer resources exist to create the policer for a SAP or subscriber or egress policing is not supported on the port associated with the SAP or subscriber, the initial forwarding class mapping will fail.

Packets that are mapped to an egress policer that are not discarded by the policer must be placed into a default queue on the packets destination port. The system uses egress port queue groups for this purpose. An egress queue group named policer-output-queues is automatically created on each port that support egress policers. By default, the system uses the forwarding class mappings within this queue group to decide then queue within the group will receive each packet output from the policer. This default policer output queuing behavior may be overridden for non-subscriber packets by redirection to a queue group. The name and instance of the queue group to redirect to is either specified in the QoS policy itself, or the fact that a forwarding class must be redirected is simply identified in the QoS policy and the specific queue group instance is only identified at the time the QoS policy is applied:

  1. If the policer policer-id command is successfully executed, the default egress queuing is performed for the forwarding class using the policer-output-queues queue group and the queue-id within the group based on the forwarding class map from the group template
  2. If the policer policer-id queue queue-id command is successfully executed, the specified SAP queue-id within egress QoS policy is used instead of the default policer output queues.
  3. If the policer policer-id port-redirect-group-queue keyword is successfully executed, the system will map the forwarding class to the queue within the egress queue group instance specified at the time the QoS policy is applied to the SAP, using the forwarding class map from the queue group template.
  4. If the policer policer-id port-redirect-group queue queue-id command is successfully executed, the system will map the forwarding class to the configured queue-id within the egress queue group instance that is specified at the time the QoS policy is applied to the SAP (ignoring using the forwarding class map from the queue group template).
  5. If the policer policer-id group queue-group-name instance instance-id command is successfully executed, the system will map the forwarding class to the queue within the specified egress queue group instance using the forwarding class map from the group template.
  6. If the policer policer-id group queue-group-name instance instance-id queue queue-id command is successfully executed, the system will map the forwarding class to the specified queue-id within the specified egress queue group instance (ignoring the forwarding class map in the group template).

If the specified group queue-group-name is not defined as an egress queue-group-template, the policer command will fail. Further, if the specified group does not exist on the port for the SAPs or subscribers associated with the sap-egress QoS policy, the policer command will fail. While a group queue-group-name is specified in a sap-egress QoS policy, the groups corresponding egress template cannot be deleted. While a port egress queue group is associated with a policer instance, the port queue group cannot be deleted.

If the specified queue group-queue-id is not defined in the egress queue-group-template queue-group- name, the policer command will fail. While a queue-id within an egress queue group template is referenced by a sap-egress QoS policy forwarding class policer command, the queue cannot be deleted from the queue group template.

If an egress policed packet is discarded by the egress port queue group queue, the source policer discard stats are incremented. This means that the discard counters for the policer represent both the policer discard events and the destination queue drop tail events associated with the policer.

The no form of this command is used to restore the mapping of the forwarding class to the default queue. If all forwarding classes have been removed from the default queue, the queue will not exist on the SAPs or subscribers associated with the QoS policy and the no policer command will cause the system to attempt to create the default queue on each object. If the system cannot create the default queue in each instance, the no policer command will fail and the forwarding class will continue its mapping to the existing policer-id. If the no policer command results in a policer without any current mappings, the policer will be removed from the SAPs and subscribers associated with the QoS policy. All statistics associated with the policer on each SAP and subscribers will be lost.


no policer

When the forwarding class policer command is executed, a valid policer-id must be specified. The parameter policer-id references a policer-id that has already been created within the sap-egress QoS policy.
1 to 63
Used to override the forwarding class default egress queue destination to an egress port queue group. The specific egress queue group instance to use is specified at the time that the QoS policy is applied to the SAP. Therefore, this parameter is only valid if SAP based redirection is required.
queue queue-id
This parameter overrides the forwarding class default egress queue destination to a specified queue-id. If port-redirect-group is not configured, then this will be a local SAP queue of that queue-id. A queue of ID queue-id must exist within the egress QoS policy. If port-redirect-group-queue is configured then the the queue queue-id in the egress port queue group instance is used.
1 to 8
Derived from forwarding class assignment in queue-group definition.
group queue-group-name
The group queue-group-name is optional and is used to override the forwarding class's default egress queue destination. If the queue group-queue-id parameter is not specified, the forwarding class map within the specified group's template is used to derive then queue within the group will receive the forwarding class's packets. An egress queue group template must exist for the specified queue-group-name or the policer command will fail. The specified queue-group-name must also exist as an egress queue group on the ports where SAPs and subscribers associated with the sap-egress policy is applied or the policer command will fail.
Any qualifying egress queue group name
queue group-queue-id
The queue group-queue-id is optional when the group queue-group-name parameter is specified and is used to override the forwarding class mapping within the group's egress queue group template. The specified group-queue-id must exist within the group's egress queue group template or the policer command will fail.
1 to 8
Derived from forwarding class assignment in queue-group definition
instance instance-id
This parameter is used to specify the specific instance of a queue group with template queue-group-name to then this queue should be redirected. This parameter is only valid for queue groups on egress ports where policy based redirection is required.
1 to 40960


prec {ip-prec-value | in-profile ip-prec-value out-profile ip-prec-value [exceed-profile ip-prec-value]}
no prec

This command defines a value to be used for remarking packets for the specified FC. If the optional in/out/exceed-profile is specified, the command will remark different PREC values depending on whether the packet was classified to be in, exceed, or out-of-profile. All inplus-profile traffic is marked with the same value as in-profile traffic.

This parameter specifies the IP precedence to be used to remark all traffic
0 to 7
exceed-profile ip-prec-value
This optional parameter specifies the IP precedence to be used to remark traffic then is exceed-profile. If not specified, this defaults to the same value configured for the out-profile parameter.
0 to 7
in-profile ip-prec-value
This parameter specifies the IP precedence to be used to remark traffic then is in-profile.
0 to 7
out-profile ip-prec-value
This parameter specifies the IP precedence to be used to remark traffic then is out-of-profile.
0 to 7


queue queue-id [{group queue-group-name [instance instance-id] | port-redirect-group-queue}]
no queue

This command overrides the default queue mapping for fc fc-name. The specified queue-id must exist within the policy before the mapping can be made. Once the forwarding class mapping is executed, all traffic classified to fc-name on a SAP using this policy.

The no form of this command sets the queue-id back to the default queue for the forwarding class (queue 1).


no queue

Specifies the SAP egress queue-id to be associated with the forwarding class. The queue-id must be an existing queue defined in sap-egress policy-id.
1 — 8
group queue-group-name
This optional parameter is used to redirect the forwarding type within the forwarding class to the specified queue-id within the queue-group-name. When the policy is applied, all packets matching the forwarding class and forwarding type will be redirected to the queue within the specified queue group. The queue-group-name are configured in the config>qos>queue-group-templates egress and ingress contexts. This parameter is used when policy based queue group redirection is desired. That is, the specific queue group to redirect to is named in the QoS policy.
instance instance-id
This parameter is used to specify the specific instance of a queue group with template queue-group-name to then this queue should be redirected. This parameter is only valid for queue groups on egress ports where policy based redirection is required.
1 to 40960
This keyword is used to mark a given forwarding class queue for redirection to an egress queue group queue. This is only used when the specific queue group instance is assigned at the time the QOS policy is applied to the SAP. This redirection model is known as SAP based redirection.



This command enables the context to configure queue definitions for use on SAPs or subscribers on HSMDAs. A single QoS policy simultaneously defines queues for both standard MDA and for HSMDA subscribers and SAPs. This allows the policy association decision to be ignorant of the type of hardware the SAP or subscriber is traversing.


low-burst-max-class class-id
no low-burst-max-class

This command assigns the low burst maximum class to associate with the HSMDA queue.

The no form of the command returns the class id for the queue to the default value.

Specifies the class identifier of the low burst max class for the HSMDA queue.
1 to 32


packet-byte-offset {add add-bytes | subtract sub-bytes}
no packet-byte-offset

This command adds or subtracts the specified number of bytes to the accounting function for each packet handled by the HSMDA queue. Normally, the accounting and leaky bucket functions are based on the 14-byte Ethernet DLC header, 4-byte or 8-byte VLAN tag (optional), 20-byte IP header, IP payload and the 4-byte CRC (everything except the preamble and inter-frame gap). For example, the packet-byte-offset command can be used to add the frame encapsulation overhead (20 bytes) to the queues accounting functions.

The accounting functions affected include:

  1. Offered High Priority / In-Profile Octet Counter
  2. Offered Low Priority / Out-of-Profile Octet Counter
  3. Discarded High Priority / In-Profile Octet Counter
  4. Discarded Low Priority / Out-of-Profile Octet Counter
  5. Forwarded In-Profile Octet Counter
  6. Forwarded Out-of-Profile Octet Counter
  7. Peak Information Rate (PIR) Leaky Bucket Updates
  8. Committed Information Rate (CIR) Leaky Bucket Updates
  9. Queue Group Aggregate Rate Limit Leaky Bucket Updates

The secondary shaper leaky bucket, scheduler priority level leaky bucket and the port maximum rate updates are not affected by the configured packet-byte-offset. Each of these accounting functions are frame-based and always include the preamble, DLC header, payload and the CRC regardless of the configured byte offset.

The packet-byte-offset command accepts either add or subtract as valid keywords then define whether bytes are being added or removed from each packet traversing the queue. Up to 20 bytes may be added to the packet and up to 43 bytes may be removed from the packet. An example use case for subtracting bytes from each packet is an IP based accounting function. Given a Dot1Q encapsulation, the command packet-byte-offset subtract 14 would remove the DLC header and the Dot1Q header from the size of each packet for accounting functions only. The 14 bytes are not actually removed from the packet, only the accounting size of the packet is affected.

As inferred above, the variable accounting size offered by the packet-byte-offset command is targeted at the queue and queue group level. When the queue group represents the last-mile bandwidth constraints for a subscriber, the offset allows the HSMDA queue group to provide an accurate accounting to prevent overrun and underrun conditions for the subscriber. The accounting size of the packet is ignored by the secondary shapers, the scheduling priority level shapers and the scheduler maximum rate. The actual on-the-wire frame size is used for these functions to allow an accurate representation of the behavior of the subscribers packets on an Ethernet aggregation network.

The packet-byte-offset value may be overridden for the HSMDA queue at the SAP or subscriber profile level.

The no form of the command removes any accounting size changes to packets handled by the queue. The command does not affect overrides that may exist on SAPs or subscriber profiles associated with the queue.

add add-bytes
Indicates that the byte value should be added to the packet for queue and queue group level accounting functions. Either the add or subtract keyword must be specified. The corresponding byte value must be specified when executing the packet-byte-offset command. The add keyword is mutually exclusive with the subtract keyword.
1 to 31
subtract sub-bytes
Indicates that the byte value should be subtracted from the packet for queue and queue group level accounting functions. The subtract keyword is mutually exclusive with the add keyword. Either the add or subtract keyword must be specified. The corresponding byte value must be specified when executing the packet-byte-offset command. The minimum resulting packet size used by the system is 64 bytes with an HS-MDA.
1 to 64


queue queue-id
no queue queue-id

This command, within the QoS policy HSMDA-queues context, is a container for the configuration parameters controlling the behavior of an HSMDA queue. Unlike the standard QoS policy queue command, this command is not used to actually create or dynamically assign the queue to the object then the policy is applied. The queue identified by queue-id always exists on the SAP or subscriber context whether the command is executed or not. In the case of HSMDA SAPs and subscribers, all eight queues exist at the moment the system allocates an HSMDA queue group to the object (both ingress and egress).

Best-Effort, Expedited and Auto-Expedite Queue Behavior Based on Queue-ID

With standard service queues, the scheduling behavior relative to other queues is based on two items, the queues Best-Effort or Expedited nature and the dynamic rate of the queue relative to the defined CIR. HSMDA queues are handled differently. The create time auto-expedite and explicit expedite and best-effort qualifiers have been eliminated and instead the scheduling behavior is based solely on the queues identifier. Queues with a queue-id equal to 1 are placed in scheduling class 1. Queues with queue-id 2 are placed in scheduling class 2. And so on up to scheduling class 8. Each scheduling class is either mapped directly to a strict scheduling priority level based on the class ID, or the class may be placed into a weighted scheduling class group providing byte fair weighted round robin scheduling between the members of the group. Two weighted groups are supported and each may contain up to three consecutive scheduling classes. The weighed group assumes its highest member class’s inherent strict scheduling level for scheduling purposes. Strict priority level 8 has the highest priority while strict level 1 has the lowest. When grouping of scheduling classes is defined, some of the strict levels will not be in use.

Single Type of HSMDA Queues

Another difference between HSMDA queues and standard service queues is the lack of Multipoint queues. At ingress, an HSMDA SAP or subscriber does not require multi-point queues since all forwarding types (broadcast, multicast, unicast and unknown) forward to a single destination, the ingress forwarding plane on the IOM. Instead of a possible eight queues per forwarding type (for a total of up to 32) within the SAP ingress QoS policy, the hsmda-queues node supports a maximum of eight queues.

Every HSMDA Queue Supports Profile Mode Implicitly

Unlike standard service queues, the HSMDA queues do not need to be placed into the special mode profile at create time in order to support ingress color aware policing. Each queue may handle in- profile, out-of-profile and profile undefined packets simultaneously. As with standard queues, the explicit profile of a packet is dependent on ingress sub-forwarding class to then the packet is mapped.

Queue sharing and redirection

Redirection to an egress port queue group specified for the HSMDA is possible using the port-redirect-group parameter. If this is specified, then packets are redirected to the queue-id in the HSMDA queue group instance named at the the time the egress QoS policy is applied to the SAP.

The no form of the command restores the defined queue-id to its default parameters. All HSMDA queues having the queue-id and associated with the QoS policy are re-initialized to default parameters.

Defines the context of then of the eight ingress or egress queues will be entered for editing purposes.


burst-limit size [bytes | kilobytes]
no burst-limit

The queue burst-limit command is used to define an explicit shaping burst size for a queue. The configured size defines the shaping leaky bucket threshold level that indicates the maximum burst over the queue’s shaping rate.

The burst-limit command is supported under the sap-ingress and sap-egress QoS policy queues. The command is also supported under the ingress and egress queue-group-templates queues.

The no form of this command is used to restore the default burst limit to the specified queue. This is equivalent to specifying burst-limit default within the QoS policies or queue group templates. When specified within a queue-override queue context, any current burst limit override for the queue will be removed and the queue’s burst limit will be controlled by its defining policy or template.

When a numeric value is specified (size), the system interprets the value as an explicit burst limit size. The value is expressed as an integer and by default is interpreted as the burst limit in Kilobytes. If the value is intended to be interpreted in bytes, the byte qualifier must be added following size.
1 to 1000000
No default for size, use the default keyword to specify default burst limit
The bytes qualifier is used to specify that the value given for size must be interpreted as the burst limit in bytes. The byte qualifier is optional and mutually exclusive with the kilobytes qualifier.
The kilobyte qualifier is used to specify that the value given for size must be interpreted as the burst limit in Kilobytes. The kilobyte qualifier is optional and mutually exclusive with the bytes qualifier. If neither bytes nor kilobytes is specified, the default qualifier is kilobytes.


mbs {size [bytes | kilobytes] | default}
no mbs

This command is used to configure the policer’s PIR leaky bucket’s high priority violate threshold. The high-prio-only command is applied to the MBS value to derive the bucket’s low priority violate threshold. For egress, trusted in-profile packets and untrusted high priority packets use the policer’s high priority violate threshold while trusted out-of-profile and untrusted low priority packets use the policer's low priority violate threshold. At egress, in-profile packets use the policer’s high priority violate threshold and out-of-profile packets use the policer's low priority violate threshold.

The PIR bucket’s violate threshold represent the maximum burst tolerance allowed by the policer. If the policer's offered rate is equal to or less than the policer's defined rate, the PIR bucket depth hovers around the 0 depth with spikes up to the maximum packet size in the offered load. If the offered rate increases beyond the metering rate, the amount of data allowed above the rate is capped by the threshold. The low priority violate threshold provides a smaller burst size for the lower priority traffic associated with the policer. Since all lower priority traffic is discarded at the lower burst tolerance size, the remaining burst tolerance defined by high-prio-only is available for the higher priority traffic.

The policer’s mbs size defined in the QoS policy may be overridden on an sla-profile or SAP where the policy is applied.

The no form of this command returns the policer to its default MBS size.


no mbs

size [bytes | kilobytes]
The size parameter is required when specifying mbs and is expressed as an integer representing the required size in either bytes or kilobytes. The default is kilobytes. The optional byte and kilobyte keywords are mutually exclusive and are used to explicitly define whether size represents bytes or kilobytes.
When byte is defined, the value given for size is interpreted as the queue’s MBS value given in bytes.
When kilobytes is defined, the value is interpreted as the queue’s MBS value given in kilobytes.
1 to 39321600


rate {pir-rate | max}
no rate

This command configures a rate limit (PIR) for scheduling packets out of the queue and an optional CIR rate used to determine the profile of packets scheduled from the queue. Configuring a rate limit for a queue on an HSMDA is optional; the default rate is set to maximum (max) causing the shaper to have no effect. The cir keyword is used to configure the rate threshold between the in-profile and out-of-profile state of the queue during scheduling from the queue.

Since the CIR leaky bucket is updated during scheduling events and not enqueuing events. The profiling function is not based on packet arrival. Instead, the queue absorbs bursts that exceed the queues forwarding rate. In this case, burst tolerance is more heavily affected by the maximum queue depth (mbs) and the PIR shaping behavior then the CIR leaky bucket behavior.

Egress Profiling Based dot1p Remarking

HSMDA egress queues are capable of remarking dot1p and DEI bits based on the current state of the queues CIR. Egress dot1p remarking is enabled at the forwarding class level. Using egress profiling based dot1p remarking, either two distinct dot1p values may be used to distinguish in-profile and out-of-profile, or just the DEI bit may be toggled.

SAP and Subscriber Queue Rate Overrides

The shaping rate and CIR values may be overridden on each SAP or subscriber to then the QoS policy is associated.

The no form of the command returns all queues created with the queue-id by association with the QoS policy to the default PIR and CIR parameters (max, 0).

Defines the administrative PIR rate, in kilobits, for the queue. When the rate command is executed, a valid PIR setting must be explicitly defined. When the rate command has not been executed, the default PIR of max is assumed.

Fractional values are not allowed and must be given as a positive integer.

The actual PIR rate is dependent on the queue’s adaptation-rule parameters and the actual hardware where the queue is provisioned.

1 to 100000000, max


slope-policy hsmda-slope-policy-name
no slope-policy

This command associates an existing HSMDA slope policy to the QoS policy HSMDA queue. The specified hsmda-slope-policy-name must exist for the command to succeed. If the policy name does not exist, the command has no effect on the existing slope policy association. Once a slope policy is associated with a QoS policy queue, subscriber profile override or SAP override, the slope policy cannot be removed from the system. Any edits to an associated slope policy are immediately applied to the queues using the slope policy.

Within the ingress and egress QoS policies, packets are classified as high priority or low-priority. For color aware policies, packets are also potentially classified as in-profile, out-of-profile or profile-undefined. Based on these classifications, packets are mapped to the RED slopes in the following manner:

Ingress Slope Mapping

  1. In-Profile — High Slope (priority ignored)
  2. Profile-Undefined, High Priority — High Slope
  3. Out-of-Profile Low Slope (priority ignored)
  4. Profile-Undefined, Low Priority — Low Slope

Egress Slope Mapping

  1. In-Profile from ingress — High Slope
  2. Out-of-Profile from ingress — Low Slope

The specified policy contains a value that defines the queue’s MBS value (queue-mbs). This is the maximum depth of the queue specified in bytes where all packets start to discard. The high and low priority RED slopes provide congestion control mechanisms that react to the current depth of the queue and start a random discard that increases in probability as the queue depth increases. The start point and end point for each discard probability slope is defined as follows:

  1. Start-Utilization — This is defined as percentage of MBS and specifies where the discard probability for the slope begins to rise above 0%. (A corresponding Start-Probability parameter is not needed as the start probability is always 0%.
  2. Maximum-Utilization — This is also defined as a percentage of MBS and specifies where (based on MBS utilized) the discard probability rises to 100%. This is the first portion of the knee coordinates and is meaningless without the Maximum-Probability parameter.
  3. Maximum-Probability — This is defined as a percentage of discard probability and in conjunction with maximum-utilization completes the knee coordinate where the discard probability deviates from the slope and rises to 100%.

Up to 1024 HSMDA slope policies may be configured on a system.

The system maintains a slope policy named hsmda-default then acts as a default policy when an explicit slope policy has not been defined for an HSMDA queue. The default policy may be edited, but it cannot be deleted. If a no slope-policy hsmda-default command is executed, the default slope policy returns to the factory default settings. The factory default settings are as follows:

High Slope:

  1. Start-Utilization 100%
  2. Max-Utilization 100%
  3. Max-Probability 100%
  4. Shutdown

Low Slope:

  1. Start-Utilization 90%
  2. Max-Utilization 90%
  3. Max-Probability 1
  4. No Shutdown

Time-Average-Factor: 0

The no form of the command restores the association between the queue and the HSMDA default slope policy. The command has no immediate effect for queues that have a local override defined for the slope policy.

Specifies an existing slope policy within the system. If a slope policy with the specified name does not exist, the slope-policy command will fail without modifying the slope behavior on the queue. Once a slope policy is associated with an HSMDA queue, the policy cannot be deleted.


wrr-weight value
no wrr-weight

This command assigns the weight value to the HSMDA queue.

The no form of the command returns the weight value for the queue to the default value.

Specifies the weight for the HSMDA queue.
1 to 32


wrr-policy wrr-policy-name
no wrr-policy

This command associates an existing HSMDA weighted-round-robin (WRR) scheduling loop policy to the HSMDA queue.

Specifies the existing HSMDA WRR policy name to associate to the queue.


action [fc fc-name] [hsmda-counter-override counter-id] [profile {in | out | exceed | inplus}] [policer policer-id [{port-redirect-group-queue queue queue-id | queue queue-id | use-fc-mapped-queue}]]
no action

This command defines the reclassification actions that should be performed on any packet matching the defined IP flow criteria within the entries match node. When defined under the ip-criteria context, the reclassification only applies to IPv4 packets. When defined under the ipv6-criteria context, the reclassification only applies to IPv6 packets.

If an egress packet on the SAP matches the specified IP flow entry, the forwarding class, or profile or HSMDA or egress queue accounting behavior may be overridden. By default, the forwarding class and profile of the packet is derived from ingress classification and profiling functions. The default behavior for HSMDA queue accounting is to use the counters associated with the queue to then the packet is mapped. Matching an IP flow reclassification entry will override all IP precedence or DSCP-based reclassification rule actions when an explicit reclassification action is defined for the entry.

It is also possible to redirect the egress packet to a configured policer. The forwarding class or profile can also be optionally specified, but redirection to a policer is mutually exclusive with the hsmda-counter-override keyword.

When an IP flow entry is first created, the entry will have no explicit behavior defined as the reclassification actions to be performed. In show and info commands, the entry will display no action as the specified reclassification action for the entry. When the entry is defined with no action, the entry will not be populated in the IP flow reclassification list used to evaluate packets egressing a SAP with the SAP egress policy defined. An IP flow reclassification entry is only added to the evaluation list when the action command for the entry is executed either with explicit reclassification entries or without any actions defined. Specifying action without any trailing reclassification actions allows packets matching the entry to exit the evaluation list without matching entries lower in the list. Executing no action on an entry removes the entry from the evaluation list and also removes any explicitly defined reclassification actions associated with the entry.

The fc keyword is optional. When specified, the egress classification rule will overwrite the forwarding class derived from ingress. The new forwarding class is used for egress remarking and queue mapping decisions.

The profile keyword is optional. When specified, the egress classification rule will overwrite the profile of the packet derived from ingress. The new profile value is used for egress remarking and queue congestion behavior.

The hsmda-counter-override keyword is optional. When specified and the egress SAP is created on an HSMDA, the egress classification rule will override the default queue accounting function for the packet. By default, the HSMDA uses each queues default queue counters for packets mapped to the queue. The hsmda-counter-override keyword is used to map the packet to an explicit exception counter. One of eight counters can be used. When the packet is mapped to an exception counter, the packet will not increment the queues discard or forwarding counters, instead the exception discard and forwarding counters will be used. This keyword is mutually exclusive with the redirection to a policer.

The policer keyword is optional. When specified, the egress packet will be redirected to the configured policer. Optional parameters allow the user to control how the forwarded policed traffic exits the egress port. By default, the policed forwarded traffic will use a queue in the egress port’s policer-output-queue queue group, alternatively a queue in an instance of a user configured queue group can be used or a local SAP egress queue. This keyword is mutually exclusive with the hsmda-counter-override keyword.

The no form of this command removes all reclassification actions from the IP flow reclassification entry and also removes the entry from the evaluation list. An entry removed from the evaluation list will not be matched to any packets egress a SAP associated with the SAP egress QoS policy.


action specified by the default-fc

fc fc-name
The fc reclassification action is optional. When specified, packets matching the IP flow reclassification entry will be explicitly reclassified to the forwarding class specified as fc-name regardless of the ingress classification decision. The fc-name defined must be one of the eight forwarding classes supported by the system. To remove the forwarding class reclassification action for the IP flow entry, the action command must be re-executed without the fc reclassification action defined.




class: be, l2, af, l1, h2, ef, h1, nc


subclass: 29 characters max

profile {in | out | exceed | inplus}—
The profile reclassification action is optional. When specified, packets matching the IP flow reclassification entry will be explicitly reclassified to either in-profile or out-of-profile regardless of the ingress profiling decision. To remove the profile reclassification action for the IP flow reclassification entry, the action command must be re-executed without the profile reclassification action defined.
The in parameter is mutually exclusive to the exceed, inplus, and out parameters following the profile reclassification action keyword. In, exceed, inplus, or out must be specified when the profile keyword is present. When in is specified, any packets matching the reclassification rule will be treated as in-profile by the egress forwarding plane.
The out parameter is mutually exclusive to the exceed, inplus, and in parameters following the profile reclassification action keyword. In, exceed, inplus, or out must be specified when the profile keyword is present. When out is specified, any packets matching the reclassification rule will be treated as out-of-profile by the egress forwarding plane.
The exceed parameter is mutually exclusive to the out, inplus, and in parameters following the profile reclassification action keyword. In, exceed, inplus, or out must be specified when the profile keyword is present. When exceed is specified, any packets matching the reclassification rule will be treated as exceed-profile by the egress forwarding plane.
The inplus parameter is mutually exclusive to the out, exceed, and in parameters following the profile reclassification action keyword. In, exceed, inplus, or out must be specified when the profile keyword is present. When inplus is specified, any packets matching the reclassification rule will be treated as inplus-profile by the egress forwarding plane.
hsmda-counter-override counter-id
The hsmda-counter-override parameter is optional and only has significance on SAPs that are created on an HSMDA. When specified, packets matching the IP precedence value will be mapped to the defined HSMDA exception counter ID for the packets queue group. The default behavior is to use the default counter on the queue group for the queue to then the packet is mapped. The hsmda-counter-override parameter may be overwritten by an IP criteria reclassification rule match. The counter-id must be specified as an integer from one to eight. To remove the ESMDA exception counter reclassification action for the specified DSCP value, the dscp command must be re-executed without the hsmda-counter-override parameter defined. This keyword is mutually exclusive with the redirection to a policer.
1 to 8
policer policer-id
When the action policer command is executed, a valid policer ID must be specified. The parameter policer ID references a policer ID that has already been created within the SAP egress QoS policy.
1 to 63
port-redirect-group-queue queue queue-id
Used to override the forwarding class default egress queue destination to an egress port queue group. The specific egress queue group instance to use is specified at the time that the QoS policy is applied to the SAP. Therefore, this parameter is only valid if SAP based redirection is required. The queue parameter overrides the policer’s default egress queue destination to a specified queue-id in the egress port queue group instance is used.
1 to 8
queue queue-id
This parameter overrides the policer’s default egress queue destination to a specified local SAP queue of that queue-id. A queue of ID queue-id must exist within the egress QoS policy.
1 to 8
This parameter overrides the policer’s default egress queue destination to the queue mapped by the traffic’s forwarding class.


parent-location {default | sla}
no parent-location

This command determines the expected location of the parent schedulers for queues configured with a parent command within the sap-egress policy. All parent schedulers must be configured within a scheduler-policy applied at the location corresponding to the parent-location parameter.

If a parent scheduler name does not exist at the specified location, the queue will not be parented and will be orphaned.

The no form of the command reverts to the default.



When the sap-egress policy is applied to an sla-profile for a subscriber, the parent schedulers of the queues need to be configured in the scheduler-policy applied to the subscriber’s sub-profile.

When the sap-egress policy is applied to a SAP, the parent schedulers of the queues need to be configured in the scheduler-policy applied to the SAP or the multiservice site.

When the sap-egress policy is applied to an sla-profile for a subscriber, the parent schedulers of the queues need to be configured in the scheduler-policy applied to the same sla-profile.

If this parameter is configured within a sap-egress policy that is applied to any object except of the egress of an sla-profile, the configured parent schedulers will not be found and so the queues will not be parented and will be orphaned. This parameter is not supported when policers-hqos-manageable is configured in the SAP egress QoS policy.


[no] enable-dscp-prec-remarking

This command enables DSCP/precedence remarking based on the profile state of a packet being forwarded by a SAP or subscriber egress policer. The DSCP/precedence can be remarked to a value independent of the packet's profile, or separately based on if the packet have an exceed, in-profile or out-of-profile state.


no enable-dscp-prec-remarking


[no] enable-exceed-pir

This command enables the forwarding of packets with an exceed-profile state and traffic exceeding the PIR for a SAP egress or a network egress queue group (configured in the egress queue group template) policer. This traffic is forwarded as exceed-profile instead of being dropped. This parameter is not supported when policers-hqos-manageable is configured in the SAP egress QoS policy.


no enable-exceed-pir


port-parent [weight weight] [level level] [cir-weight cir-weight] [cir-level cir-level]
no port-parent

This command specifies whether this SAP egress policer feeds off a port-level scheduler. When configured, the policer is parented by a port-level scheduler. This requires that policers-hqos-manageable be configured in the SAP egress QoS policy. This command and the SAP egress policer scheduler-parent and the parent commands are mutually exclusive.

The port-parent command defines a child/parent association between an egress policer and a port-based scheduler or between an intermediate service scheduler and a port-based scheduler. The port-parent command allows for a set of within-cir and above-cir parameters that define the port priority levels and weights for the policer. If the port-parent command is executed without any parameters, the default parameters are used.

In this context, the port-parent command and the scheduler-parent command (used to create a parent/child association between a queue and an intermediate scheduler) are mutually exclusive. Executing a port-parent command when a scheduler-parent definition exists causes the current intermediate scheduler association to be removed and replaced by the defined port-parent association. Executing a scheduler-parent command when a port-parent definition exists causes the port scheduler association to be removed and replaced by the defined intermediate scheduler association.

Changing the parent context on a SAP egress policy policer may cause a SAP or subscriber or a multiservice site context of the policer (policy associated with a SAP or subscriber profile or a multiservice site) to enter an orphaned state. If an instance of a policer is created on a port or channel that does not have a port scheduler enabled, and the SAP egress policy creating the policer has a port parent association, the policer will be allowed to run according to its own rate parameters and will not be controlled by a virtual scheduling context. If an instance of a policer is on a port or channel that has a port scheduler configured and the SAP egress policy defines the policer as having a non-existent intermediate scheduler parent, the policer will be treated as an orphan and will be handled according to the current orphan behavior on the port scheduler.

The no form of this command removes a port scheduler parent association for the policer. Once removed, if a port scheduler is defined on the port on then the policer instance exists, the policer will be treated as orphaned to the port scheduler.


no port-parent

weight weight
Defines the weight that the policer will use at the above-cir port priority level (defined by the level parameter).

All weight values from all weighted active policers, queues, and schedulers with a common port parent are added together. Then, each individual active weight is divided by the total to determine the percentage of remaining bandwidth provided to the policer, queue, or scheduler after the higher priority level children have been serviced. A weight is considered to be active when the applicable policer, queue, or scheduler has not reached its maximum rate and still has packets to transmit.

The weight is specified as an integer value from 0 to 100 with 100 being the highest weight. When the weight parameter is set to a value of 0, the policer receives bandwidth only after other children with a non-zero weight at this level.

0 to 100
level level
Defines the port priority that the policer will use to receive bandwidth for its above-cir offered load.
1 to 8 (8 is the highest priority)
cir-weight cir-weight
Defines the weight that the policer will use at the within-cir port priority level (defined by the cir-level parameter).

All cir-weight values from all weighted active policers, queues, and schedulers with a common port parent are added together. Then, each individual active weight is divided by the total to determine the percentage of remaining bandwidth provided to the policer, queue, or scheduler after the higher priority level children have been serviced. A weight is considered to be active when the applicable policer, queue, or scheduler has not reached its maximum rate and still has packets to transmit.

The weight is specified as an integer value from 0 to 100 with 100 being the highest weight. When the cir-weight parameter is set to a value of 0, the policer receives bandwidth only after the other children with a non-zero weight at this level.

0 to 100
cir-level cir-level
Defines the port priority that the policer will use to receive bandwidth for its within-cir offered load. If the cir-level parameter is set to a value of 0 (the default value), the policer does not receive bandwidth during the port schedulers within-cir pass and the cir-weight parameter is ignored. If the cir-level parameter is 1 or greater, the cir-weight parameter is used.
0 to 8 (8 is the highest priority)


[no] profile-out-preserve

This command specifies whether to preserve the color of offered out-of-profile traffic at sap-egress policer (profile of the packet can change based on egress CIR state).

When enabled, traffic determined as out-of-profile at ingress policer will be treated as out-of-profile at sap-egress policer.


scheduler-parent scheduler-name [weight weight] [level level] [cir-weight cir-weight] [cir-level cir-level]
no scheduler-parent

This command defines an optional parent scheduler that governs the available bandwidth given to a policer in addition to the policer's PIR setting. When multiple schedulers, queues, and/or policers share a child status with the parent scheduler, the weight or level parameters define how this policer contends with the other children for the parent's bandwidth. This command and the configuration of a SAP egress policer port-parent or parent arbiter are mutually exclusive.

Checks are not performed to see if a scheduler-name exists when the parent command is defined on the policer. Scheduler names are configured in the config>qos>scheduler-policy>tier context. Multiple schedulers can exist in different scheduler policies with the same scheduler-name; in this command, the associated scheduler-name pertains to a scheduler that should exist on the egress SAP as the policy is applied and the policer created. When the policer is created on the egress SAP, the existence of the scheduler-name is dependent on a scheduler policy containing the scheduler-name being directly applied or indirectly applied (through a multiservice customer site) to the egress SAP. If the scheduler-name does not exist, the policer is placed in the orphaned operational state. The policer will accept packets but will not be bandwidth-limited by a virtual scheduler or the scheduler hierarchy applied to the SAP. The SAP to then the policer belongs displays an orphan policer status with the SapEgressPolicerMismatch flag in the show service sap-using output. The orphaned state of the policer is automatically cleared when the scheduler-name becomes available on the egress SAP.

The parent scheduler can be made unavailable by the removal of a scheduler policy or scheduler. When an existing parent scheduler is removed or inoperative, the policer enters the orphaned state and automatically returns to normal operation when the parent scheduler is available again.

The no form of the command removes a child association with a parent scheduler. If a parent association does not currently exist, the command has no effect and no error message is returned. Once a parent association has been removed, the former child policer attempts to operate based on its configured rate parameter.

Removing the parent association on the policer within the policy takes effect immediately on all policers using the SAP egress QoS policy.


no scheduler-parent

Scheduler names are configured in the config>qos>scheduler-policy>tier context. There are no checks performed at the time of definition to ensure that the scheduler-name exists within an existing scheduler policy. For the policer to use the defined scheduler-name, the scheduler must exist on each egress SAP that the policer is created on. If a scheduler-name does not exist on the egress SAP, the policer operates in an orphaned state.
Any string up to 32 characters long composed of printable, 7-bit ASCII characters. If the string contains special characters (#, $, spaces, etc.), the entire string must be enclosed within double quotes.
None. Each parental association must be explicitly defined.
weight weight
Defines the relative weight of this policer in comparison with other child policers, queues, and schedulers when competing for bandwidth on the parent scheduler-name at the above-cir priority level defined by the level parameter.

All weight values from all weighted active policers, queues, and schedulers with a common port parent are added together. Then, each individual active weight is divided by the total to determine the percentage of remaining bandwidth provided to the policer, queue, or scheduler after the higher priority level children have been serviced. A weight is considered to be active when the applicable policer, queue, or scheduler has not reached its maximum rate and still has packets to transmit. All child policers, queues, and schedulers with a weight of 0 are considered to have the lowest priority at the configured level and are not serviced until all non-zero weighted policers, queues, and schedulers at that level are operating at the maximum bandwidth or are idle.

0 to 100
level level
Defines the level of hierarchy when compared with other policers, queues, and schedulers when competing for bandwidth on the parent scheduler-name.

Children of the parent scheduler with a lower priority will not receive bandwidth until all children with a higher priority have either reached their maximum bandwidth or are idle. Children with the same level are serviced in relation to their relative weights.

1 to 8 (8 is the highest priority)
cir-weight cir-weight
Defines the relative weight of this policer in comparison with other child policers, queues, or schedulers competing for bandwidth on the parent scheduler-name at the within-cir priority level defined by the cir-level parameter.

All cir-weight values from all weighted active policers, queues, and schedulers with a common parent are added together. Then, each individual active weight is divided by the total to determine the percentage of remaining bandwidth provided to the policer, queue, or scheduler after the higher priority level children have been serviced. A weight is considered to be active when the applicable policer, queue, or scheduler has not reached its maximum rate and still has packets to transmit.

The weight is specified as an integer value from 0 to 100 with 100 being the highest weight. When the cir-weight parameter is set to a value of 0, the policer receives bandwidth only after the other children with a non-zero weight at this level.

0 to 100
cir-level cir-level
Defines the level of hierarchy when compared with other policers, queues, and schedulers that the policer will use to receive bandwidth for its within-cir offered load. If the cir-level parameter is set to a value of 0 (the default value), the policer does not receive bandwidth during the schedulers within-cir pass and the cir-weight parameter is ignored. If the cir-level parameter is 1 or greater, the cir-weight parameter is used.
0 to 8 (8 is the highest priority)


stat-mode {no-stats | minimal | offered-profile-no-cir | offered-profile-cir | offered-total-cir | offered-limited-capped-cir | offered-profile-capped-cir | offered-total-cir-exceed | offered-four-profile-no-cir | offered-total-cir-four-profile}
no stat mode

The sap-egress QoS policy's policer stat-mode command is used to configure the forwarding plane counters that allow offered, forwarded and dropped accounting to occur for the policer. An egress policer has multiple types of offered packets (soft in-profile and out-of-profile from ingress and hard in-profile, out-of-profile, and exceed-profile due to egress profile overrides) and each of these offered types is interacting with the policer’s metering and profiling functions resulting in colored output packets (green, yellow and red). Due to the potential large number of egress policers, it is not economical to allocate counters in the forwarding plane for all possible offered packet types and output conditions. Many policers, for example, will not be configured with a CIR profiling rate and not all policers will receive explicitly re-profiled offered packets. The stat-mode command allows provisioning of the number of counters each policer requires and how the offered packet types and output conditions should be mapped to the counters.

While a no-stats mode is supported then prevents any packet accounting, the use of the policer's parent command requires that the policer’s stat-mode to be set at least to the minimal setting so that offered stats are available for the policer’s Fair Information Rate (FIR) to be calculated. Once a policer has been made a child to a parent policer, the stat-mode cannot be changed to no-stats unless the policer parenting is first removed.

Each time the policer's stat-mode is changed, any previous counter values are lost and any new counters are set to zero.

Each mode uses a certain number of counters per policer instance that are allocated from the forwarding plane's policer counter resources. The total, allocated, and free statistics can be viewed by using the tools dump resource-usage card fp command. If insufficient counters exist to implement a mode on any policer instance, the stat-mode change will fail and the previous mode will continue unaffected for all instances of the policer.

The ingress policer stat-modes are summarized in Table 43.

Table 43:   Egress Policer Stat-mode Summary 

Stat Mode

Stat Resources

Traffic Counters (Packet/Octets)










Single counter entering policer

Single counter for dropped/forwarded exiting policer



In or out entering policer

In/out entering policer

Intended for when the policer does not change the profile of packets. Includes only in-profile and out-of-profile.



In, out, or uncolored (then corresponds to in- or out-of-profile from the ingress processing) entering policer

In/out exiting policer

Intended for when the policer can change the profile of packets to in-profile and out-of-profile



Single counter entering policer

In/out exiting policer



In or out entering policer

In/out exiting policer

Intended for when the policer has profile-capped configured. The information is limited compared to offered-profile-capped-cir with the benefit of using one less stat resources.



In, out, or uncolored (then corresponds to in- or out-of-profile from the ingress processing) entering policer

In/out exiting policer

Intended for when the policer has profile-capped configured



Single counter entering policer

In/out/exceed exiting policer

Intended for when the policer is configured with enable-exceed-pir to forward packets then exceed its configured PIR or when traffic is reclassified at egress to exceed-profile



Inplus, in, out, or exceed entering policer

Inplus/in/out/exceed entering policer

Intended to be used when the policer does not change the profile of the packets and traffic is reclassified at egress to inplus and/or exceed-profile



Single counter entering policer

Inplus, in, out, or exceed exiting policer

Intended to be used when the policer can change the profile of the packet and traffic is reclassified at egress to profile inplus

When a policer is created within the policy, the default setting for stat-mode is minimal.

The stat-mode setting defined for the policer in the QoS policy may be overridden on an sla-profile or SAP where the policy is applied. If insufficient policer counter resources exist to implement the override, the stat-mode override command will fail. The previous stat-mode setting active for the policer will continue to be used by the policer.

The no form of this command attempts to return the policer’s stat-mode setting to minimal. The command will fail if insufficient policer counter resources exist to implement minimal where the QoS policer is currently applied and has a forwarding class mapping.

Counter resource allocation: 0

The policer does not have any forwarding plane counters allocated and cannot provide offered, discard and forward statistics. A policer using no-stats cannot be a child to a parent policer and the policer’s parent command will fail.

When collect-stats is enabled, no statistics are generated.

Counter resource allocation: 1

This stat-mode provides the minimal accounting resource usage and counter information, and includes only the total offered, dropped and forwarded packet and octet counters for traffic entering (offered) and exiting (dropped/forwarded) the policer.

The default stat-mode for a policer is minimal. The minimal mode allocates 1 forwarding plane offered counter and one traffic manager discard counter. The forwarding counter is derived by subtracting the discard counter from the offered counter. The counters do not differentiate possible offered types and do not count different profile output. This does not prevent the policer from supporting different offered packet types and does not prevent the policer from supporting a CIR rate or using exceed PIR.

The counters displayed in the show output and those collected when collect-stats is enabled (the actual fields collected depends on the record configured in the applied accounting policy) are described in Table 44.

Table 44:  Egress Accounting Statistics Collected in minimal stat-mode  

Show Output

Accounting Stats Collected


Field Description

Off. All





Dro. All





For. All





offered-profile-no-cir —
Counter resource allocation: 2

This stat-mode provides offered, dropped, and forwarded packet and octet counters corresponding to the profile of traffic entering the policer. inplus-profile traffic is counted with the in-profile counters and exceed-profile traffic is counted with the out-of-profile counters.

The offered-profile-no-cir mode allocates two forwarding plane offered counters and two traffic manager discard counters.

The offered-profile-no-cir mode is most useful when profile-based offered, dropped, and forwarded stats are required from the egress policer, but a CIR or enable-exceed-pir is not being used to recolor the soft in-profile and out-of-profile packets. This mode does not prevent the policer from being configured with a CIR rate or using enable-exceed-pir.

This mode is intended to be used without profile-capped configured within the policer as it could cause the traffic profile to be modified by the policer.

The counters displayed in the show output and those collected when collect-stats is enabled (the actual fields collected depends on the record configured in the applied accounting policy) are described in Table 45.

Table 45:  Egress Accounting Statistics Collected in offered-profile-no-cir stat-mode  

Show Output

Accounting Stats Collected


Field Description

Off. InProf





Off. OutProf





Dro. InProf





Dro. OutProf





For. InProf





For. OutProf





offered-profile-cir —
Counter resource allocation: 4

This stat-mode provides offered, dropped, and forwarded packet and octet counters corresponding to the profile of traffic entering (offered) and exiting (dropped/forwarded) the policer when egress reclassification is performed so that the traffic entering the policer is made up of traffic that is inplus-profile, in-profile, out-of-profile, exceed-profile, soft in-profile, and soft out-of-profile. The offered counters cover traffic reclassified to in-profile (then includes traffic reclassified to inplus-profile), traffic reclassified to out-of-profile (that includes traffic reclassified to exceed-profile) and traffic then has not been reclassified at egress (Uncolor). In the dropped and forwarded counters, inplus-profile traffic is counted with the in-profile counter and exceed-profile traffic is counted with the out-of-profile counter.

The offered-profile-cir mode allocates four forwarding plane offered counters and four traffic manager discard counters.

The offered-profile-cir mode is most useful when profile based offered, dropped and forwarded stats are required from the egress policer and a CIR rate is being used to recolor the soft in-profile and out-of-profile packets.

This mode is intended to be used without profile-capped or enable-exceed-pir configured within the policer as these could cause the traffic profile to be modified by the policer in a way that is not accounted for in the statistics.

The counters displayed in the show output and those collected when collect-stats is enabled (the actual fields collected depends on the record configured in the applied accounting policy) are described in Table 46.

Table 46:  Egress Accounting Statistics Collected in offered-profile-cir stat-mode  

Show Output

Accounting Stats Collected


Field Description

Off. InProf





Off. OutProf





Off. Uncolor





Dro. InProf





Dro. OutProf





For. InProf





For. OutProf





Counter resource allocation: 2

This stat-mode provides offered, dropped, and forwarded packet and octet counters corresponding to the profile of traffic entering (offered) and exiting (dropped/forwarded) the policer. All offered traffic is provided in a single counter. In the dropped and forwarded counters, inplus-profile traffic is counted with the in-profile counter and exceed-profile traffic is counted with the out-of-profile counter.

The offered-total-cir mode allocates two forwarding plane offered counters and two traffic manager discard counters.

The offered-total-cir mode is most useful when the policer is not receiving trusted in-profile or out-of-profile traffic and both high and low priority classifications are not being used on the untrusted packets and the offered packets are being applied to a defined CIR profiling rate. This mode does not prevent the policer from receiving trusted in-profile or out-of-profile packets and does not prevent the use of priority high or low classifications on the untrusted packets.

This mode is intended to be used without profile-capped or enable-exceed-pir configured within the policer as these could cause the traffic profile to be modified by the policer in a way that is not accounted for in the statistics.

The counters displayed in the show output and those collected when collect-stats is enabled (the actual fields collected depends on the record configured in the applied accounting policy) are described in Table 47.

Table 47:  Egress Accounting Statistics Collected in offered-total-cir stat-mode  

Show Output

Accounting Stats Collected


Field Description

Off. All





Dro. InProf





Dro. OutProf





For. InProf





For. OutProf





offered-limited-capped-cir —
Counter resource allocation: 4

This stat-mode provides offered, dropped and forwarded packet and octet counters corresponding to the profile of traffic entering (offered) and exiting (dropped/forwarded) the policer when egress reclassification is performed so that the traffic entering the policer is made up of traffic that is inplus-profile, in-profile, out-of-profile, exceed-profile, soft in-profile, and soft out-of-profile. The offered counters cover in-profile traffic (then includes traffic reclassified to inplus-profile) and out-of-profile traffic (then includes traffic reclassified to exceed-profile). In the dropped and forwarded counters, inplus-profile traffic is counted with the in-profile counter and exceed-profile traffic is counted with the out-of-profile counter.

offered-limited-capped-cir is defined, the system creates four forwarding plane offered-output counters in the network processor and three discard counters in the traffic manager.

The offered-limited-capped-cir mode is similar to the offered-profile-capped-cir mode except that it combines soft in-profile with profile in and soft-out-of-profile with profile out and eliminates the offered-undefined statistic.

The impact of using offered-limited-capped-cir stat-mode while profile-capped mode is disabled are that one of the counting resources in the forwarding plane and traffic manager will not be used and soft-in-profile will be treated as offered-in instead of offered-undefined.

This mode is intended to be used with profile-capped configured within the policer but without enable-exceed-pir configured as this could cause the traffic profile to be modified by the policer in a way that is not accounted for in the statistics.

The counters displayed in the show output and those collected when collect-stats is enabled (the actual fields collected depends on the record configured in the applied accounting policy) are described in Table 48.

Table 48:  Egress Accounting Statistics Collected in offered-limited-capped-cir stat-mode  

Show Output

Accounting Stats Collected


Field Description

Off. InProf





Off. OutProf





Dro. InProf





Dro. OutProf





For. InProf





For. OutProf





offered-profile-capped-cir —
Counter resource allocation: 5

This stat-mode provides offered, dropped, and forwarded packet and octet counters corresponding to the profile of traffic entering (offered) and exiting (dropped/forwarded) the policer when egress reclassification is performed so that the traffic entering the policer is made up of traffic that is inplus-profile, in-profile, out-of-profile, exceed-profile, soft in-profile, and soft out-of-profile. The offered counters cover traffic reclassified to in-profile (then includes traffic reclassified to inplus-profile), traffic reclassified to out-of-profile (then includes traffic reclassified to exceed-profile) and traffic then has not been reclassified at egress (uncolored). In the dropped and forwarded counters, inplus-profile traffic is counted with the in-profile counter and exceed-profile traffic is counted with the out-of-profile counter.

When offered-profile-capped-cir is defined, the system creates five offered-output counters in the forwarding plane and five discard counters in the traffic manager.

The offered-profile-capped-cir mode is similar to the offered-profile-cir mode except that it includes support for profile inplus, profile in and soft-in-profile that may be output as out-of-profile due to enabling profile-capped mode on the ingress policer.

The impact of using offered-profile-capped-cir stat-mode while profile-capped mode is disabled are that one of the counting resources in the forwarding plane and traffic manager will not be used and soft-in-profile will be treated as offered-in (hard in-profile) instead of offered-undefined (uncolored).

This mode is intended to be used with profile-capped configured within the policer but without enable-exceed-pir configured as this could cause the traffic profile to be modified by the policer in a way that is not accounted for in the statistics.

The counters displayed in the show output and those collected when collect-stats is enabled (the actual fields collected depends on the record configured in the applied accounting policy) are described in Table 49.

Table 49:  Egress Accounting Statistics Collected in offered-profile-capped-cir stat-mode  

Show Output

Accounting Stats Collected


Field Description

Off. InProf





Off. OutProf





Off. Uncolor





Dro. InProf





Dro. OutProf





For. InProf





For. OutProf





offered-total-cir-exceed —
Counter resource allocation: 3

This stat-mode provides offered, dropped, and forwarded packet and octet counters corresponding to the profile of traffic entering (offered) and exiting (dropped/forwarded) the policer. All offered traffic is provided in a single counter. In the dropped and forwarded counters, inplus-profile traffic is counted with the in-profile counter. The offered-total-cir-exceed mode allocates three forwarding plane offered counters and three traffic manager discard counters.

The offered-total-cir-exceed mode is similar to the offered-total-cir mode except that it includes support for forwarded and dropped counters for profile exceed.

This mode is intended to be used when the policer is configured with enable-exceed-pir to forward packets then exceed its configured PIR or when traffic is egress reclassified to profile exceed. The mode gives the forwarded and dropped counters per profile (in, out, exceed). It is also intended to be used without profile-capped configured within the policer as it could cause the traffic profile to be modified by the policer. This stat-mode is not supported for dynamic policers.

The counters displayed in the show output and those collected when collect-stats is enabled (the actual fields collected depends on the record configured in the applied accounting policy) are described in Table 50.

Table 50:  Egress Accounting Statistics Collected in offered-total-cir-exceed stat-mode  

Show Output

Accounting Stats Collected


Field Description

Off. All





Dro. InProf





Dro. OutProf





Dro. ExcProf





For. InProf





For. OutProf





For. ExcProf





offered-four-profile-no-cir —
Counter resource allocation: 4

This stat-mode provides offered, dropped, and forwarded packet and octet counters corresponding to the profile of traffic entering the policer. Offered, dropped, and forwarded counters are provided for inplus, in, out and exceed-profile traffic.

The offered-four-profile-no-cir mode allocates four forwarding plane offered counters and four traffic manager discard counters.

The offered-four-profile-no-cir mode is similar to the offered-profile-no-cir mode except that it includes support for offered, dropped, and forwarded counters for both inplus-profile and exceed-profile.

This mode is intended to be used when traffic is egress reclassified to inplus and/or exceed-profile. It is also intended to be used without profile-capped configured within the policer as it could cause the traffic profile to be modified by the policer. This stat-mode is not supported for dynamic policers.

The counters displayed in the show output and those collected when collect-stats is enabled (the actual fields collected depends on the record configured in the applied accounting policy) are described in Table 51.

Table 51:  Egress Accounting Statistics Collected in offered-four-profile-no-cir stat-mode  

Show Output

Accounting Stats Collected


Field Description

Off. InProf





Off. OutProf





Off. ExcProf





Off. InplusProf





Dro. InProf





Dro. OutProf





Dro. ExcProf





Dro. InprofProf





For. InProf





For. OutProf





For. ExcProf





For. InplusProf





offered-total-cir-four-profile —
Counter resource allocation: 4

This stat-mode provides offered, dropped, and forwarded packet and octet counters corresponding to the profile of traffic entering (offered) and exiting (dropped/forwarded) the policer. All offered traffic is provided in a single counter. There is a separate dropped and forwarded counter for inplus, in, out and exceed-profile traffic.

The offered-total-cir-four-profile mode allocates four forwarding plane offered counters and four traffic manager discard counters.

The offered-total-cir-four-profile mode is similar to the offered-total-cir except that it includes support for forwarded and dropped counters for both profile inplus and profile exceed.

This mode is intended to be used when traffic is reclassified at egress to inplus-profile. It is also intended to be used without profile-capped configured within the policer as it could cause the traffic profile to be modified by the policer. This stat-mode is not supported for dynamic policers.

The counters displayed in the show output and those collected when collect-stats is enabled (the actual fields collected depends on the record configured in the applied accounting policy) are described in Table 52.

Table 52:  Egress Accounting Statistics Collected in offered-total-cir-four-profile stat-mode  

Show Output

Accounting Stats Collected


Field Description

Off. All





Dro. InProf





Dro. OutProf





Dro. ExcProf





Dro. InprofProf





For. InProf





For. OutProf





For. ExcProf





For. InplusProf






[no] policers-hqos-manageable

This command specifies that the policers within this SAP egress policy are to be managed by the Hierarchical QoS (H-QoS) process when the policy is applied to either the egress part of a SAP configuration or the egress part of an SLA profile, with multiservice sites (MSS) supported for SAPs. When enabled, egress policers and queues can be managed together in the same H-QoS hierarchy.

To be managed by H-QoS, egress policers within a SAP egress QoS policy must be configured with either a scheduler-parent or port-parent command, or be orphaned to an egress port scheduler applied on a Vport or port.

The policers-hqos-manageable command and parent-location sla or policers with enable-exceed-pir or stat-mode no-stats within an SAP egress QoS policy are mutually exclusive.

In order to prevent H-QoS from measuring the traffic through a policer managed by H-QoS then again through a post-policer access egress queue group queue, post-policer access egress queue groups must be configured with no queues-hqos-manageable so that their queues are not managed by H-QoS.

A post-policer local queue is not supported with H-QoS managed policers, nor are those mapped by the use-fc-mapped-queue parameter in a criteria action statement. The policers-hqos-manageable command is not supported for SAP egress dynamic policers or on a 7950 XRS.

The no form of the command results in policers within this SAP QoS egress policy being non-HQoS-manageable.


no policers-hqos-manageable


prec ip-prec-value [hsmda-counter-override counter-id] [fc fc-name] [profile {in | out | exceed | inplus}]
no prec ip-prec-value

This command defines a specific IP precedence value that must be matched to perform the associated reclassification actions. If an egress packet on the SAP matches the specified IP precedence value, the forwarding class, profile, or HSMDA egress queue accounting behavior may be overridden. By default, the forwarding class and profile of the packet is derived from ingress classification and profiling functions. The default behavior for HSMDA queue accounting is to use the counters associated with the queue to then the packet is mapped (applies to the 7450 ESS and 7750 SR).

The IP precedent bits used to match against precedence reclassification rules come from the Type of Service (ToS) field within the IPv4 header. If the packet does not have an IPv4 header, precedence-based matching is not performed.

The reclassification actions from a precedence reclassification rule may be overridden by a DSCP or IP flow matching event.

The fc keyword is optional. When specified, the egress classification rule will overwrite the forwarding class derived from ingress. The new forwarding class is used for egress remarking and queue mapping decisions. If a DSCP, ipv6-criteria, or ip-criteria match occurs after the IP precedence match, the new forwarding class may be overridden by the higher priority match actions. If the higher priority match actions do not specify a new fc, the fc from the IP precedence match will be used.

The profile keyword is optional. When specified, the egress classification rule will overwrite the profile of the packet derived from ingress. The new profile value is used for egress remarking and queue congestion behavior. If a DSCP, IPv6 criteria, or IP criteria match occurs after the IP precedence match, the new profile may be overridden by the higher priority match actions. If the higher priority match actions do not specify a new profile, the profile from the IP precedence match will be used.

The hsmda-counter-override keyword applies to the 7450 ESS and 7750 SR and is optional. When specified and the egress SAP is created on an HSMDA, the egress classification rule will override the default queue accounting function for the packet. By default, the HSMDA uses each queues default queue counters for packets mapped to the queue. The hsmda-counter-override keyword is used to map the packet to an explicit exception counter. One of eight counters can be used. When the packet is mapped to an exception counter, the packet will not increment the queue’s discard or forwarding counters, instead the exception discard and forwarding counters will be used. The DSCP-based counter override decision may be overwritten by an IP criteria reclassification rule match if the higher priority classification rule has an hsmda-counter-override action defined.

The no form of the command removes the reclassification rule from the SAP egress QoS policy.

fc fc-name
This keyword is optional. When specified, packets matching the IP precedence value will be explicitly reclassified to the forwarding class specified as fc-name regardless of the ingress classification decision. The explicit forwarding class reclassification may be overwritten by a higher priority DSCP, IPv6 criteria, or IP criteria reclassification match. The FC name defined must be one of the eight forwarding classes supported by the system. To remove the forwarding class reclassification action for the specified precedence value, the prec command must be re-executed without the fc parameter defined.
be, l1, af, l2, h1, ef, h2 or nc
profile {in | out | exceed | inplus}—
This keyword is optional. When specified, packets matching the IP precedence value will be explicitly reclassified to the specified profile regardless of the ingress profiling decision. The explicit profile reclassification may be overwritten by a higher priority DSCP, IPv6 criteria, or IP criteria reclassification match. To remove the profile reclassification action for the specified precedence value, the prec command must be re-executed without the profile parameter defined.
in —
Specifies that any packets matching the reclassification rule will be treated as in-profile by the egress forwarding plane.
Specifies that any packets matching the reclassification rule will be treated as out-of-profile by the egress forwarding plane.
Specifies that any packets matching the reclassification rule will be treated as exceed-profile by the egress forwarding plane.
Specifies that any packets matching the reclassification rule will be treated as inplus-profile by the egress forwarding plane.
hsmda-counter-override counter-id
The hsmda-counter-override parameter is optional and only has significance on SAPs then are created on an HSMDA. When specified, packets matching the IP precedence value will be mapped to the defined HSMDA exception counter-id for the packets queue group. The default behavior is to use the default counter on the queue group for the queue to then the packet is mapped. The hsmda-counter-override parameter may be overwritten by an IP criteria reclassification rule match. The specified counter-id must be specified as an integer from one to eight. To remove the HSMDA exception counter reclassification action for the specified DSCP value, the dscp command must be re-executed without the hsmda-counter-override parameter defined.
1 to 8


queue queue-id [queue-type] [create]
no queue queue-id

This command creates the context to configure an egress service access point (SAP) QoS policy queue.

Explicit definition of an egress queue’s hardware scheduler status is supported. A single egress queue allows support for multiple forwarding classes. The default behavior automatically chooses the expedited or non-expedited nature of the queue based on the forwarding classes mapped to it. As long as all forwarding classes mapped to the queue are expedited (nc, ef, h1 or h2), the queue is treated as an expedited queue by the hardware schedulers. When any non-expedited forwarding classes are mapped to the queue (be, af, l1 or l2), the queue is treated as best effort (be) by the hardware schedulers. The expedited hardware schedulers are used to enforce expedited access to internal switch fabric destinations. The hardware status of the queue must be defined at the time of queue creation within the policy.

The no form of this command removes the queue-id from the SAP egress QoS policy and from any existing SAPs using the policy. If any forwarding class forwarding types are mapped to the queue, they revert to their default queues. When a queue is removed, any pending accounting information for each SAP queue created due to the definition of the queue in the policy is discarded.

The ID for the queue, expressed as an integer. The queue-id uniquely identifies the queue within the policy. This is a required parameter each time the queue command is executed.
1 to 32
The expedite, best-effort, and auto-expedite queue types are mutually exclusive to each other. Each defines the method that the system uses to service the queue from a hardware perspective. A keyword can be specified at the time the queue is created. If an attempt to change the keyword after the queue is initially defined, an error is generated.
This keyword ensures that the queue is treated in an expedited manner independent of the forwarding classes mapped to the queue.
This keyword ensures that the queue is treated in a non-expedited manner independent of the forwarding classes mapped to the queue.
This keyword allows the system to auto-define the way the queue is serviced by the hardware. When auto-expedite is defined on the queue, the queue is treated in an expedited manner when all forwarding classes mapped to the queue are configured as expedited types nc, ef, h1 or h2. When a single non-expedited forwarding class is mapped to the queue (be, af, l1 and l2) the queue automatically falls back to non-expedited status.
expedite, best-effort, auto-expedite


avg-frame-overhead percent
no avg-frame-overhead

This command configures the average frame overhead to define the average percentage that the offered load to a queue will expand during the frame encapsulation process before sending traffic on-the-wire. While the avg-frame-overhead value may be defined on any queue, it is only used by the system for queues that egress a Sonet or SDH port or channel. Queues operating on egress Ethernet ports automatically calculate the frame encapsulation overhead based on a 20 byte per packet rule (8 bytes for preamble and 12 bytes for Inter-Frame Gap).

When calculating the frame encapsulation overhead for port scheduling purposes, the system determines the following values:

  1. Offered-Load — The offered-load of a queue is calculated by starting with the queue depth in octets, adding the received octets at the queue and subtracting queue discard octets. The result is the number of octets the queue has available to transmit. This is the packet-based offered-load.
  2. Frame-encapsulation overhead — Using the avg-frame-overhead parameter, the frame-encapsulation overhead is simply the queue’s current offered-load (how much has been received by the queue) multiplied by the avg-frame-overhead. If a queue had an offered load of 10,000 octets and the avg-frame-overhead equals 10%, the frame-encapsulation overhead would be 10,000 x 0.1 or 1,000 octets.

For egress Ethernet queues, the frame-encapsulation overhead is calculated by multiplying the number of offered-packets for the queue by 20 bytes. If a queue was offered 50 packets then the frame-encapsulation overhead would be 50 x 20 or 1,000 octets.

  1. Frame-based offered-load — The frame-based offered-load is calculated by adding the offered-load to the frame-encapsulation overhead. If the offered-load is 10,000 octets and the encapsulation overhead was 1,000 octets, the frame-based offered-load would equal 11,000 octets.
  2. Packet to frame factor — The packet -to-frame factor is calculated by dividing the frame-encapsulation overhead by the queue’s offered-load (packet-based). If the frame-encapsulation overhead is 1,000 octets and the offered-load is 10,000 octets then the packet to frame factor would be 1,000 / 10,000 or 0.1. When in use, the avg-frame-overhead will be the same as the packet to frame factor making this calculation unnecessary.
  3. Frame-based CIR — The frame-based CIR is calculated by multiplying the packet to frame factor with the queue’s configured CIR then adding that result to that CIR. If the queue CIR is set at 500 octets and the packet to frame factor equals 0.1, the frame-based CIR would be 500 x 1.1 or 550 octets.
  4. Frame-based within-cir offered-load — The frame-based within-cir offered-load is the portion of the frame-based offered-load considered to be within the frame-based CIR. The frame-based within-cir offered-load is the lesser of the frame-based offered-load and the frame-based CIR. If the frame-based offered-load equaled 11000 octets and the frame-based CIR equaled 550 octets, the frame-based within-cir offered-load would be limited to 550 octets. If the frame-based offered-load equaled 450 octets and the frame-based CIR equaled 550 octets, the frame-based within-cir offered-load would equal 450 octets (or the entire frame-based offered-load).

As a special case, when a queue or associated intermediate scheduler is configured with a CIR-weight equal to 0, the system automatically sets the queue’s frame-based within-cir offered-load to 0, preventing it from receiving bandwidth during the port scheduler’s within-cir pass.

  1. Frame-based PIR — The frame-based PIR is calculated by multiplying the packet to frame-factor with the queue’s-configured PIR then adding the result to that PIR. If the queue PIR is set to 7500 octets and the packet to frame-factor equals 0.1, the frame-based PIR would be 7,500 x 1.1 or 8,250 octets.
  2. Frame-based within-pir offered-load — The frame-based within-pir offered-load is the portion of the frame-based offered-load considered to be within the frame-based PIR. The frame-based within-pir offered-load is the lesser of the frame-based offered-load and the frame-based PIR. If the frame-based offered-load equaled 11,000 octets and the frame-based PIR equaled 8250 octets, the frame-based within-pir offered-load would be limited to 8,250 octets. If the frame-based offered-load equaled 7,000 octets and the frame-based PIR equaled 8,250 octets, the frame-based within-pir offered load would equal 7,000 octets.

Port Scheduler Operation Using Frame Transformed Rates — The port scheduler uses the frame-based rates to figure the maximum rates that each queue may receive during the within-cir and above-cir bandwidth allocation passes. During the within-cir pass, a queue may receive up to its frame-based within-cir offered-load. The maximum it may receive during the above-cir pass is the difference between the frame-based within-pir offered load and the amount of actual bandwidth allocated during the within-cir pass.

SAP and Subscriber SLA-Profile Average Frame Overhead Override — The average frame overhead parameter on a sap-egress may be overridden on an individual egress queue basis. On each SAP and within the sla-profile policy used by subscribers. An avg-frame-overhead command may be defined under the queue-override context for each queue. When overridden, the queue instance will use its local value for the average frame overhead instead of the sap-egress defined overhead.

The no form of this command restores the average frame overhead parameter for the queue to the default value of 0 percent. When set to 0, the system uses the packet-based queue statistics for calculating port scheduler priority bandwidth allocation. If the no avg-frame-overhead command is executed in a queue-override queue id context, the avg-frame-overhead setting for the queue within the sap-egress QoS policy takes effect.



This parameter sets the average amount of packet-to-frame encapsulation overhead expected for the queue. This value is not used by the system for egress Ethernet queues. This parameter only applies to the 7450 ESS and 7750 SR.
0.00 to 100.00


[no] burst-limit

The queue burst-limit command is used to define an explicit shaping burst size for a queue. The configured size defines the shaping leaky bucket threshold level that indicates the maximum burst over the queue’s shaping rate.

The burst-limit command is supported under the sap-ingress and sap-egress QoS policy queues. The command is also supported under the ingress and egress queue-group-templates queues.

The no form of this command is used to restore the default burst limit to the specified queue. This is equivalent to specifying burst-limit default within the QoS policies or queue group templates. When specified within a queue-override queue context, any current burst limit override for the queue will be removed and the queue’s burst limit will be controlled by its defining policy or template.


packet-byte-offset {add bytes | subtract bytes}
no packet-byte-offset

This command is used to modify the size of each packet handled by the queue by adding or subtracting a number of bytes. The actual packet size is not modified; only the size used to determine the bucket depth impact is changed.

The packet-byte-offset command is meant to be an arbitrary mechanism the can be used to either add downstream frame encapsulation or remove portions of packet headers.

When a packet-byte-offset value is applied to a queue instance, it adjusts the immediate packet size. This means that the queue rates, i.e., operational PIR and CIR, and queue bucket updates use the adjusted packet size. In addition, the queue statistics will also reflect the adjusted packet size. Scheduler policy rates, then are data rates, will use the adjusted packet size.

The port scheduler max-rate and the priority level rates and weights, if a Weighted Scheduler Group is used, are always on-the-wire rates and thus use the actual frame size. The same goes for the agg-rate-limit on a SAP, a subscriber, or a multiservice Site (MSS) when the queue is port-parented.

When the user enables frame-based-accounting in a scheduler policy or queue-frame-based-accounting with agg-rate-limit in a port scheduler policy, the queue rate will be capped to a user configured on-the-wire rate and the packet-byte-offset is not included, however the offsets are applied to the statistics. This command is ignored on FP1 hardware.

The no form of this command is used to remove per packet size modifications from the queue.

add bytes
The add keyword is mutually exclusive to the subtract keyword. Either parameter must be specified. When add is defined, the corresponding bytes parameter specifies the number of bytes that is added to the size of each packet associated with the queue for scheduling and accounting purposes.
0 to 32
subtract bytes
The subtract keyword is mutually exclusive to the add keyword. Either parameter must be specified. When subtract is defined, the corresponding bytes parameter specifies the number of bytes that is subtracted to the size of each packet associated with the queue for scheduling and accounting purposes. The minimum resulting packet size used by the system is 1 byte.
0 to 64


port-parent [weight weight] [level level] [cir-weight cir-weight] [cir-level cir-level]
no port-parent

This command specifies whether this queue feeds off a port-level scheduler. When configured, this SAP egress queue is parented by a port-level scheduler. This object is mutually exclusive with SAP egress queue parent. Only one kind of parent is allowed.

The port-parent command defines a child/parent association between an egress queue and a port based scheduler or between an intermediate service scheduler and a port based scheduler. The port-parent command allows for a set of within-cir and above-CIR parameters that define the port priority levels and weights for the queue or scheduler. If the port-parent command is executed without any parameters, the default parameters are assumed.

In this context, the port-parent command is mutually exclusive to the parent command (used to create a parent/child association between a queue and an intermediate scheduler). Executing a port-parent command when a parent definition is in place causes the current intermediate scheduler association to be removed and replaced by the defined port-parent association. Executing a parent command when a port-parent definition exists causes the port scheduler association to be removed and replaced by the defined intermediate scheduler name.

Changing the parent context on a SAP egress policy queue may cause a SAP or subscriber or multiservice site context of the queue (policy associated with a SAP or subscriber profile or multiservice site) to enter an orphaned state. If an instance of a queue is created on a port or channel that does not have a port scheduler enabled and the sap-egress policy creating the queue has a port-parent association, the queue will be allowed to run according to its own rate parameters and will not be controlled by a virtual scheduling context. If an instance of a queue is on a port or channel that has a port scheduler configured and the sap-egress policy defines the queue as having a non-existent intermediate scheduler parent, the queue will be treated as an orphan and will be handled according to the current orphan behavior on the port scheduler.

The no form of this command removes a port scheduler parent association for the queue or scheduler. If a port scheduler is defined on the port then the queue or scheduler instance exists, the queue or scheduler will become orphaned if an port scheduler is configured on the egress port of the queue or scheduler.


no port-parent

weight weight
Defines the weight the queue or scheduler will use at the above-cir port priority level (defined by the level parameter).
0 to 100
level level
Defines the port priority the queue or scheduler will use to receive bandwidth for its above-cir offered-load.
1 to 8 (8 is the highest priority)
cir-weight cir-weight
Defines the weight the queue or scheduler will use at the within-cir port priority level (defined by the cir-level parameter). The weight is specified as an integer value from 0 to 100 with 100 being the highest weight. When the cir-weight parameter is set to a value of 0 (the default value), the queue or scheduler does not receive bandwidth during the port schedulers within-cir pass and the cir-level parameter is ignored. If the cir-weight parameter is 1 or greater, the cir-level parameter comes into play.
0 to 100
cir-level cir-level
Defines the port priority the queue or scheduler will use to receive bandwidth for its within-cir offered-load. If the cir-weight parameter is set to a value of 0 (the default value), the queue or scheduler does not receive bandwidth during the port schedulers within-cir pass and the cir-level parameter is ignored. If the cir-weight parameter is 1 or greater, the cir-level parameter comes into play.
0 to 8 (8 is the highest priority)


rate pir-rate [cir cir-rate]
no rate

This command defines the administrative Peak Information Rate (PIR) and the administrative Committed Information Rate (CIR) parameters for the queue. The PIR defines the maximum rate that the queue can transmit packets out an egress interface (for SAP egress queues). Defining a PIR does not necessarily guarantee that the queue can transmit at the intended rate. The actual rate sustained by the queue can be limited by oversubscription factors or available egress bandwidth.

The CIR defines the rate at then the system prioritizes the queue over other queues competing for the same bandwidth. In-profile packets are preferentially queued by the system at egress and at subsequent next hop nodes where the packet can traverse. To be properly handled as in- or out-of-profile throughout the network, the packets must be marked accordingly for profiling at each hop.

The CIR can be used by the queue’s parent commands cir-level and cir-weight parameters to define the amount of bandwidth considered to be committed for the child queue during bandwidth allocation by the parent scheduler.

The rate command can be executed at anytime, altering the PIR and CIR rates for all queues created through the association of the SAP egress QoS policy with the queue-id.

The no form of the command returns all queues created with the queue-id by association with the QoS policy to the default PIR and CIR parameters (max, 0).

rate max cir 0—
The max default specifies the amount of bandwidth in kilobits per second (thousand bits per second). The max value is mutually exclusive to the pir-rate value.
Defines the administrative PIR rate, in kilobits, for the queue. When the rate command is executed, a valid PIR setting must be explicitly defined. When the rate command has not been executed, the default PIR of max is assumed.

Fractional values are not allowed and must be given as a positive integer.

The actual PIR rate is dependent on the queue’s adaptation-rule parameters and the actual hardware where the queue is provisioned.

[1 to 200000000 | max] kbps
The cir parameter overrides the default administrative CIR used by the queue. When the rate command is executed, a CIR setting is optional. When the rate command has not been executed or the cir parameter is not explicitly specified, the default CIR (0) is assumed. Fractional values are not allowed and must be given as a positive integer.
[0 to 200000000 | max] kbps


wred-queue [policy slope-policy-name] [mode {native | pool-per-queue}] [slope-usage {default | exceed-low}]
no wred-queue

This command allows the configuration of WRED per queue with the following options:

  1. Native hardware WRED
    This uses the hardware per queue WRED capabilities of the FP3 and is configured with the native keyword.
  2. Pool per queue WRED
    This implements each queue in its own pool and uses the WRED capabilities of the pool to provide WRED per queue. This is supported on both FP2 and later hardware and is configured with the pool-per-queue keyword.

Native Hardware WRED

When the wred-queue mode native command is configured, the queue uses the WRED capabilities of the FP3. In this case the out-of-profile and exceed-profile traffic map to the low and exceed WRED slopes specified within the slope policy, and the inplus-profile and in-profile traffic uses the MBS drop tail; this requires the slope-usage to be configured as exceed-low. The instantaneous queue depth is compared against the low and exceed slopes so the time average factor in the slope policy is ignored.

When a policy is not explicitly defined, the default slope policy is used.

When native mode is enabled for a queue, the hi-low-prio-only and high-prio-only commands are ignored; traffic mapped to a slope then is shutdown will use the MBS drop tail.

This is only supported on FP3 hardware and is ignored on FP1 and FP2 hardware.

The no form of the command restores the queue default congestion control behavior to the queue.

Pool-per-queue WRED

When the wred-queue mode pool-per-queue command is defined and the queue ID is created on FP2 or higher based hardware, a buffer pool is created specifically for the queue and the queue obtains all buffers from that pool. The size of the pool is the same as the size of the queue. In this manner, the WRED slopes that operate based on the pool’s buffer utilization are also reacting to the congestion depth of the queue.

The size of the buffer pool is dictated by the queue’s MBS parameter. The size of the reserved CBS portion of the buffer pool is dictated by the queue’s CBS parameter. The provisioning characteristics of the mbs and cbs commands are not changed.

In the case where this is applied on FP2 or higher based hardware then has WRED queue support shutdown (config>card>fp>egress>wred-queue-control>shutdown) the queue will continue to map to either to its default pool or the pool defined in the pool command. If the no shutdown command is executed in the wred-queue-control context, the queue is automatically moved to its own WRED pool.

Each pool created for a queue using the wred-queue command shares buffers with all other wred-queue enabled queues on the same forwarding plane. The WRED pool buffer management behavior is defined within the config>card>fp>egress>wred-queue-control CLI context.

The WRED slopes within the pool are defined by the slope policy associated with the queue. When a policy is not explicitly defined, the default slope policy is used. The slope policy enables, disables and defines the relative geometry of the highplus, high, low, and exceed WRED slopes in the pool. The policy also specifies the time average factor used by the pool when calculating the weighted average pool depth.

As packets attempt to enter the egress queue, they are associated with the highplus, high, low, or exceed WRED slope based on the packet’s profile. If the packet is inplus-profile, the highplus slope is used. If the packet is in-profile, the high slope is used. If the packet is out-of-profile, the low slope is used. If the packet is exceed-profile, then exceed slope is used. This mapping of packet profile to slope is enabled using the slope-usage default parameter. Each WRED slope performs a probability discard based on the current weighted average pool depth.

When wred-queue is enabled for a SAP egress queue on FP2 or higher based hardware, the queue pool hi-low-prio-only and hi-prio-only commands are ignored; traffic mapped to a slope then is shutdown will use the MBS drop tail.

The configuration of wred-queue mode pool-per-queue is ignored on FP1 hardware. The resource usage for the WRED queue pool-per-queue per forwarding plane can be seen in the tools dump resource-usage card [slot-num] fp [fp-number] output under Dynamic Q2 Wred Pools.

The no form of the command restores the generic buffer pool behavior to the queue. The WRED pool is removed from the system. The queue will be moved to either the default buffer pool or to a named pool if the pool is defined and it exists. The queue then uses the default congestion control behavior.


no wred-queue

Specifies an existing slope policy that is used to override the default WRED slope policy.
mode {native | pool-per-queue} —
Specifies whether the WRED per queue is using the native FP3 WRED capabilities or the FP2 and later hardware pool per queue.
native — use the hardware per queue WRED capabilities of the FP3 and requires slope-usage exceed-low.
pool-per-queue — each queue uses its own pool and the WRED capabilities of the pool to provide WRED per queue. This is supported on both FP2 and later hardware and requires slope-usage default.
slope-usage {default | exceed-low}—
Specifies congestion control to be used.
default — maps the inplus, in, out, and exceed-profile traffic to the highplus, high, low, and exceed WRED slopes respectively; this is only supported for pool-per-queue mode.
exceed-low — maps the out and exceed-profile traffic to the low and exceed WRED slopes with the inplus and in-profile traffic using the MBS drop tail. This is only supported for native mode.


scope {exclusive | template}
no scope

Enter the scope of this policy. The scope of the policy cannot be changed if the policy is applied to one or more services.

The no form of this command sets the scope of the policy to the default of template.



When the scope of a policy is defined as exclusive, the policy can only be applied to a single SAP. Attempting to assign the policy to a second SAP will result in an error message. If the policy is removed from the exclusive SAP, it will become available for assignment to another exclusive SAP.

The system default policies cannot be put into the exclusive scope. An error will be generated if scope exclusive is executed in any policies with a policy-id equal to 1.

When the scope of a policy is defined as template, the policy can be applied to multiple SAPs on the router.



This command enables the configuration context for match lists to be used in QoS policies.


ip-prefix-list ip-prefix-list-name [create]
no ip-prefix-list ip-prefix-list-name

This command creates a list of IPv4 prefixes for match criteria in QoS policies.

An ip-prefix-list must contain only IPv4 address prefixes created using the prefix command and cannot be deleted if it is referenced by a QoS policy.

The no form of this command deletes the specified list.

ip-prefix-list-name —
A string of up to 32 characters of printable ASCII characters. If special characters are used, the string must be enclosed within double quotes.


prefix ip-prefix/prefix-length
no prefix ip-prefix/prefix-length

This command adds an IPv4 address prefix to an existing IPv4 address prefix match list.

The no form of this command deletes the specified prefix from the list.

To add set of unique prefixes, execute the command with all unique prefixes. The prefixes are allowed to overlap IPv4 address space.

An IPv4 prefix addition will be blocked, if resource exhaustion is detected anywhere in the system because of QoS Policies that use this IPv4 address prefix list.


no prefix

A valid IPv4 address prefix in dotted decimal notation.
Values— to (host bit must be 0)
Length of the entered IP prefix
1 to 32

Show Commands


For consistency across 7950 XRS platforms, C-XMAs/XMAs are modeled in SR OS (CLI and SNMP) as MDAs.

The command outputs in the following section are examples only; actual displays may differ depending on supported functionality and user configuration.


sap-ingress [policy-id] [association | match-criteria | hsmda | detail]

This command displays SAP ingress QoS policy information.

Special Cases 
Show SAP Ingress Output—
The following table describes SAP ingress show command output.




The ID that uniquely identifies the policy.



Implies that this policy can only be applied to a single SAP.


Implies that this policy can be applied to multiple SAPs on the router.


A text string that helps identify the policy’s context in the configuration file.

Default FC

Specifies the default forwarding class for the policy.


Specifies the enqueuing priority when a packet is marked with a dot1p-value specified.



Specifies that an IP criteria-based SAP ingress policy is used to select the appropriate ingress queue and corresponding forwarding class for matched traffic.


Specifies that a MAC criteria-based SAP is used to select the appropriate ingress queue and corresponding forwarding class for matched traffic.


Specifies the configured mode of the meter (trTcm or srTcm).

CIR Admin

Specifies the administrative Committed Information Rate (CIR) parameters for the queue. The CIR defines the rate at then the system prioritizes the queue over other queues competing for the same bandwidth.

CIR Oper

The operational value derived by computing the CIR value from the administrative CIR and PIR values and their corresponding adaptation rules.

CIR Rule


The operational CIR for the queue will be equal to or greater than the administrative rate specified using the rate command.


The operational CIR for the queue will be equal to or less than the administrative rate specified using the rate command.


The operational PIR for the queue will be the rate closest to the rate specified using the rate command without exceeding the operational PIR.

PIR Admin

Specifies the administrative Peak Information Rate (PIR) parameters for the queue. The PIR defines the maximum rate that the queue can transmit packets through the switch fabric (for SAP ingress queues) or out an egress interface (for SAP egress queues).

PIR Oper

The administrative PIR specified by the user.

PIR Rule


The operational PIR for the queue will be equal to or greater than the administrative rate specified using the rate command.


The operational PIR for the queue will be equal to or less than the administrative rate specified using the rate command.


The operational PIR for the queue will be the rate closest to the rate specified using the rate command.



Specifies the default CBS value for the queue.


Specifies the value to override the default reserved buffers for the queue.



Specifies the default MBS value.


Specifies the value to override the default MBS for the queue.


Specifies the percentage of buffer space for the queue, used exclusively by high priority packets.

PIR Lvl/Wt

Specifies the priority level of the scheduler when compared to other child schedulers and queue vying for bandwidth on the parent schedulers during the ‘above CIR’ distribution phase of bandwidth allocation.

Weight defines the relative weight of this scheduler in comparison to other child schedulers and queue at the same level.

CIR Lvl/Wt

Specifies the level of hierarchy when compared to other schedulers and queue when vying for bandwidth on the parent scheduler. Weight defines the relative weight of this queue in comparison to other child schedulers and queue while vying for bandwidth on the parent scheduler.


Specifies the parent scheduler that governs the available bandwidth given the queue aside from the queue’s PIR setting.


Specifies the forwarding class or enqueuing priority when a packet is marked with a dot1p-value specified.


Specifies the forwarding class overrides.


The optional priority setting overrides the default enqueuing priority for the packets received on an ingress SAP then uses the policy that matches this rule.


Specifies that the high enqueuing parameter for a packet increases the likelihood of enqueuing the packet when the ingress queue is congested.


Specifies that the low enqueuing parameter for a packet decreases the likelihood of enqueuing the packet when the ingress queue is congested.


Specifies the forwarding class or enqueuing priority when a packet is marked with the DiffServ Code Point (DSCP) value.


Specifies one of the predefined forwarding classes in the system. When a packet matches the rule the forwarding class is only overridden when the fc fc-name parameter is defined on the rule.


This parameter specifies the default enqueuing priority overrides for all packets received on an ingress SAP using this policy that match this rule.


Specifies that the high enqueuing parameter for a packet increases the likelihood of enqueuing the packet when the ingress queue is congested.


Specifies that the low enqueuing parameter for a packet decreases the likelihood of enqueuing the packet when the ingress queue is congested.


Specifies the forwarding class or enqueuing priority when a packet is marked with an IP precedence value (ip-prec-value).


Specifies the default unicast forwarding type queue mapping.


Specifies the overrides for the default multicast forwarding type queue mapping.


Specifies the default broadcast forwarding type queue mapping.


Specifies the default unknown unicast forwarding type queue mapping.

Match Criteria

Specifies an IP or MAC criteria entry for the policy.


Source IP

Specifies a source IP address range used for an ingress SAP QoS policy match.

Source Port

Specifies a source TCP or UDP port number or port range used for an ingress SAP QoS policy match.


Specifies the IP protocol number to be used for an ingress SAP QoS policy match.


Specifies a DiffServ Code Point (DSCP) name used for an ingress SAP QoS policy match.



Configures a match on all fragmented IP packets.


Configures a match on all non-fragmented IP packets.


Specifies the entry’s forwarding class.


Specifies the default enqueuing priority overrides for all packets received on an ingress SAP using this policy.


Specifies a source MAC address or range to be used as a Service Ingress QoS policy match.


Specifies a destination MAC address or range to be used as a Service Ingress QoS policy match.


Specifies a IEEE 802.1p value to be used as the match.


Specifies an IEEE 802.3 LLC SNAP Ethernet Frame PID value to be used as a Service Ingress QoS policy match.


Specifies an Ethernet type II Ethertype value to be used as a Service Ingress QoS policy match.


Specifies an IEEE 802.3 LLC SNAP Ethernet Frame OUI zero or non-zero value to be used as a Service Ingress QoS policy match.


Specifies an Ethernet 802.2 LLC DSAP value or range for an ingress SAP QoS policy match.


Specifies an Ethernet 802.2 LLC DSAP value or range for an ingress SAP QoS policy match.


Specifies the entry’s forwarding class.


Specifies the default enqueuing priority overrides for all packets received on an ingress SAP using this policy.

Service Association


The unique service ID number then identifies the service in the service domain.


Specifies the customer ID then identifies the customer to the service.


Specifies the a Service Access Point (SAP) within the service where the SAP ingress policy is applied.

Displays information about the specific policy ID.
1 to 65535
all SAP ingress policies
Displays detailed policy information including policy associations.

Sample Output
show qos sap-ingress
Sap Ingress Policies
Policy-Id  Scope     Name                     Description
1          Template  default                  Default SAP ingress QoS policy.
3          Template
3:P2       Template                           Auto-created pcc-rule sap-ingres*
Number of Policies : 3
show qos sap-ingress 3:P2 match-criteria 
QoS Sap Ingress
Sap Ingress Policy (3:P2)
Policy-id      : 3:P2                         Scope        : Template
Default FC     : be                           Priority     : Low
Criteria-type  : IP
Name           : (Not Specified)
Description    : Auto-created pcc-rule sap-ingress qos policy
Dynamic Configuration Information
PccRule Insert Point : 40000 (size 100* DynPlcr Insert Point : 20 (size 20)
Shared Policies      : 0
CBS                  : Def              MBS                  : Def
Parent               : (Not Specified)
Level                : 1                Weight               : 1
Packet Byte Offset   : 0
Stat Mode            : minimal
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
Match Criteria
IP Match Criteria
Entry          : 40000
Description    : Auto-created entry for pcc-rule RULE_ingress_FC
Source IP      : Undefined
Dest. IP       :
Source Port    : None                         Dest. Port   : None
Protocol       : tcp                          DSCP         : cp60
Fragment       : Off
FC             : af                           Priority     : Default
Policer        : n/a
Entry          : 40001
Description    : Auto-created entry for pcc-rule RULE_ingress_FC_HTTP
Source IP      : Undefined
Dest. IP       :
Source Port    : None                         Dest. Port   : None
Protocol       : tcp                          DSCP         : cp60
Fragment       : Off
FC             : h2                           Priority     : Default
Policer        : n/a
Entry          : 40002
Description    : Auto-created entry for pcc-rule RULE_ingress_FC_RDR
Source IP      : Undefined
Dest. IP       :
Source Port    : None                         Dest. Port   : None
Protocol       : tcp                          DSCP         : cp60
Fragment       : Off
FC             : h1                           Priority     : Default
Policer        : n/a
Entry          : 40003
Description    : Auto-created entry for pcc-rule RULE_ingress_RATE_LIMIT
Source IP      : Undefined
Dest. IP       :
Source Port    : None                         Dest. Port   : None
Protocol       : tcp                          DSCP         : cp60
Fragment       : Off
FC             : Default                      Priority     : Default
Policer        : 20
IPv6 Match Criteria
No Match Criteria Entries found.
QoS Sap Ingress
Sap Ingress Policy (100)
Policy-id      : 100                          Scope        : Template
Default FC     : be                           Priority     : Low
Criteria-type  : IP
Description    : Used on VPN sap
Queue Mode    CIR Admin PIR Admin CBS     HiPrio  PIR Lvl/Wt    Parent
              CIR Rule  PIR Rule  MBS             CIR Lvl/Wt
1     Prio      0         max     def    def           1/1            None
                closest   closest def                  0/1
2     Prio      0         max     def    def           1/1            None
                closest   closest def                  0/1
10    Prio      0         11000   def    def           1/1            VPN_be
                closest   closest def                  0/1
11    Prio      0         max     def    def           1/1            None
                closest   closest def                  0/1
12    Prio      0         11000   def    def           1/1            VPN_prio*
                closest   closest def                  0/1
13    Prio      0         1       def    def           1/1            VPN_rese*
                closest   closest def                  0/1
15    Prio      1500      1500    def    def           1/1            VPN_video
                closest   closest def                  0/1
16    Prio      2500      2500    def    def           1/1            VPN_voice
                closest   closest def                  0/1
17    Prio      36        100     def    def           1/1            VPN_nc
                closest   closest def                  0/1
20    Prio      0         11000   def    def           1/1            VPN_be
                closest   closest def                  0/1
22    Prio      0         11000   def    def           1/1            VPN_prio*
                closest   closest def                  0/1
23    Prio      0         1       def    def           1/1            VPN_rese*
                closest   closest def                  0/1
25    Prio      1500      1500    def    def           1/1            VPN_video
                closest   closest def                  0/1
26    Prio      2500      2500    def    def           1/1            VPN_voice
                closest   closest def                  0/1
27    Prio      36        100     def    def           1/1            VPN_nc
                closest   closest def                  0/1
FC                  UCastQ         MCastQ         BCastQ         UnknownQ
be                  10             20             20             20
af                  12             22             22             22
h2                  16             26             26             26
ef                  13             23             23             23
h1                  15             25             25             25
nc                  17             27             27             27
SubFC                              Profile        In-Remark      Out-Remark
af                                 None           None           None
be                                 None           None           None
ef                                 None           None           None
h1                                 None           None           None
h2                                 None           None           None
nc                                 None           None           None
dot1p           FC                               Priority
0               af                               High
1               ef                               High
7               be                               Low
DSCP            FC                               Priority
af41            af                               High
Prec Value      FC                               Priority
0               be                               Default
2               af                               Default
3               ef                               Default
5               h1                               Default
6               h2                               Default
7               nc                               Default
Match Criteria
IP Match Criteria
Entry          : 10
Description    : Entry 10-FC-AF
Source IP      :              Source Port  : None
Dest. IP       : Undefined                    Dest. Port   : None
Protocol       : 6                            DSCP         : None
Fragment       : Off
FC             : af                           Priority     : High
Entry          : 20
Description    : Entry 20-FC-BE
Source IP      : Undefined                    Source Port  : None
Dest. IP       : Undefined                    Dest. Port   : eq 255
Protocol       : 17                           DSCP         : None
Fragment       : Off
FC             : Default                      Priority     : Default
IPv6 Match Criteria
No Match Criteria Entries found.
Service-Id     : 700 (VPLS)                   Customer-Id  : 7
 - SAP : 1/1/9:0                   override
config>qos# show qos sap-ingress 2 detail
QoS Sap Ingress
Sap Ingress Policy (2)
Policy-id      : 2                            Scope        : Template
Default FC     : be                           Priority     : Low
Criteria-type  : None
Queue Mode    CIR Admin PIR Admin CBS     HiPrio  PIR Lvl/Wt    Parent
              CIR Rule  PIR Rule  MBS             CIR Lvl/Wt
1     Prio      0         max     def    def           1/1            None
                closest   closest def                  0/1
11    Prio      0         max     def    def           1/1            None
                closest   closest def                  0/1
FC                  UCastQ         MCastQ         BCastQ         UnknownQ
af                  def            def            def            def
ef                  def            def            def            def
SubFC         DE-1-out-profile     Profile        In-Remark      Out-Remark
af            No                   None           None           None
ef            Yes                  None           None           None
dot1p           FC                               Priority
No Dot1p-Map Entries Found.
DSCP            FC                               Priority
No DSCP-Map Entries Found.
Prec Value      FC                               Priority
No Prec-Map Entries Found.
Match Criteria
No Matching Criteria.
No Associations Found.
# show qos sap-ingress
Sap Ingress Policies
Policy-Id  Scope     Name                     Description
1          Template  default                  Default SAP ingress QoS policy.
10         Template
20         Template
Number of policies : 3


sap-egress [policy-id] [association | match-criteria | hsmda | detail]

This command displays SAP egress QoS policy information.

Special Cases 
SAP Egress Output—
The following table describes SAP egress show command output.




The ID that uniquely identifies the policy.



Implies that this policy can only be applied to a single SAP.


Implies that this policy can be applied to multiple SAPs on the router.


A text string that helps identify the policy’s context in the configuration file.


CIR Admin

Specifies the administrative Committed Information Rate (CIR) parameters for the queue. The CIR defines the rate at then the system prioritizes the queue over other queues competing for the same bandwidth.

CIR Oper

The operational value derived by computing the CIR value from the administrative CIR and PIR values and their corresponding adaptation rules.

CIR Rule


The operational CIR for the queue will be equal to or greater than the administrative rate specified using the rate command except where the derived operational CIR is greater than the operational PIR. If the derived operational CIR is greater than the derived operational PIR, the operational CIR will be made equal to the operational PIR.


The operational CIR for the queue will be equal to or less than the administrative rate specified using the rate command.


The operational PIR for the queue will be the rate closest to the rate specified using the rate command without exceeding the operational PIR.

PIR Admin

Specifies the administrative Peak Information Rate (PIR) parameters for the queue. The PIR defines the maximum rate that the queue can transmit packets through the switch fabric (for SAP ingress queues) or out an egress interface (for SAP egress queues).

PIR Oper

The administrative PIR specified by the user.

PIR Rule


The operational PIR for the queue will be equal to or greater than the administrative rate specified using the rate command.


The operational PIR for the queue will be equal to or less than the administrative rate specified using the rate command.


The operational PIR for the queue will be the rate closest to the rate specified using the rate command.



Specifies that the CBS value reserved for the queue.


Specifies the value to override the default reserved buffers for the queue.



Specifies that the MBS value is set by the def-mbs function.


Specifies the value to override the default maximum size for the queue.


Specifies the percentage of buffer space for the queue, used exclusively by high priority packets.

PIR Lvl/Wt

Specifies the priority level of the scheduler when compared to other child schedulers and queues vying for bandwidth on the parent schedulers during the ‘above CIR’ distribution phase of bandwidth allocation.

Weight defines the relative weight of this scheduler in comparison to other child schedulers and queues at the same level.

CIR Lvl/Wt

Specifies the level of hierarchy when compared to other schedulers and queues when vying for bandwidth on the parent scheduler. Weight defines the relative weight of this queue in comparison to other child schedulers and queues while vying for bandwidth on the parent scheduler.


Specifies the parent scheduler that governs the available bandwidth given the queue aside from the queue’s PIR setting.

FC Name

Specifies the forwarding class queue mapping or dot1p marking is to be edited.


Specifies the queue-id that uniquely identifies the queue within the policy.



Specifies the egress IEEE 802.1p (dot1p) bits marking for fc-name.


Specifies that the default dot1p value (0) is used.

Service Association


The unique service ID number then identifies the service in the service domain.


Specifies the customer ID then identifies the customer to the service.


Specifies the a Service Access Point (SAP) within the service where the policy is applied.

Mirror SAPs:

Mirror Dest

Specifies the mirror service ID then identifies the service in the service domain.


Specifies the a Service Access Point (SAP) within the service where the SAP egress policy is applied.

Displays information about the specific policy ID.
1 to 65535
Displays detailed policy information including policy associations.

Sample Output
A:ALA-49# show qos sap-egress
Sap Egress Policies
Policy-Id            Scope     Description
1                    Template  Default SAP egress QoS policy.
1010                 Template
1020                 Template
A:ALA-49# show qos sap-egress 1010
QoS Sap Egress
Sap Scheduler Policy (1010)
Policy-id      : 1010                         Scope        : Template
A:ALA-49# show qos sap-egress 1010 detail
QoS Sap Egress
Sap Scheduler Policy (1010)
Policy-id      : 1010                         Scope        : Template
Queue         CIR Admin PIR Admin CBS     HiPrio  PIR Lvl/Wt    Parent
              CIR Rule  PIR Rule  MBS             CIR Lvl/Wt
1             0         max       def     def     1/1           None
              closest   closest   def             0/1
8             0         max       def     def     1/1           None
              closest   closest   def             0/1
FC Name               Queue-id    Explicit/Default
be                    8           Explicit (7)
Service-Id     : 1 (VPRN)                     Customer-Id  : 1
 - SAP : 1/1/10:1
SLA Profiles :
 - test                             override
Mirror SAPs
No Mirror SAPs Found.
config>qos# show qos sap-egress 2 detail
QoS Sap Egress
Sap Scheduler Policy (2)
Policy-id      : 2                            Scope        : Template
Queue CIR Admin PIR Admin CBS     HiPrio PIR Lvl/Wt    Parent         AvgOvrhd
      CIR Rule  PIR Rule  MBS            CIR Lvl/Wt
1     0         max       def     def    1/1           None           0.00
      closest   closest   def            0/1
FC Name               Queue-id    Explicit/Default         DE-Mark
af                    def         Explicit (4)             Profile
l1                    def         Explicit (In:5 Out:6)    Force 0
ef                    def         Default                  None
No Associations Found.
Mirror SAPs
No Mirror SAPs Found.
echo "QoS Policy Configuration"
            ip-prefix-list "ip-prefix-list-1" create
                description "IPv4 prefix list"
echo "QoS Policy Configuration"
        sap-egress 10 create
            queue 1 create
            queue 2 create
            fc af create
                queue 2
                entry 10 create
                        dst-ip ip-prefix-list "ip-prefix-list-1"
                    action fc "af"

The IPv4 prefix list can be shown as follows:

*A:PE# show qos match-list ip-prefix-list "ip-prefix-list-1"
QoS Match IP Prefix List
Prefix Name        : ip-prefix-list-1
Description        : IPv4 prefix list
IP Prefixes
No. of Prefixes : 2


queue from {sap sap-id | queue-group port-id queue-group-name | subscriber subscriber-id | network {mda-id | port-id} | system {card slot-number | mda mda-id port port-id}} {ingress | egress} [id queue-id]

The show qos queue command outputs the Burst Control Group (BCG) name and slowest accurate visitation time for the specified queues.

For each queue specified, the system may find multiple hardware queues. This may be true for ingress queues on multipoint services (VPLS, IES, VPRN) or for queues created on an Ethernet Link Aggregation Group (LAG). When this is true, the show command may display the calculated slowest accurate visitation time for the logical queue (all hardware queues will have the same calculated value) but must display the BCG name for each individual hardware queue.

The BCG name associated with a queue may be specified in the show bcg command to display the historical and current visitation time for the BCG managing the burst tolerance of the queue. If the output visitation time is greater (longer time) than the queue returned slowest accurate visitation time, the queue’s shaping rate may be negatively impacted.

The from keyword specifies that the following parameters are match criteria for finding a single or set of ingress or egress queues within the system. The system will accept sap, queue-group, subscriber, network-queues or shared-queues as the match criteria.
sap sap-id
The sap keyword is used to specify that the system should find and display the BCG and calculate the slowest accurate visitation time for the queues within the specified sap-id. The sap keyword is mutually exclusive with the other from match criteria. If the specified sap-id is not found, the system should return ‘The specified SAP ID does not exist’.
queue-group port-id queue-group-name
The queue-group keyword is used to specify that the system should find and display the BCG and calculate the slowest accurate visitation time for the queues within the specified queue-group-name on the specified port-id. The following ingress or egress keyword further specifies that the targeted queue group is an ingress port or egress port queue group. The queue-group keyword is mutually exclusive with the other from match criteria. If the specified port-id is not provisioned on the system or the specified queue-group-name is not found on the ports specified direction, the system should return ‘The specified queue group does not exist’.
subscriber subscriber-id
The subscriber keyword is used to specify that the system should find and display the BCG and calculate the slowest accurate visitation time for the queues associated with the specified subscriber-id. The queue-group keyword is mutually exclusive with the other from match criteria. If the specified subscriber-id does not exist, the system should return ‘The specified subscriber does not exist’. This parameter applies to the 7450 ESS and 7750 SR only.
network {mda-id | port-id}—
The network keyword is used to specify that the system should find and display the queue information for the queues associated with the specified mda-id or port-id. If the ingress direction qualifier is specified, an mda-id is required. If the egress direction qualifier is specified, a port-id is required. The network keyword is mutually exclusive with the other from match criteria. If the specified mda-id does not exist, the system should return ‘The specified XMA or MDA is not provisioned’. If the specified port-id does not exist, the system should return ‘The specified port is not provisioned’.
system {card slot-number | mda-id | port-id}—
The system keyword is used to specify that the system should find and display the queue information for all the system queues associated with the specified card slot-id, mda mda-id or port port-id. If the ingress direction qualifier is specified, the ingress system queues are displayed. If the egress direction qualifier is specified, only the egress system queues are displayed. The system keyword is mutually exclusive with the other from match criteria. If the specified slot-id does not exist, the system should return ‘The specified slot number is not provisioned’. If the specified mda-id does not exist, the system should return ‘The specified MDA is not provisioned’. If the specified port-id does not exist, the system should return ‘The specified port is not provisioned’. The id parameter is not supported when matching system queues.
{ingress | egress}—
The ingress and egress direction qualifiers are mutually exclusive. Either ingress or egress must be specified.
id queue-id—
The id keyword is used to limit the return queues to a single queue-id. The keyword is not accepted when the system match criteria is used.


bcg burst-control-group-name [member-queues [at-risk-only]] [exp-util-bw megabits-per-second]

The show qos bcg command outputs the current and historical visitation time associated with the specified BCG name.

A Burst Control Group (BCG) represents a list of queues that share the same non-scheduling PIR and CIR bucket target update interval. When a queue’s scheduled rate bursts above its PIR bucket depth, the queue is removed from its scheduling context. The system uses a BCG in order to visit the queues PIR bucket to periodically drain an appropriate amount from the bucket. When the bucket has been drained below the PIR bucket threshold, the queue is allowed back onto its scheduling context. The amount decremented from the bucket is a function of the amount of time that has elapsed since the last bucket update and the queue’s shaping rate (PIR). If the queue’s shaping rate is configured as 1Mbps and 1ms has elapsed since the last bucket update, the system will decrement the PIR bucket by 125 bytes. One caveat is that the bucket cannot be decremented past a depth of 0. This fact drives how the system chooses then BCG is used to manage the queue bucket update interval.

If a queue’s shaping rate is 1Mbps and the threshold (burst limit) is set to 10Kbytes, the maximum amount of time that can expire before the queue is updated without resulting in a negative bucket depth is 81.92ms. This can be calculated by taking the number of bits represented by the bucket depth (10Kbytes = 10 * 1,024 * 8 = 81,920 bits) and dividing it by the rate (81,920 bits / 1,000,000 bits per second = 81.92ms). The queue will not be removed from the scheduler until the PIR bucket depth has equaled or exceeded the configured burst threshold, so the bucket will be at least 10Kbytes deep. If the system visits the queue PIR bucket within 81.92ms, the resulting decrement operation will leave the bucket. If the system takes longer than 81.92ms, the decrement result will be greater than 10Kbytes and part of the decrement result will be lost. The net result is from less than timely updates is that the queue will not be returned to the scheduler context fast enough and some shaping bandwidth for the queue will be lost (underrun the shaping rate).

Each Q2 based forwarding plane maintains 7 Burst Control Groups, each targeting a certain queue bucket visitation time. A 40ms, 20ms, 10ms, 5ms, 1ms, 500us and 100us BCG is supported. By default, queues are placed on a BCG based on shaping rate and the queue’s burst limit (PIR threshold depth) is set based on the BCG visitation time and the queue’s specified shaping rate. When all shaping queues on a Q2 are left in a default burst tolerance management state, the system has sufficient BCG visitation resources to ensure that all queues do not experience inaccurate bucket decrement conditions.

When explicit burst-limit threshold values are defined for a shaping queue, the system picks an appropriate BCG based on the queue’s configured shaping rate and the explicit threshold to find a BCG with the best target visitation time that results in worst case decrement values that are less than the configured threshold. However, when a queue is placed on a ‘faster’ BCG, more visitation resources are consumed and it is possible that the system will not meet a queue’s decrement constraints.

The show qos bcg command allows visibility into a BCG’s historic and current visitation time. The system samples the amount of time it takes each list to visit each of its associated queues once each second and stores the last 10 samples. It also keeps the longest visitation time seen since the last time the BCG statistics were cleared, the longest visitation time for the current queue-to-BCG lists associations, calculated longest visitation time based on maximum scheduling bandwidth and lastly the longest visitation time for an optionally defined scheduling rate.

With each sample, the system indirectly calculates the amount of scheduling bandwidth based on how much Q2 resources were diverted from BNG visitation processing. This calculated scheduling bandwidth is useful since it can be used to evaluate the worst case longest visitation times for each BCG. The calculated scheduling bandwidth value is stored with the longest seen visitation time and the longest seen visitation time with the current queue-to-BCG mappings.

The burst-control-group-name is required and specifies then globally unique Burst Control Group will be displayed. If the specified Burst Control Group does not exist, the show command will fail and the system will return ‘The specified BCG does not exist’.
member-queues [at-risk-only]—
The member-queues optional keyword is used to include a list of all queues attached to the specified burst-control-group-name. The optional at-risk-only keyword may be added to limit the displayed queues to only include queues that are considered ‘at-risk’ for inaccurate shaping based on 100% worst case scheduling bandwidth for the current queue mappings. The 100% scheduling bandwidth used in the ‘at-risk’ determination may be overridden with a specified scheduling bandwidth by using the exp-util-bw parameter.
An optional keyword used to display a calculated worst case visitation rate for the specified burst-control-group-name based on the specified value for megabits-per-second.
A value also modifies the member-queues ‘at-risk’ state output.