Show, Monitor, Clear, and Debug Command Reference

The following command outputs are examples only; actual displays may differ depending on supported functionality and user configuration.

Command Hierarchies

Show Commands

— vrrp
policy [policy-id [event event-type specific-qualifier]]
— router
— vrrp
instance [interface interface-name [vrid virtual-router-id]]
instance interface interface-name vrid virtual-router-id ipv6

Monitor Commands

— router
— vrrp
instance interface interface-name vr-id virtual-router-id [ipv6] [interval seconds] [repeat repeat] [absolute | rate]

Clear Commands

— vrrp
— statistics
— router
— vrrp
interface ip-int-name [vrid virtual-router-id]
interface ip-int-name vrid virtual-router-id ipv6
statistics interface interface-name [vrid virtual-router-id]
statistics interface interface-name vrid virtual-router-id ipv6

Debug Commands

— router
— vrrp
events interface ip-int-name [vrid virtual-router-id]
events interface ip-int-name vrid virtual-router-id ipv6
— no events
— no events interface ip-int-name [vrid virtual-router-id]
— no events interface ip-int-name vrid virtual-router-id ipv6
packets interface ip-int-name [vrid virtual-router-id]
packets interface ip-int-name vrid virtual-router-id ipv6
— no packets
— no packets interface ip-int-name [vrid virtual-router-id]
— no packets interface ip-int-name vrid virtual-router-id ipv6

Command Descriptions

Show Commands

The following command outputs are examples only; actual displays may differ depending on supported functionality and user configuration.


instance [interface interface-name [vrid virtual-router-id]]
instance interface interface-name vrid virtual-router-id ipv6

This command displays information for VRRP instances.

If no command line options are specified, summary information for all VRRP instances displays.

interface ip-int-name
Displays detailed information for the VRRP instances on the specified IP interface including status and statistics.
Summary information for all VRRP instances.
vrid virtual-router-id
Displays detailed information for the specified VRRP instance on the IP interface.
All VRIDs for the IP interface.
1 to 255
Specifies the IPv6 instance.

The following output is an example of VRRP instance information for the 7450 ESS, and Table 41 describes the fields.

Sample Output
*A:ALA-A# show router vrrp instance 
VRRP Instances
Interface Name                   VR Id Own Adm  State       Base Pri   Msg Int 
                                 IP        Opr  Pol Id      InUse Pri  Inh Int 
n2                               1     No  Up   Master       100       1       
                                 IPv4      Up   n/a         100        No      
  Backup Addr:                                                        
Instances : 2
*A:ALA-A# show router vrrp instance interface n2 vrid 1 
VRRP Instance 1 for interface "n2"
Owner               : No                  VRRP State        : Master           
Primary IP of Master: (Self)
Primary IP          :             Standby-Forwarding: Disabled         
VRRP Backup Addr    :                                                 
Admin State         : Up                  Oper State        : Up               
Up Time             : 09/23/2004 06:53:45 Virt MAC Addr     : 00:00:5e:00:01:01
Auth Type           : None                                                     
Config Mesg Intvl   : 1                   In-Use Mesg Intvl : 1                
Master Inherit Intvl: No                                                       
Base Priority       : 100                 In-Use Priority   : 100              
Policy ID           : n/a                 Preempt Mode      : Yes              
Ping Reply          : No                  Telnet Reply      : No               
SSH Reply           : No                  Traceroute Reply  : No               
Init Delay          : 0                   Init Timer Expires: 0.000 sec        
Creation State      : Active                                                   
Master Information
Primary IP of Master: (Self)
Addr List Mismatch  : No                  Master Priority   : 100              
Master Since        : 09/23/2004 06:53:49                                      
Masters Seen (Last 32)
Primary IP of Master   Last Seen             Addr List Mismatch     Msg Count  
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------                09/23/2004 06:53:49   No                             0  
Become Master       : 1                   Master Changes    : 1                
Adv Sent            : 103                 Adv Received      : 0                
Pri Zero Pkts Sent  : 0                   Pri Zero Pkts Rcvd: 0                
Preempt Events      : 0                   Preempted Events  : 0                
Mesg Intvl Discards : 0                   Mesg Intvl Errors : 0                
Addr List Discards  : 0                   Addr List Errors  : 0                
Auth Type Mismatch  : 0                   Auth Failures     : 0                
Invalid Auth Type   : 0                   Invalid Pkt Type  : 0                
IP TTL Errors       : 0                   Pkt Length Errors : 0                
Total Discards      : 0                                                        

The following output is an example of VRRP instance information for the 7750 SR and 7950 XRS, and Table 41 describes the fields

Output Sample
*A:ALA-A# show router vrrp instance interface n2 vrid 1 ipv6 
VRRP Instance 1 for interface "n2"
No Matching Entries
*A:ALA-A# show router vrrp instance interface n2 vrid 10 ipv6 
VRRP Instance 10 for interface "n2"
Owner               : No                  VRRP State        : Master           
Primary IP of Master: FE80::1 (Self)
Primary IP          : FE80::1
                                          Standby-Forwarding: Disabled         
VRRP Backup Addr    : 5::10
                    : FE80::10
Admin State         : Up                  Oper State        : Up               
Up Time             : 09/23/2004 06:55:12 Virt MAC Addr     : 00:00:5e:00:02:0a
Config Mesg Intvl   : 1.0                 In-Use Mesg Intvl : 1.0              
Master Inherit Intvl: Yes                                                      
Base Priority       : 100                 In-Use Priority   : 100              
Policy ID           : n/a                 Preempt Mode      : Yes              
Ping Reply          : No                  Telnet Reply      : No               
                                          Traceroute Reply  : No               
Init Delay          : 0                   Init Timer Expires: 0.000 sec        
Creation State      : Active                                                   
Master Information
Primary IP of Master: FE80::1 (Self)
Addr List Mismatch  : No                  Master Priority   : 100              
Master Since        : 09/23/2004 06:55:16                                      
Masters Seen (Last 32)
Primary IP of Master                                                           
                       Last Seen             Addr List Mismatch     Msg Count  
                       09/23/2004 06:55:16   No                             0  
Master Transitions  : 1                   Discontinuity Time: 09/09/2004 01:57*
Adv Sent            : 23                  Adv Received      : 0                
Pri Zero Pkts Sent  : 0                   Pri Zero Pkts Rcvd: 0                
Preempt Events      : 0                   Preempted Events  : 0                
Mesg Intvl Discards : 0                   Mesg Intvl Errors : 0                
Total Discards      : 0                   Addr List Errors  : 0                
Auth Failures       : 0                   Invalid Pkt Type  : 0                
IP TTL Errors       : 0                   Pkt Length Errors : 0                
* indicates that the corresponding row element may have been truncated.
Table 41:  Show VRRP Instance Output Fields 



Interface name

The name of the IP interface.


The virtual router ID for the IP interface




Specifies that the virtual router instance as owning the virtual router IP addresses.


Indicates that the virtual router instance is operating as a non-owner.



Indicates that the administrative state of the VRRP instance is up.


Indicates that the administrative state of the VRRP instance is down.



Indicates that the operational state of the VRRP instance is up.


Indicates that the operational state of the VRRP instance is down.


When owner, backup defines the IP addresses that are advertised within VRRP advertisement messages.

When non-owner, backup actually creates an IP interface IP address used for routing IP packets and communicating with the system when the access commands are defined (ping-reply, telnet-reply, and ssh-reply).

Pol Id

The value that uniquely identifies a Priority Control Policy.

Base Priority

The base-priority value used to derive the in-use priority of the virtual router instance as modified by any optional VRRP priority control policy.

InUse Priority

The current in-use priority associated with the VRRP virtual router instance.

Msg Int

The administrative advertisement message timer used by the master virtual router instance to send VRRP advertisement messages and to derive the master down timer as backup.

Inh Int


When the VRRP instance is a non-owner and is operating as a backup and the master-int-inherit command is enabled, the master down timer is indirectly derived from the value in the advertisement interval field of the VRRP message received from the current master.


When the VRRP instance is operating as a backup and the master-int-inherit command is not enabled, the configured advertisement interval is matched against the value in the advertisement interval field of the VRRP message received from the current master. If the two values do not match then the VRRP advertisement is discarded.

If the VRRP instance is operating as a master, this value has no effect.

Backup Addr

The backup virtual router IP address.


Indicates BFD is enabled.

VRRP State

Specifies whether the VRRP instance is operating in a master or backup state.

Policy ID

The VRRP priority control policy associated with the VRRP virtual router instance.

A value of 0 indicates that no control policy policy is associated with the virtual router instance.

Preempt Mode


The preempt mode is enabled on the virtual router instance where it will preempt a VRRP master with a lower priority.


The preempt mode is disabled and prevents the non-owner virtual router instance from preempting another, less desirable virtual router.

Ping Reply


A non-owner master is enabled to reply to ICMP Echo requests directed to the virtual router instance IP addresses.

Ping Reply is valid only if the VRRP virtual router instance associated with this entry is a non-owner.

A non-owner backup virtual router never responds to such ICMP echo requests irrespective if Ping Reply is enabled.


ICMP echo requests to the virtual router instance IP addresses are discarded.

Telnet Reply


Non-owner masters can to reply to TCP port 23 Telnet requests directed at the virtual router instances IP addresses.


Telnet requests to the virtual router instance IP addresses are discarded.

SSH Reply


Non-owner masters can to reply to SSH requests directed at the virtual router instances IP addresses.


All SSH request messages destined to the non-owner virtual router instance IP addresses are discarded.

Primary IP of Master

The IP address of the VRRP master.

Primary IP

The IP address of the VRRP owner.

Up Time

The date and time when the operational state of the event last changed.

Virt MAC Addr

The virtual MAC address used in ARP responses when the VRRP virtual router instance is operating as a master.

Auth Type

Specifies the VRRP authentication Type 0 (no authentication), Type 1 (simple password), or Type 2 (MD5) for the virtual router.

Addr List Mismatch

Specifies whether a trap was generated when the IP address list received in the advertisement messages received from the current master did not match the configured IP address list.

This is an edge triggered notification. A second trap will not be generated for a packet from the same master until this event has been cleared.

Master Priority

The priority of the virtual router instance which is the current master.

Master Since

The date and time when operational state of the virtual router changed to master.

For a backup virtual router, this value specifies the date and time when it received the first VRRP advertisement message from the virtual router which is the current master.


policy [vrrp-policy-id [event event-type specific-qualifier]]

This command displays VRRP priority control policy information.

If no command line options are specified, a summary of the VRRP priority control event policies displays.

Displays information on the specified priority control policy ID.
All VRRP policies IDs
1 to 9999
event event-type
Displays information on the specified VRRP priority control event within the policy ID.
All event types and qualifiers
port-down port-id
lag-port-down lag-id
host-unreachable host-ip-addr
route-unknown route-prefix/mask
Display information about the specified qualifier.
port-id, lag-id, host-ip-addr, route-prefix/mask, tunnel-group-id

VRRP Policy Output — The following output is an example of VRRP policy information, and Table 42 describes the fields.

Table 42:  Show VRRP Policy Output Fields 



Policy Id

The VRRP priority control policy associated with the VRRP virtual router instance.

A value of 0 indicates that no control policy is associated with the virtual router instance.

Current Priority & Effects

Current Explicit

When multiple explicitly defined events associated with the priority control policy happen simultaneously, the lowest value of all the current explicit priorities will be used as the in-use priority for the virtual router.

Current Delta Sum

The sum of the priorities of all the delta events when multiple delta events associated with the priority control policy happen simultaneously. This sum is subtracted from the base priority of the virtual router to give the in-use priority.

Delta Limit

The delta-in-use-limit for a VRRP policy. Once the total sum of all delta events has been calculated and subtracted from the base-priority of the virtual router, the result is compared to the delta-in-use-limit value. If the result is less than this value, the delta-in-use-limit value is used as the virtual router in-use priority value. If an explicit priority control event overrides the delta priority control events, the delta-in-use-limit has no effect.

If the delta-in-use-limit is 0, the sum of the delta priority control events to reduce the virtual router's in-use-priority to 0 can prevent it from becoming or staying master.

Current Priority

The configured delta-in-use-limit priority for a VRRP priority control policy or the configured delta or explicit priority for a priority control event.


The number of virtual router instances to which the policy has been applied. The policy cannot be deleted unless this value is 0.


A text string which describes the VRRP policy.

Event Type & ID

A delta priority event is a conditional event defined in a priority control policy that subtracts a given amount from the base priority to give the current in-use priority for the VRRP virtual router instances to which the policy is applied.

An explicit priority event is a conditional event defined in a priority control policy that explicitly defines the in-use priority for the VRRP virtual router instances to which the policy is applied.

Explicit events override all delta Events. When multiple explicit events occur simultaneously, the event with the lowest priority value defines the in-use priority.

Event Oper State

The operational state of the event.

Hold Set Remaining

The amount of time that must pass before the set state for a VRRP priority control event can transition to the cleared state to dampen flapping events.

Priority & Effect


The priority-level value is subtracted from the associated virtual router instance’s base priority when the event is set and no explicit events are set. The sum of the priority event priority-level values on all set delta priority events are subtracted from the virtual router base priority to derive the virtual router instance in-use priority value.

If the delta priority event is cleared, the priority-level is no longer used in the in-use priority calculation.


The priority-level value is used to override the base priority of the virtual router instance if the priority event is set and no other explicit priority event is set with a lower priority-level.

The set explicit priority value with the lowest priority-level determines the actual in-use protocol value for all virtual router instances associated with the policy.

In Use

Specifies whether or not the event is currently affecting the in-use priority of some virtual router.

Sample Output
A:ALA-A# show vrrp policy
VRRP Policies                                                                  
Policy    Current             Current      Current      Delta       Applied    
Id        Priority & Effect   Explicit     Delta Sum    Limit                  
1         None                None         None         1           Yes        
2         None                None         None         1           No         
A:ALA-A# show vrrp policy 1
VRRP Policy 1                                                                  
Description     : reachability                                   
Current Priority: None                 Applied           : No                  
Current Explicit: None                 Current Delta Sum : None                
Delta Limit     : 1                                                            
Applied To                       VR     Opr     Base    In-use  Master  Is     
Interface Name                   Id             Pri     Pri     Pri     Master 
Priority Control Events                                                        
Event Type & ID                  Event Oper State        Hold Set  Priority In 
                                                         Remaining &Effect  Use
Host Unreach       n/a                     Expired    20 Del  No 
Host Unreach       n/a                     Expired    10 Del  No 
Route Unknown     n/a                     Expired     1 Exp  No 

VRRP Policy Event Output — The following output is an example of VRRP policy event information, and Table 43 describes the fields.

Sample Output
A:ALA-A#show vrrp policy 1 event port-down
VRRP Policy 1, Event Port Down 1/1/1                                           
Description     :                                                              
Current Priority: None                 Applied           : Yes                 
Current Explicit: None                 Current Delta Sum : None                
Delta Limit     : 1                                                            
Applied To                       VR     Opr     Base    In-use  Master  Is     
Interface Name                   Id             Pri     Pri     Pri     Master 
ies301backup                     1      Down    100     100     0       No     
Priority Control Event Port Down 1/1/1                                         
Priority        : 30                   Priority Effect   : Delta               
Hold Set Config : 0 sec                Hold Set Remaining: Expired             
Value In Use    : No                   Current State     : Cleared             
# trans to Set  : 6                    Previous State    : Set-down            
Last Transition : 04/13/2007 04:54:35                                          
A:ALA-A# show vrrp policy 1 event host-unreachable
VRRP Policy 1, Event Host Unreachable                            
Description     : reachability                                   
Current Priority: None                 Applied           : No                  
Current Explicit: None                 Current Delta Sum : None                
Delta Limit     : 1                                                            
Applied To                       VR     Opr     Base    In-use  Master  Is     
Interface Name                   Id             Pri     Pri     Pri     Master 
Priority Control Event Host Unreachable                          
Priority        : 20                   Priority Effect   : Delta               
Interval        : 1 sec                Timeout           : 1 sec               
Drop Count      : 3                                                            
Hold Set Config : 0 sec                Hold Set Remaining: Expired             
Value In Use    : No                   Current State     : n/a                 
# trans to Set  : 0                    Previous State    : n/a                 
Last Transition : 04/13/2007 23:10:24                                          
A:ALA-A# show vrrp policy 1 event route-unknown
VRRP Policy 1, Event Route Unknown                              
Description     : reachability                                   
Current Priority: None                 Applied           : No                  
Current Explicit: None                 Current Delta Sum : None                
Delta Limit     : 1                                                            
Applied To                       VR     Opr     Base    In-use  Master  Is     
Interface Name                   Id             Pri     Pri     Pri     Master 
Priority Control Event Route Unknown                            
Priority        : 1                    Priority Effect   : Explicit            
Less Specific   : No                   Default Allowed   : No                  
Next Hop(s)     : None                                                         
Protocol(s)     : None                                                         
Hold Set Config : 0 sec                Hold Set Remaining: Expired             
Value In Use    : No                   Current State     : n/a                 
# trans to Set  : 0                    Previous State    : n/a                 
Last Transition : 04/13/2007 23:10:24                                          
Table 43:  Show VRRP Policy Event Output Fields 




A text string which describes the VRRP policy.

Policy Id

The VRRP priority control policy associated with the VRRP virtual router instance.

A value of 0 indicates that no control policy is associated with the virtual router instance.

Current Priority

The base router priority for the virtual router instance used in the master election process.

Current Explicit

When multiple explicitly defined events associated with the priority control policy happen simultaneously, the lowest value of all the current explicit priorities will be used as the in-use priority for the virtual router.


The number of virtual router instances to which the policy has been applied. The policy cannot be deleted unless this value is 0.

Current Delta Sum

The sum of the priorities of all the delta events when multiple delta events associated with the priority control policy happen simultaneously. This sum is subtracted from the base priority of the virtual router to give the in-use priority.

Delta Limit

The delta-in-use-limit for a VRRP policy. Once the total sum of all delta events has been calculated and subtracted from the base-priority of the virtual router, the result is compared to the delta-in-use-limit value. If the result is less than this value, the delta-in-use-limit value is used as the virtual router in-use priority value. If an explicit priority control event overrides the delta priority control events, the delta-in-use-limit has no effect.

If the delta-in-use-limit is 0, the sum of the delta priority control events to reduce the virtual router's in-use-priority to 0 can prevent it from becoming or staying master.

Applied to Interface Name

The interface name where the VRRP policy is applied.


The virtual router ID for the IP interface.



Indicates that the operational state of the VRRP instance is up.


Indicates that the operational state of the VRRP instance is down.

Base Pri

The base priority used by the virtual router instance.

InUse Priority

The current in-use priority associated with the VRRP virtual router instance.

Master Priority

The priority of the virtual router instance which is the current master.


The base priority used by the virtual router instance.

Priority Effect


A delta priority event is a conditional event defined in a priority control policy that subtracts a given amount from the base priority to give the current in-use priority for the VRRP virtual router instances to which the policy is applied.


A conditional event defined in a priority control policy that explicitly defines the in-use priority for the VRRP virtual router instances to which the policy is applied.

Explicit events override all delta events. When multiple explicit events occur simultaneously, the event with the lowest priority value defines the in-use priority.

Current Priority

The configured delta-in-use-limit priority for a VRRP priority control policy or the configured delta or explicit priority for a priority control event.

Event Oper State

The operational state of the event.

Hold Set Remaining

The amount of time that must pass before the set state for a VRRP priority control event can transition to the cleared state to dampen flapping events.


The base priority used by the virtual router instance.

Priority Effect


The priority-level value is subtracted from the associated virtual router instance’s base priority when the event is set and no explicit events are set. The sum of the priority event priority-level values on all set delta priority events are subtracted from the virtual router base priority to derive the virtual router instance in-use priority value.

If the delta priority event is cleared, the priority-level is no longer used in the in-use priority calculation.


The priority-level value is used to override the base priority of the virtual router instance if the priority event is set and no other explicit priority event is set with a lower priority-level.

The set explicit priority value with the lowest priority-level determines the actual in-use protocol value for all virtual router instances associated with the policy.

Hold Set Config

The configured number of seconds that the hold set timer waits after an event enters a set state or enters a higher threshold set state, depending on the event type.

Value In Use


The event is currently affecting the in-use priority of some virtual router.


The event is not affecting the in-use priority of some virtual router.

# trans to Set

The number of times the event has transitioned to one of the 'set' states.

Last Transition

The time and date when the operational state of the event last changed.



This command displays statistics for VRRP instance.


The following output is an example of VRRP statistics information, and table describes the fields.

Sample Output
A:ALA-48# show router vrrp statistics
VRRP Global Statistics
VR Id Errors       : 0                  Version Errors     : 0
Checksum Errors    : 0
Table 44:  Show VRRP Statistics Output Fields 



VR Id Errors

Displays the number of virtual router ID errors.

Version Errors

Displays the number of version errors.

Checksum Errors

Displays the number of checksum errors.

Monitor Commands


instance interface interface-name vr-id virtual-router-id [ipv6] [interval seconds] [repeat repeat] [absolute | rate]

Monitor statistics for a VRRP instance.

The name of the existing IP interface on which VRRP is configured.
vr-id virtual-router-id
The virtual router ID for the existing IP interface, expressed as a decimal integer.
interval seconds
Configures the interval for each display in seconds.
3 to 60
5 seconds
repeat repeat—
Configures how many times the command is repeated.
1 to 999
When the absolute keyword is specified, the raw statistics are displayed, without processing. No calculations are performed on the delta or rate statistics.
When the rate keyword is specified, the rate-per-second for each statistic is displayed instead of the delta.
Specifies to monitor IPv6 instances.

The following output is an example of VRRP instance information.

Sample Output
*A:ALA-A# monitor router vrrp instance interface n2 vr-id 1 
Monitor statistics for VRRP Instance 1 on interface "n2"
At time t = 0 sec (Base Statistics)
Become Master       : 1                   Master Changes    : 1                
Adv Sent            : 1439                Adv Received      : 0                
Pri Zero Pkts Sent  : 0                   Pri Zero Pkts Rcvd: 0                
Preempt Events      : 0                   Preempted Events  : 0                
Mesg Intvl Discards : 0                   Mesg Intvl Errors : 0                
Addr List Discards  : 0                   Addr List Errors  : 0                
Auth Type Mismatch  : 0                   Auth Failures     : 0                
Invalid Auth Type   : 0                   Invalid Pkt Type  : 0                
IP TTL Errors       : 0                   Pkt Length Errors : 0                
Total Discards      : 0                                                        

The following output is an example of VRRP instance information for the 7750 SR and 7950 XRS.

Sample Output
*A:ALA-A# monitor router vrrp instance interface n2 vr-id 10 ipv6 
Monitor statistics for VRRP Instance 10 on interface "n2"
At time t = 0 sec (Base Statistics)
Master Transitions  : 1                   Discontinuity Time: 09/09/2004 01:57*
Adv Sent            : 1365                Adv Received      : 0                
Pri Zero Pkts Sent  : 0                   Pri Zero Pkts Rcvd: 0                
Preempt Events      : 0                   Preempted Events  : 0                
Mesg Intvl Discards : 0                   Mesg Intvl Errors : 0                
Total Discards      : 0                   Addr List Errors  : 0                
Auth Failures       : 0                   Invalid Pkt Type  : 0                
IP TTL Errors       : 0                   Pkt Length Errors : 0         

Clear Commands


interface ip-int-name [vrid virtual-router-id]
interface ip-int-name vrid virtual-router-id ipv6

This command resets VRRP protocol instances on an IP interface.

The IP interface to reset the VRRP protocol instances.
vrid vrid
Resets the VRRP protocol instance for the specified VRID on the IP interface.
All VRIDs on the IP interface.
1 to 255
Clears IPv6 information for the specified interface.


statistics [policy policy-id]

This command enables the context to clear and reset VRRP entities.

policy policy-id
Clears statistics for the specified policy.
1 to 9999


statistics interface interface-name [vrid virtual-router-id]
statistics interface interface-name vrid virtual-router-id ipv6

This command clears statistics for VRRP instances on an IP interface or VRRP priority control policies.

interface ip-int-name
Clears the VRRP statistics for all VRRP instances on the specified IP interface.
vrid virtual-router-id
Clears the VRRP statistics for the specified VRRP instance on the IP interface.
All VRRP instances on the IP interface.
1 to 255
policy [vrrp-policy-id]—
Clears VRRP statistics for all or the specified VRRP priority control policy.
All VRRP policies.
1 to 9999
Clears IPv6 statistics for the specified interface.

Debug Commands


events interface ip-int-name [vrid virtual-router-id]
events interface ip-int-name vrid virtual-router-id ipv6
no events
no events interface ip-int-name vrid virtual-router-id ipv6
no events interface ip-int-name [vrid virtual-router-id]

This command enables debugging for VRRP events.

The no form of the command disables debugging.

Displays the specified interface name.
vrid virtual-router-id
Displays the specified VRID.
Debugs the specified IPv6 VRRP interface.


packets interface ip-int-name [vrid virtual-router-id]
no packets interface ip-int-name [vrid virtual-router-id] [ipv6]
no packets

This command enables debugging for VRRP packets.

The no form of the command disables debugging.

Displays the specified interface name.
vrid virtual-router-id
Displays the specified VRID.